Great Australian Lives With Laura Turner

David Roland's Great Australian Life



Laura Turner chats with – David Rowland, a clinical and forensic psychologist turned author. Working in the prison system, David came face to face with not only some of Australia’s most reviled criminals but many people whose lives had been destroyed by violence and trauma. After a stress induced stroke forced him to dramatically rethink his career – he embarked on an incredible journey to heal himself and retrain his brain after losing much of his sensory capabilities. He’s now an expert in post-traumatic growth and his latest book, The Power of Suffering, is a collection of stories about how people have grown kinder and stronger in the wake of tragedy and trauma. To connect with David and find out more about his work head to HERE. For more information about the film festival we mentioned and the documetary - click HERE. Great Australian Lives is proudly brought to you by Tobin Brothers Funerals - to see videos of our guests like their Facebook page HERE. Great Australian Lives i