What's On Joe Mind?

WOJM 243: YouTube TeamStream 12/16/2022



This episode is the audio for a YouTube TeamStream that initially ran on December 16, 2022.  TeamStreams run every Friday at 9 pm on the WOJM YouTube channel, barring unforeseen circumstances or holidays.  Please take a moment and help us out — even if you don’t watch us there, subscribe to our YouTube channel today! It's the last live show before Christmas, and while Joe was sadly detained by work, Mike, Mark, and Rob keep all the bells jingling at a feverish pace!  We've got news, live unboxings, birthday wishes for the Honcho, and more!  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and we'll see you before New Year's!  LISTEN TODAY! You can watch this episode at: https://youtu.be/K1fvFCrjuUI