Horror 101 Podcast

Horror 101 - Episode 51: Cronenberg's The Fly (1986)



Welcome back to the Horror 101 show where we are continuing to Educate your Fears. With the new Ghostbusters film coming our conversation turned to remakes recently and when it was disclosed that the World Famous Brian Stewart hadn't seen David Cronenberg's 1986 remake of Kurt Neumann's The Fly (1958 with Vincent Price) then we knew exactly what Episode 51 was going to be. David Cronenberg has been called the Canadian David Lynch because of his bizarre and sometimes confusing narratives. Whatever your opinion of his style, there is one thing that we can all agree on and that is Mr. Cronenberg knows horror and he isn't shy about using gore and grim nastiness to tell a story. In our opinion The Fly is a great achievement that rivals Carpenter's The Thing for great 80s remake status. Its as tragic as it is terrifying. The Fly has amazing performances from Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis. An astounding classical score from Howard Shore and some of Chris Walas' most horrifying special effects ever filmed. Jo