Legacy Crew



Looking for a mood booster? Legacy Crew, The Podcast, features uplifting stories about people simply doing their part. Inspired by Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhans quote, There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew, Christina Lee Tennant, talks with people from all walks of life, who are making a positive impact - on their community; on their country; on their planet.


  • Go “Zero Waste” – Discover a life rich with experiences, not stuff


    I’ve started taking “baby steps” in my journey toward a Zero-Waste Lifestyle; shopping at the local Bulk store, with my reusable containers and bags in hand and using a bamboo toothbrush. These are small steps, but according to Bea Johnson, author of Zero Waste Home, “any change is a step in the right direction….and, all […]

  • Ghost stories and other tales we tell


    Everyone has a story to tell, right? So, what kinds of stories do you like to tell? In the past few years, I’ve realized how susceptible I am to getting sucked into stories that neither feed my mind, nor my soul. From series shows on Netflix to media reports of mass shootings, to my next […]

  • Sulking because things aren’t going your way? How’s that going for you?


    The life lessons and tough love that helped Tracy Schmitt become Unstoppable Tracy has climbed the Himalayan mountains. She has captained a 110-foot-tall ship. She has won a bronze medal in para-skiing. And by the way, she was born a 4-way amputee. From an early age, Tracy – who has become known as Unstoppable Tracy […]

  • An MVP in his own community


    Ed Wahl is the kind of person you would want on your team. He’s a dedicated worker and a leader, who emphasizes the whole, rather than his individual self. So, I’m glad he’s on this spaceship, we call earth. Someone once said, “Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a […]

  • Huddle Up!


    In desperate, unpleasant or unsatisfactory situations, people might be forced to identify their options and then take action. For example, due to economic reasons, my grandfather left his home in China, in 1930, to start a new life in Jamaica. He was fortunate to have options. And later, for a variety of reasons – social, […]

  • A Leap of Faith: Inspiration for this Podcast


    Our everyday actions and our everyday choices have the potential to create extraordinary legacies. In this episode, you’ll hear from Patrick Lee. To you, he’s just an everyday guy. To me, he is my inspiration. He is the reason I live in Canada. He is the reason I boil bone broth regularly. He is the […]

  • From Skid Row to CEO: The power of a possibility mindset


    *NOW AVAILABLE ON iTunes* Legacy Crew, The Podcast Episode 3 – From Skid Row to CEO: The power of a possibility mindset   Photo Source: Joe Roberts Description: In 1989, Joe Roberts was homeless, living on the streets of downtown Vancouver and dealing with mental health challenges. He pushed a shopping cart around, collecting cans […]

  • Amanda Todd’s story continues. In this chapter, compassion prevails.


    *NOW AVAILABLE ON iTunes* Legacy Crew, The Podcast Episode 2 – Amanda Todd’s story continues. In this chapter, compassion prevails. Photo Source: Carol Todd Description: Amanda Todd fought a two-year battle against an online predator and her online/school yard bullies. She died by suicide at the age of 15. To remember her daughter and to […]

  • Want a happy life? It’s as easy as do-re-mi!


    Legacy Crew, The Podcast Episode 1 – Want a happy life? It’s as easy as do-re-mi! Description: 92-year-old Doreen Hutt can no longer play the piano because her knuckles have collapsed. It frustrates her, but it hasn’t stopped her from teaching several group classes every week. She has an unbreakable spirit that keeps her going […]