

After years of failing as a business owner, through trial and error, along the way, I’ve learned tough and valuable lessons that have helped me to build and shape my business. The biggest piece that I learned from all of this is that it's important to honor the journey, trust the process, and stop comparing myself to others. Not only are we all doing our best based on our level of awareness, but we're all doing our best based on where we are in our journey.While it's important to honor the fact that we're exactly where we're supposed to be and that we are truly our greatest teacher who learns from our mistakes, these lessons have also taught me how to have more fun in my business and what it means to be a recovering perfectionist.In this episode, I talk about the importance of...◆ How success starts from your self-concept◆ How you might be playing small◆ Offering what you’re passionate about◆ Having a game plan and having your content support what you’re selling◆ Remembering to prioritize having fun and