Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPEver Episode 442 - Crisis in the DCCU Offices



On this week's episode of the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER!: There were a lot of news items coming out of the DC Cinematic Universe offices last week. Is Patty Jenkins off of Wonder Woman 3? Is Jason Mamoa giving up his undersea gig? Did the Rock really compare Black Adam to Captain America: The First Avenger? We run down what we know and don't know. The Hollywood Reporter recently compiled a list of the 50 Best DC movies. And number one on the list left us a little dumbfounded.  As always, we have our Pick 3 choices sponsored by our friends at Clint's Comics.   We would love to hear your comments on the show. Let us know what you’ve been reading or watching this week. Contact us on our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by email. We want to hear from you! As always, we are the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! and we hope you enjoy the show. The Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! is proudly sponsored by Clint’s Comics. Clint’s is located at 3941 Main in Kansas City, Missouri, and is open Monday through Saturday