School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#203 Creating a Real Life 'Happily Ever After' Marriage



Greg and I are still in Norway. We are in the midst of our 2nd Norway trip. The first took place in Tromsø, 225 miles north of the Arctic Circle where we fed reindeer, went dog sledding, and saw the Northern Lights while cruising the harbor. Our 2nd trip spans from Oslo to Flåm to Bergen and back where we’re cruising fjords, taking spectacular train rides, and learning about Viking and Hanseatic history. This week’s podcast is audio is taken from an exclusive presentation we did for a paid summit. It discusses the strategies we have used to create a truly ‘happily ever after’ marriage. Many people don’t know that extraordinary marriages are possible because they have never been exposed to them. But living ‘happily ever after’ is possible. That doesn’t mean you’ll be free from challenges or obstacles. But you can learn how to use them to bring you closer and to strengthen your relationship. In this episode, Greg and I outline some of the ingredients to creating a happily ever after marriage. What does it actua