Great Australian Lives With Laura Turner

Goodbye to Great Australian Lives - Our Final Episode



Join Laura Turner and her guest for our final episode of the show - James MacLeod the Managing Director of Tobin Brothers Funerals. Since the first show aired on July 4th 2014 (with guest Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army) we've had the privilege of sharing the stories of so many wonderful Australians. You'll find our whole show achieve of episodes via podcast HERE. Mentioned in this episode; Malcolm Fraser's interview with Jo Hall - his last ever Michael Gudinski's Great Australian Life Dr Sally Cockburn's Great Australian Life Ron Iddels' amazing chat with Laura Kate Austin from Pinchapoo's wonderful story To watch Tobin's inspiring range of #SayItNow videos head to the website HERE. Tobin Brothers Funerals - celebrating lives. This program was produced, engineered and edited by Jane Nield for SEN.