The Unbeatable Mind Podcast With Mark Divine



Mark Divine is the founder of SEALFIT and Unbeatable Mind and the host of the Unbeatable Mind podcast. Mark is a Retired Navy SEAL Commander, NYT Best Selling author, speaker and entrepreneur. The podcast deals with a wide variety of subjects, from philosophical, emotional and meta-physical to self defense, fitness and elite physical performance. They all form a part of Mark's 5 mountain training path to develop your Mental, Physical, Emotional, Intuitive, and Kokoro (Heart) self. Find out more at


  • Tom Steding on Emotional Leadership, Trust, and Culture

    07/01/2021 Duración: 44min

    Today Mark is talking to Tom Steding, business leader, author, and former member of SEAL Team Stanford. His most recent book is Real Teams Win: What Smart Leaders Need to Know Now About Achieving Peak Performance. Tom gives us some insight into his approach to leadership complete with the principles and practices that will lead your team to high trust and safe collaboration. Hear about: Moving away from the old leadership model of "My way or the highway" to the new model that will give your team a higher purpose The principles that inspire trust and ensure the psychological safety of your team Dealing with narcissists and how it is the root cause of all dysfunction in an organization How "Mindset eats culture for breakfast" and much more... Listen in to get a better understanding of effectively leading your team and building the emotional integrity to truly value it during these times of high VUCA.

  • Commander Divine on Leading with Selfless Service

    31/12/2020 Duración: 32min

    In this solocast, Commander Divine talks about how to make service to others a central part of your unbeatable mind. Find out how you can rewrite the script from victim to servant so you are ready to selflessly lead in 2021. Learn about: How you can be a more effective leader AND teammate by being aware of the 3 spheres-"I," "we," and "it" The 3 "wins" you must make in order to serve more wholly and powerfully The 3 attitudes of selfless service-compassion, abundance, generosity- and how they allow you to fulfill your calling with 20X power Listen to this episode so you know exactly what to do to make selfless service an integral part of your life and to further maximize your potential during these VUCA times.

  • Best of 2020: Eliot Marshall

    26/12/2020 Duración: 49min

    For the week of Christmas, we'll be airing our Best episodes of 2020 a second time. We start with new episodes again on the 30th with a solo episode from Mark. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas. Eliot Marshall is best known as a successful MMA fighter, but today he talks to the Commander about his business endeavors and the story behind his first book "The Gospel of Fire: Strategies for Facing Your Fears, Confronting Your Demons, and Finding Your Purpose." Eliot has repeatedly struggled with depression and anxiety and he tells us how our mind has the power to drive us to accomplish incredible achievements and to manage and prosper. "The Obstacle is the Way" - use your challenges to learn new things and build yourself up. The Unbeatable Mind and Eliot's approach are very similar in a number of ways - including knowing your "why" Using teamwork is essential to accomplishing your goals Listen to this episode for a very practical example of how to turn difficulty into prosperity

  • Best of 2020: Angela Duckworth

    25/12/2020 Duración: 31min

    For the week of Christmas, we'll be airing our Best episodes of 2020 a second time. We start with new episodes again on the 30th with a solo episode from Mark. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas. Well-known academic expert on personal Grit, Angela Duckworth is a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and author of "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance." She talks with Commander Divine today about the importance of Grit for success. Listen now to discover: How your Grit can be a more important trait for success than your ability How understanding your "why" is essential to make sure you are doing the right things Why you need to make sure you are doing things that are innately interesting to you, rather than developing your perseverance first. Listen to this episode to get more information and practical tips about how to become "grittier" in everyday life.

  • Best of 2020: Daron K Roberts

    24/12/2020 Duración: 53min

    For the week of Christmas, we'll be airing our Best episodes of 2020 a second time. We start with new episodes again on the 30th with a solo episode from Mark. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas. Daron K. Roberts was a graduate of Harvard Law School turned Football coach. He is a motivational speaker, transition coach and the author of Call an Audible: Let My Pivot from Harvard Law to NFL Coach Inspire Your Transition.  He hosts the podcast "A Tribe Called Yes" and today he talks with Commander Divine about how to make your own pivot to change your life. Hear how: Daron planned his next life transition from Harvard Law grad to Football Coach. It's vital that you minimize your social media time and involvement. You must determine if you'll actually be happy at an event before you decide to say yes. Transition tools you need to succeed Hear this inspirational story of how one man was able to make an exceptional pivot from one life to another.  

  • Best of 2020: Errol Doebler

    23/12/2020 Duración: 33min

    For the week of Christmas, we'll be airing our Best episodes of 2020 a second time. We start with new episodes again on the 30th with a solo episode from Mark. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas. In the second part of this interview with Errol Doebler, Mark and Errol talk about work with the FBI SWAT teams and his breathing practices with Wim Hof. Errol is the author of the newly released The Process, Art, and Science of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire Confidence and Clarity in Combat, in the Boardroom, and at the Kitchen Table. He tells Mark about his work finding his own leadership philosophy from the different kinds of work that he's done. Hear how: The practice of breathing properly is the basis of learning how to lead. You'll always need to make a plan when you're confronted with a situation. You must understand the role of the SMAC process in planning. Listen to this episode to hear more about Errol's approach to planning and leadership

  • Best of 2020: Chris Gronkowski

    22/12/2020 Duración: 54min

    For the week of Christmas, we'll be airing our Best episodes of 2020 a second time. We start with new episodes again on the 30th with a solo episode from Mark. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas. Chris Gronkowski is a former NFL player and is part of the clan of Gronkowski brothers who all played professional sports. He is now an entrepreneur and the founder of the Ice Shaker brand of insulated bottles that were featured on Shark Tank. He is also the host of his own podcast Gronk'd Up. Today, he talks with Mark about how to thrive during these VUCA times. Listen to this episode to hear how: Anybody can be an NFL Player or Navy SEAL given the raw material Defining moments and determination can take you to the next level Chris found new opportunities and embraced challenges during this crisis Tune in to hear Gronkowski's transition from sports to business and how he's making even more changes today.

  • Living an Elite Life with Justin Stenstrom

    18/12/2020 Duración: 57min

    Renowned life coach and alternative medicine expert Justin Stenstrom joins Mark to discuss what it means to truly live an elite life. Justin is the best-selling author of Elite Mind: A Real-World Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Conquering Depression, and Unleashing Your Inner Confidence, Editor-in-Chief of Elite Man Magazine, the founder of Elite Life Nutrition, and the host of the Elite Man Podcast. Justin and Mark also talk about mental health, alternative medicine, neuro-linguistic programming, and the state of the current pandemic. Hear how: Mental illness can affect anybody at any moment-even more so in this pandemic Justin recovered from his anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts-without modern medicine The origins of modern medicine are not what you think and how holistic medicine went the wayside Listen to this episode for some insight on what it truly means to be elite and how you can use the current VUCA environment to get there.

  • Embracing the Suck with Brent Gleeson

    10/12/2020 Duración: 55min

    Brent Gleeson, author of Embrace the Suck: The Navy SEAL Way to an Extraordinary Life and founder of TakingPoint Leadership, joins Mark to talk about his experiences with the SEALs, leadership, how failures lead to success, and more. Hear how: Transforming your team requires training the character of the individuals in your team You must lean into adversity and the inevitable pain and suffering Building emotional and mental fortitude is just as important as physical training "If you ain't failing, you ain't trying." Micro-failures lead to success Listen to this episode so you can learn how to face failure and lead effectively in our current VUCA world.

  • Overcoming Fear with Mike Corey

    03/12/2020 Duración: 56min

    Today Mark is talking with Mike Corey, the creator and host of Fearless & Far, a YouTube channel devoted to extreme travel. He talks about his scariest travel adventures and how you can face your own fears and transform them into the best opportunities. Hear how: The best way to travel is by pushing yourself and finding comfort in discomfort Fear will never go away-it's up to you and your courage to control it On the other side of fear and discomfort is a bounty like never before Listen to this episode to understand how you can navigate your fears and make the most out of any situation-no matter how extreme.

  • Chadd Wright on the Power of the Spoken Word and Spirituality

    26/11/2020 Duración: 01h02min

    Chadd Wright talks with Mark about BUD/S, life after the military, and how he personally faced adversity. Chadd is an ultra-runner, former SEAL, and co-founder of the 3 of 7 Project dedicated to the completion of people through the body, soul, and spirit. Chadd also goes into detail on the power of the spoken word and becoming a spiritual warrior. Hear how: You must "embrace the suck" and turn it into an opportunity The power of the spoken word can eliminate negativity in your life Submission can take you the next step toward your purpose Listen to this enlightening conversation and gain insight into how you can navigate through this current world of VUCA.

  • Discipline and Self-Mastery with Commander Divine

    19/11/2020 Duración: 41min

    In this solo episode, Commander Divine talks about how discipline and self-mastery are essential to developing an unbeatable mind. See how you can apply these practices and thrive in this current VUCA crisis. Learn how: Discipline is essential for ensuring a desired behavior. The ancient stoic philosophers understood that there needs to be moderation in everything, even in moderation. You can access the six pillars of physical health-including recovery, community, and time in nature. Listen to this episode to gain a greater grasp on the discipline necessary to achieve your own self-mastery.

  • Commander Divine on Managing Stress

    12/11/2020 Duración: 56min

    Today, Commander Divine is reading another chapter from the newest edition of Unbeatable Mind. In his reading, he addresses how stress is not the problem, but how you deal with it is. If you understand the importance of your own decisions, then you will recognize how you create your own realities and stresses. Learn about how: It is essential to remember breathwork and box breathing for managing stress. There is a difference between mindfulness and concentration meditation, and it's better to learn concentration first. There are four attitudes of emotional resiliency: self-esteem, orientation toward others, positivity, and self-control. Listen to this episode to get a better understanding of stress and how you can manage it-and even make it work for you.

  • Jake Wood Talks Leadership and Team Rubicon

    06/11/2020 Duración: 58min

    Today Mark talks with Jake Wood about his experiences with leadership, the Marine Corps, and the founding of Team Rubicon-the disaster relief team made largely of former military members. He is also the author of the upcoming book called Once a Warrior: How One Veteran Found a New Mission Closer to Home. Hear how: True leadership is love-leadership means you always have a stake in the lives of the people you're leading There are different kinds of courage and while physical courage is what we generally think of, moral courage is also completely integral Team Rubicon serves as an inspiration for Americans, but how we respond to disasters is our choice alone  Listen to this conversation to find out more about leadership and finding your mission in life during these VUCA times.

  • Dr. Belisa Vranich on Breathing

    28/10/2020 Duración: 01h21s

    Today, we are rebroadcasting Mark's interview with Dr. Belisa Vranich. Dr. Belisa is both a clinical psychologist and a well-known expert on breathing. She is also an author and recently released a book called Breathing for Warriors: Master Your Breath to Unlock More Strength, Greater Endurance, Sharper Precision, Faster Recovery, and an Unshakable Inner Game.  Listen in as she talks with Commander Divine about the importance of proper breathing for managing health and stress. Learn about: BIQ - Breathing Intelligence Quotient - Dr. Belisa's model for understanding breathing  Using the right muscles to breath and horizontal versus vertical breathing  Taking a very brief break several times a day to interrupt the stress, so that we aren't spending every second feeling and breathing in a stressful way Listen to this episode for practical tips about how to breathe properly for greater health.

  • Doug Bopst on His Journey from Addiction to Recovery and Fitness

    21/10/2020 Duración: 52min

    Doug Bopst is a former addict and drug dealer. After incarceration and being in prison, he got himself clean and started a fitness regime thanks to his cellmate. Today he is an author, podcast host, and fitness expert. He shares some of his journey with us and how you can apply that during these VUCA times. Hear how: In order to reach your goal, you must first clearly define your "why" You must embrace failure in order to truly succeed Self-compassion is key, but bear in mind the balance between that and self-accountability Listen in to learn more about how being in the worst situations can lead you to the greatest successes.

  • Planning for the Future with Peter Kennedy and Joe Dufresne

    14/10/2020 Duración: 45min

    Today Mark talks to Joe and Peter - co-founders of Futures Strategy Group. They help large organizations plan for the future in the VUCA world. They've worked in various industries, with various organizations, including NASA, FEMA, the Department of State and Fortune 500 companies. They talk with Mark about how to use Future scenarios to take appropriate actions right now. Learn about: Common themes and needs across several possible future scenarios How it's unlikely that any particular scenario will happen exactly, but planning for different scenarios lets you prepare for whatever actually is going to happen "Snake wake" - know what externals are going to affect you, and make a straight wake Listen in to hear more about planning and developing business agility

  • Value and Purpose with Commander Divine

    07/10/2020 Duración: 25min

    In another solo episode, Commander Divine continues to read from the new edition of his book "Unbeatable," which is his update to the "Unbeatable Mind" book. Today he's talking about finding your purpose apart from a job. Hear about: How Mark went through his own process of finding purpose when he was younger  How to identify your unique gifts and talents  How to start thinking about what you really value in your life. Listen to this episode to learn more about your mission and how to find it.

  • Enlightenment and Awareness with Buddhist monk Haemin Sunim

    30/09/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    Today, Mark talks with South Korean monk Haemin Sunim about enlightenment, awakening and Zen in general. Haemin Sunim was at Princeton, Berkeley and Harvard before he became a monk. He is the author of two books, "The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to Be Calm in a Busy World," and  "Love for Imperfect Things: How to Accept Yourself in a World Striving for Perfection." Learn how: You need to be able to slow down so you can appreciate everything more A good teacher matches behavior with lessons about awakening Enlightenment vs. awakening Listen to this episode to understand awakening and enlightenment better.

  • Planning and Leadership with Errol Doebler

    23/09/2020 Duración: 40min

    In the second part of his interview with Errol Doebler (@Leader_193), Mark and Errol talk about work with the FBI SWAT teams and his breathing practices with Wim Hof. Errol is the author of the newly released The Process, Art, and Science of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire Confidence and Clarity in Combat, in the Boardroom, and at the Kitchen Table.  He tells Mark about his work finding his own leadership philosophy from the different kinds of work that he's done. Hear how: The practice of breathing properly is the basis of learning how to lead. You'll always need to make a plan when you're confronted with a situation. You must understand the role of the SWAC process in planning. Listen to this episode to hear more about Errol's approach to planning and leadership.

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