Weekend Roundup

Weekend Roundup 10/1



On the CBS News Weekend Roundup with host Allison Keyes, there's a new oral medication to fight Covid-19. It's developer, Merck, says it can cut the risk of death or hospitalizations in half. CBS News Medical Contributor Dr. David Agus spoke with CBS Mornings. This comes as Montana deals with record coronavirus cases. CBS's Meg Oliver reports. In facilities in Kansas, patients are balking at Covid treatments. Reporter Shawn Loging tells us more. In Los Angeles, some indoor businesses may require customers to show proof of vaccination. Reporter Lesley Martin has the latest. Late Thursday, lawmakers voted to fund the federal government through December, avoiding a government shutdown. Some observers compared the back and forth on Capitol Hill to a political television drama. CBS's Debra Alfarone has the latest. After a week where President Biden's agenda was stalled by infighting among Democratic lawmakers, his popularity is taking a hit. CBS News White House Correspondent Steven Portnoy joi