Town Hall Ohio

Dean Cathann Kress - An OSU CFAES Update



Spanning over 10,000 acres on three campuses, Ohio State’s College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences boasts an impressive area of learning. But more than acres, they also cover a lot of ground with their offerings for young people wanting careers in agriculture, including 22 bachelor’s degree majors, 26 associate degree majors and 32 minors. On this week’s Our Ohio Weekly, we’ll visit with the Dean in charge of everything happening at OSU’s CFAES, Dr. Cathann Kress. 00:00 - Dean Kress talks about the challenges her faculty and staff faced and how they navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic to continue operations and education. 16:50 - Innovation and research also continued at CFAES. Dean Kress shares some of the new happenings on Waterman Farm. 23:50 - "To the Beat of Agriculture", hear the story of Groveport, Ohio farmer, Katherine Harrison, and her farm that is home to a growing goat yoga operation (among other things). But more than that, Harrison Farm is about planting seeds of persevera