Town Hall Ohio

The 2021 Washington D.C. Leadership Experience



Ohio Farm Bureau’s farmer leaders, including young agricultural professionals, AgriPOWER Class XII members, along with county presidents and vice presidents, made their way to Washington, D.C. at the end of September. Over three days, participants heard from experts and, in turn, voiced their thoughts on topics as far reaching as tax policy to climate to broadband development. This week on Our Ohio Weekly, hear more about this opportunity for members to help legislators make the connection between what is happening on Ohio farms and what is being debated in the halls of Congress and within federal agencies. 00:00 - Senator Rob Portman visits with participants on the 2021 Washington D.C. Leaders Experience trip about legislation currently being considered by Congress. 16:50 - Senator Sherrod Brown talks with Ohio Farm Bureau members about the infrastructure legislation he had a hand in developing and what it would mean for Ohio. 23:50 - Colin Brown, a former sous chef who began growing ingredients in his ow