
Maine Needs - Making A Difference



Maine Needs is making a difference in the lives of people in the greater Portland area and throughout the 16 counties of the State. Located at 332 Forest Avenue, the organization, founded in 2019, strives “to help individuals and families…[to] meet their basic,mmateriao needs by providing donated clothing, hygiene products, household items, and other necessities.” Tara Balch, Maine Needs’s Communications Director, joins Dr. Art McClanahan to talk about how the focus is on “solidarity, not charity,” how the nearly 1000 volunteers have worked with “those starting life over from scratch” and how it “partner[s] with schools, caseworkers, nurses, and nonprofits.” To learn more about how to support its work, visit www.maineneeds.org. Suppoirting Maine Needs is HopegateWay’s 2022 Advent Conspiracy focus.