Town Hall Ohio

The 2022 Washington D.C. Leadership Experience



Ohio Farm Bureau’s farmer leaders including young agricultural professionals, AgriPOWER Class XIII members and county presidents and vice presidents visited Washington, D.C. last month. Over the three day trip, participants heard from experts and in turn voiced their thoughts to help legislators make the connection between what is happening on Ohio farms and what is being debated in the halls of Congress and within federal agencies. We cover some of the highlights of the trip on this Our Ohio Weekly. 00:00 - Senator Rob Portman addressed attendees of the 2022 Washington D.C. Leadership Experience and talked about his farm in southwest Ohio and some of the issues those within agriculture are facing today. 16:50 - Senator Sherrod Brown, a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, visited with Ohio Farm Bureau members about the process of learning what is important as the 2023 Farm Bill begins to take shape. 23:50 - On the latest To the Beat of Agriculture meet John Hummel and hear about how his lifelong pa