Town Hall Ohio

Foreign Ownership of U.S. Farmland



According to the Farm Service Agency of the USDA, nearly 3 percent, or 35.2 million acres of U.S. farmland is foreign-owned as of December. 2019. Several states have enacted laws or introduced legislation to limit foreign ownership of farmland in the United States. The National Agricultural Law Center joins us on this Our Ohio Weekly to provide a status report on those laws and where Ohio stands on the issue of foreign-owned ag land. 00:00 - The National Agricultural Law Center’s Harrison Pittman explores the past, present, and future of federal and state laws as well as legislative proposals relating to foreign ownership of agricultural land. 23:50 - On this “To the Beat of Agriculture'', hear the story of Northwest Ohio farmer Austin Heil as he talks about his deep roots in Ohio agriculture dating back to the 1800’s. He is also the man behind a charity bike ride that spells “Ohio” in cursive, all to raise money for a great cause. 32:20 - More with Harrison Pittman of the National Ag Law Center discussing