Town Hall Ohio

Meet Agriculture's Carbon Market Companies



Farmers are used to getting paid for raising a quality product — soybeans, sweet corn, apples, peppers. But a farm’s value lies in its soils, too. What if farmers could get paid for building a quality soil? Just like markets for those soybeans, there’s now a small, but growing, commodity market for building and storing carbon in a farm’s soils. So how do farmers get paid for storing carbon? On this Our Ohio Weekly, learn more about carbon markets. 00:00 - Julia Brown, Communications and Media Relations Manager for the Ohio Soybean Association talks about the quickly emerging carbon market and what farmers need to do to prepare for carbon sequestration programs in their area. 16:50 - Amanda Bahn-Ziegler, Account Manager for Truterra, discusses their emergence in the carbon space and their TruCarbon program, which has been available for farmers to cash in carbon credits from their farming practices. 23:50 - Hear from the winner of Ohio Farm Bureau’s 2021 Discussion Meet, Stacie Anderson, on this week’s To th