Camp Cast

S6E3 Alumni Spotlight: Danny Slutsky, David Mizock, and Robbie Appelbaum



On this off-season Alumni Spotlight episode of the podcast, Jason is joined by prominent alum Danny Slutsky, David Mizock and Robbie Appelbaum (all of Senior Cabin '08). We get into our favorite topics and ask the hard hitting questions you all have come to know and love including: Hottest Menominee Take...Favorite and Least Favorite Counselors...Biggest Camp Regret...Camp Grudge...Most Regrettable Competition Jersey Name...Camp Vernacular that still sticks with you...Favorite Cabin in Camp...Why Danny Didn't Win Nate...What Do you Remember About Koby Stern...Best/Worst Camp Moment...Did Miz have the greatest one-year turnaround in softball of anyone in camp history...Age Group Legacies...and much more!!