Town Hall Ohio

Andy "Caygeon" Junkin - Stubborn.Farm



Keeping family on the same page when it comes to planning out the next months, years or generations of the farm is not for the faint of heart, but this week’s guest, Andy "Caygeon” Junkin is helping many farms by doing the heavy lifting for these weight conversations. Junkin is widely recognized as the leading expert on farm succession and farm debt turnarounds, having written five books and spoken in 14 states on the topic. 00:00 -’s Andy “Caygeon” Junkin talks about how he got started helping farm families work through tough issues that would otherwise be the detriment of the farm. 23:50 - On the latest To the Beat of Agriculture hear from the Vice President of the Mahoning County Farm Bureau and learn how his family’s generational conservation efforts have led to a recent recognition at this year’s Farm Science Review. 32:20 - Andy “Caygeon” Junkin discusses what trends he is seeing when it comes to farms that are struggling to continue due to family dynamics and challenging economic condi