Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPEver Episode 443 - Star Trek: Strange New Worlds with Megan Levens



On this week's episode of the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER!: We got the chance to visit with artist Megan Levens, who is doing the art on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds #1 out today from IDW. Megan is a die-hard Trek fan and getting the opportunity to illustrate Captain Pike (and his hair!), Number One, Spock, and the rest of the crew is a dream come true. We discuss her previous Star Trek work for IDW, taking a Star Trek cruise, and her other Star project that she has been working on.   As this podcast is released, we have three shopping days left until Christmas! Never fear, the guys from the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! have all kinds of gift suggestions for the comic nerd in your life. And if you are the comic nerd in your life, then have your loved ones listen to this podcast.  As always, we have our Pick 3 choices sponsored by our friends at Clint's Comics.   We would love to hear your comments on the show. Let us know what you’ve been reading or watching this week. Contact us on our website, Facebook,