Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

Social Media + Podcasting: The Creative Bash with Lauren Ramsey + Andrea Klunder



In my quest to help podcasters work smarter, not harder, I had to own up to my weakness: *I am not a social media expert.* Enter Lauren Ramsey, dear friend and social strategy expert. As founder and chief engagement officer of Betsy Bash, Lauren and her digital marketing team turn casual engagement into consistent sales. Or, as is the case with our new partnership, into podcast audiences.    We call it The Creative Bash, a Creative Impostor Studios + Betsy Bash collab that provides podcasters with an integrated brand messaging solution. CI helps you craft a show of significance. BB delivers tactics that beat the algorithm on your behalf via strategy development or strategy plus full implementation and management.  Find out how The Creative Bash can help you decode platform trends and design effective and authentic podcast content: Let’s get your podcast & social in sync! Join us for an upcoming masterclass: Check the schedule and register MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Conversations With A Wounded Healer Po