
Ethnological Museums: "From Curiosa to World Culture: And What Comes Next?"



In her talk “From Curiosa to World Culture: what comes next” at the Herrenhausen Symposium "Positioning Ethnological Museums in the 21st Century", Adriana Muñoz describes how the Swedish Värlskulturmuseet in Göteborg defines its new role in the Swedish society. She points out that “museums with wholly or partially ethnographical direction must, even more than now, have an important mission in promoting contacts between Swedish and non-Swedish cultures”. Muñoz looks as a curator at the history of the collection from a post-colonial perspective. Adriana Muñoz is curator for the Collections at the National Museums of World Culture. She studied history in Argentina and archaeology in Sweden. Since 1998 she has been working as curator and in charge of a number of exhibitions at the Etnografiska Museet i Gothenburg as well as at the Museum of World Culture. She has been exploring how categories have been constructed in Ethnographic museums in relationship to the Colonial period. She has been working with possibili