Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Crystals for New Beginnings in the New Year



The new year is a common time to make big changes and set the stage for transformation and new beginnings. Most of us have grandiose plans at first but quickly slip back into old habits. So how can you be sure to stick with your plans and stay on track with your goals to start fresh in the new year? With crystals of course!   Crystals work great along with your intentions for helping you reach your goals. For example, Rhodonite is a fantastic stone for new beginnings.  To start a new routine in the new year, simply reach for a piece of Rhodonite and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes and think about exactly what you’d like to do differently in the new year.  Visualize it in great detail - is it a new wellness routine, a commitment to read a book per week, or quitting a habit?  See it as clearly as possible, as if you can see it playing like a movie in your mind’s eye.   Once you’ve been able to visualize this new routine, hold the crystal over your heart for a moment to show your gratitude to the