Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

The Less I Do... The More I Make with Dr. Shannon Irvine



You have heard the key to success is hard work. But if that were true, you would already have all the success you desire.    STOP buying the lie that the more you hustle, the more success you will have.    News flash! Working harder is holding you back from success.    The constant hustle activates your fight or flight system to always be on. It doesn’t shut down, which leads to adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue throws off your focus and ability to trust your intuition to gain the clarity you need to move the needle in your business.   If you are starting a business or growing your current one, the best way to achieve your desired success is to do less. I know that sounds scary. How could you do less and make more? That goes against everything you have ever been told.    Stop the hustle and give your mind a rest. Clarity and focus come when you quiet your mind. In that space, you can think clearly and see the answers that will lead you to success.     If you want to elevate your success, I challenge you to set