Great Australian Lives With Laura Turner

Robbie Frawley's Great Australian Life



Join Laura Turner and her guest Robbie Frawley. Robbie could have been described as just an average young man from country Victoria but in fact his story is rather remarkable. Like many young blokes of his age he was an avid sportsperson turning his hand to a whole host of different codes from footy and basketball to hockey, water skiing, surfing and even a little boxing. He had a vibrant social life and by his early twenties his career as a civil engineer was thriving. All that changed though when he sustained what at first seemed to be a couple of mild concussions, adding to those he’d suffered growing up. Suddenly his whole life was turned upside down as post-concussion syndrome set in, making even the most basic things like reading a book or going for a run almost impossible. During 7 years of recovery he sought out the best medical advice and explored the latest scientific research on neuroplasticity - and realising he wasn’t alone in his quest for information – decided to share his journey and that