Weekend Roundup

Weekend Roundup 7/16



On the CBS News Weekend Roundup with host Allison Keyes, COVID-19 cases are surging in 46 states. Health experts are blaming the combination of unvaccinated people and the highly contagious Delta variant. We get the latest from from infectious disease expert Dr. William Schaffner at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Allison also speaks with Erica DeBoer at Sanford Health, the largest rural health care organization in the nation, about the nurses shortage across the country...especially in rural areas.  The CDC released disturbing data this week, that found drug overdoses rose by nearly 30 percent last year. CBS's Peter King reports. President Biden met with Senate Democrats, seeking support for his massive spending plan. CBS's Kris Van Cleave has the details. The State Department is playing catchup to renew the backlog of expired passports, many were not updated because of the pandemic. As CBS's Anthony Pura tells us, appointments are tough to come by. Travelers may also nee