Restore Podcast

Restore-Episode 0022-Mike Cauley: President of Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists



Welcome to the Restore Podcast episode 22. My name is Javier and I'm your host. I hope that wherever and whatever you may be doing as you listen that this podcast will help you in your journey to help Restore the vision, Restore the mission, Restore the church. With the release of this month's episode, we celebrate our two-year anniversary of the Restore Podcast! It's hard to believe how quickly time flies. For those who may be wondering why we are on episode 22 instead of 24, we take off a couple of months in the summer to regroup and assess the podcast. Just as we will do this summer. With that said, I again thank all of you who listen, share, and have let me know how you've been blessed by the podcast and have encouraged me to continue. Thank you so much! Since it is our two-year anniversary, I thought it would be good to interview one of the two guests who was on the very first episode. That first episode's topic was essentially what the podcast would be about. This month, I i