Town Hall Ohio

Ohio EPA's Proposed TMDL for Northwest Ohio



A TMDL, or Total Maximum Daily Load determines the maximum amount of a given pollutant that can be discharged into a body of water and still allow that water body to meet its water quality goals. One such TMDL is being put together right now by Ohio EPA for a big chunk of northwest Ohio, the Maumee River Watershed. On this Our Ohio Weekly learn more about how TMDLs work and what this new one could mean for Ohio agriculture. 00:00 - Joshua Griffin, Ohio EPA Environmental Specialist talks about Ohio’s newest TMDL, the development process and impacts on northwest Ohio. 16:50 - Ohio Farm Bureau’s Sr. Director of Policy Development & Environmental Policy, Dr. Larry Antosch, talks about Farm Bureau’s involvement in the TMDL process and the organization’s overall policy on TMDLs. 23:50 - “To the Beat of Agriculture, hear from the C.O.O of a family farm in Jeffersonville. Learn about his sister, Gail Betterly and the incredible gift of a Nationwide life insurance policy she left for the Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation