Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast

Episode 7 - The Wrath of Khan



The second film entry for our original cast -- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan -- reinvigorated the franchise after The Motion Picture drew big bucks but tepid critical reviews. A lesser version of Khan might have put the nail in Star Trek's coffin. Thankfully, it didn't, and forty years later we're still chugging away through the Alpha Quadrant. Let's explore why, with Kirk & Khaaaaaaan!, Kirk & Spock, Kirk & Carol & David, Chekov and the ear bug (*shudder*), the Enterprise & the Reliant, and the birth of a new  Episode Sponsor: Genesis To-Go! Bicks Log: Is The Wrath of Khan a perfect/the best encapsulation of what makes Star Trek what it is? Notes: Monster Maroon Trek Culture Aidan here: Lindsay...Bruce McLean??? If you're going to reference Die Hard in my presence, you'd best get the name of the main character right... Lindsay here: And yet you sat across from me and listened with your own two ears and didn't correct me, so...check and mate.