People Behind The Science Podcast - Stories From Scientists About Science, Life, Research, And Science Careers

686: Battling Antibiotic Resistance Through Development and Discovery of Novel Antibacterial Agents - Dr. Erin Carlson



Dr. Erin E. Carlson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Minnesota. Research in Erin’s lab focuses on microbes. They are interested in how these organisms interact with one another, humans, and the environment. Over the course of modern medicine, we’ve come to appreciate that microbes make a lot of potentially important therapeutic agents. In particular, Erin’s group is studying how microbes may be able to continue to provide us with antibacterial agents despite issues with increasing antibiotic resistance. Travel is a passion for Erin, and as a scientist, she has had many wonderful travel opportunities. She particularly enjoyed going on a safari in Tanzania, as well as traveling to Indonesia and South America to present her research. In addition, Erin is an avid photographer who documents all the places she has been in the world through her photos. Erin received her B.A. in chemistry from St. Olaf College and her PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Wiscons