The James Swanwick Show



The James Swanwick Show teaches you the four pillars of living your best life, which are health, wealth, love, and happiness. Former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN, James Swanwick, brings you world-class mentors including millionaires, sexologists, relationship experts, retirement experts, financial planners, celebrity personal trainers, New York Times best-selling authors and nutritionists.


  • 255: My Biggest Mistakes in Business, So You Don’t Have to Make Them

    10/02/2017 Duración: 35min

    Show Notes: While it’s true that sometimes you need to make mistakes to learn, hopefully they don’t have to be YOUR mistakes! This means that you can learn from the mistakes of others, through books, podcasts, and mentors. Today I am talking about the biggest mistakes that I made in business, so that you don’t have to make the same ones. These mistakes were costly, and if someone had told me this I probably could have saved millions of dollars. So learn from my mistakes, and avoid them in your own business ventures! Key Takeaways: Learn how to be a “business-person” as soon as you can. Educate yourself! Instead of listening to music to kill time, educate yourself with podcasts and audiobooks If you just listen to educational material while working out instead of listening to music, you could be ahead of most people by about an hour a day! Knowledge is not power. Applied knowledge is power. Do it! Take action! Take the first step. Getting started is so essential, and too many people don’

  • 254: Finding the Perfect Romantic Partner for James with Heather Havenwood

    08/02/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    Show Notes: There are a lot of extremely successful people in measurements of finance, fitness, and many other categories of life, who simply can’t seem to be able to figure out the romantic and relationship side of things, so that is the subject that I’m tackling with Heather Ann Havenwood on today’s episode of the James Swanwick Show. Heather digs into my own life, past relationships, some of my own preconceived notions about women, what I look for, what has been difficult for me in the past. In fact, this episode basically turned into a “get James a wife” conversation. If you want some practical advice on understanding the often confusing world of relationships, this episode is for you! Hope you enjoy! Key Takeaways: Marriage, for the woman, is often about security Men have to quickly decipher between “crazy” or “psycho” in a woman We tend to attract what we are Look for a mate who is at a similar level of self-esteem as you Shifting self-esteem is a core change, very difficult to ch

  • 253: Sharing an Uber with James Swanwick and Brad Blanks

    06/02/2017 Duración: 27min

    Show Notes: Today’s episode is a bit off the cuff. I’m sharing an Uber with my mate Brad Blanks, on the way to the airport. We’re both trying to switch our flights, but we manage to talk about some really interesting topics that I think you’ll enjoy and find useful. We get into how I am able to travel the world through entrepreneurialism, why it’s extremely worth it to get coaches, educate yourself, and put effort and money into building the you of the future, and how sometime it can be clarifying to focus on what you don’t want, to better understand exactly what you do want. Enjoy! Key Takeaways: 90% of success is just showing up Entrepreneurialism can give you the opportunity to travel the world without worrying about stopping the flow of money Get coaches, put effort and money into learning, because it pays off down the road Focus on what you do not want first, to clarify what you do want Never rest on your success, always be looking for what the next thing is Resources: Are You Sti

  • 252: How to Structure Your Day for Success

    03/02/2017 Duración: 34min

    Show Notes: The choices that you make about how you structure your day, what you spend your time on, the order that you do things in, has a very direct effect on how productive you are able to be and, as a consequence, how successful you are able to be. Today I am going through the details of how I structure my day, and specifically how I do so today versus earlier in my life when I was less productive. It’s the little choices that I make throughout the day that, individually don’t seem like much, but add up to a large advantage, For instance, most people listen to pump-up music or something like that when they’re working out, but I listen to educational material. This simple choice ensures that I get an additional 30-90 minutes of education every single day, and over time, that adds up to far more knowledge. That is just one of the examples of how I make consciously and very purposeful choices to make sure I am able to get the most out of every day. Learn the rest of them on this episod

  • 251: Dan Peña on How to Create Wealth, and Why Donald Trump is Good for the Economy

    01/02/2017 Duración: 01h07min

    Show Notes: Dan Peña is known around the world as the “50 Billion Dollar Man,” because his mentees cumulatively have created over 50 billion dollars worth of wealth. There are not too many, if any, people who can make a claim like that, and today he is bringing his passion and fire to help others create wealth to the James Swanwick Show. We talk about how President Trump will change the world, why a first impression is so vital, how to grow a pair, why you must get comfortable being uncomfortable, and how to get the money that you need to build and grow a business. If you’ve felt like you weren’t living up to your full potential before, in business and in life, Dan Peña is the guy to help you get that extra boost, and that is the knowledge and passion that he is bringing to the show today. Enjoy! Key Takeaways: You only have one chance to make a good first impression, so craft it carefully In a lot of ways, the world has gone soft. People need backbone to survive and thrive Build a pers

  • 250: Book Review: “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

    27/01/2017 Duración: 23min

    Show Notes: If you feel stressed out, like you’re always striving for more and more, and never able to attain it, or like nothing ever goes right for you and you’re constantly fighting an uphill battle, this episode will speak to you directly. This episode is a book review of the book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, which is all about the freedom, joy, and happiness that comes from acceptance. When something goes wrong, act as if it were what you wanted to happen, and spring into action! Take advantage of everything that goes wrong to accomplish something else! So much of true happiness and contentedness is in how you see the world and circumstances, and this book trains you on how to be happier and more fulfilled in your life through the power of now. Key Takeaways: A lot of what you want are stories in your head, so when they don’t happen you feel loss, when you really didn’t lose anything because you didn’t have it in the first place This allows you to see what you gain out of d

  • 249: How You Can Build a Business for Social Good with Adam Force

    25/01/2017 Duración: 55min

    Show Notes: In this age of big businesses, there is a subtle change that is starting to take place: Business are starting to focus on doing good! Whereas businesses used to focus exclusively on the bottom line and pocketing more money, social businesses are starting to pop up, whose founders and operators are focused on doing good in the world, and Adam Force is here to talk to us about that change. The good news is that any business can change or tweak its focus to be more on social good than bottom line revenue, so this episode is a discussion of what the differences are in these two lines of thinking, how businesses can be changed to be more socially conscious, and how to start and build a business from the ground up that has this intent. Key Takeaways: Younger generations are more interested in buying things from companies that align with their values In social entrepreneurship, you need to think about scaling impact above scaling income Social entrepreneurs work to make money so th

  • 248: My Top 10 Likeability Principles

    23/01/2017 Duración: 49min

    Show Notes: Being liked by other people is an essential aspect to living a happy life. Your happiness is, in some ways, going to be directly proportional to the quality of your friend group, and so making sure that you know exactly how to make yourself more likeable is going to be essential to creating a good social circle. On today’s episode I am going through my top 10 principles for being likeable. Most people have no idea how to improve in this area. They never think about it! Or maybe they think it is something that is built into who you are, but there are things you can tweak, while being 100% genuinely you, that will improve the likelihood that someone will like you when they meet you. So learn how to become more likeable on this episode! Make careful not of the below 10 principles, and implement them consistently over time to see real results in your social circle, and, as a consequence, your happiness and quality of life. The 10 Principles: Remember people’s names. When you do

  • 247: My Top 21 Success Principles

    20/01/2017 Duración: 54min

    Show Notes: Today I’m going over my 21 principles for success. These are the things that I do daily to ensure that my life is setup for as much success as possible. Implement these in your own life to turn it around!Slowly, maybe one at a time, create a habit out of each of these 21 steps. The Principles: Write down your goals Practice gratitude daily. 2-minutes is enough Meditate. Try using an app like Headspace Daily visualization of the life you want. Be specific, and put it on a board Hold yourself accountable to other people for what you want to do Get consistent feedback on your work Daily exercise. Not regular, but every single day Be an “ask-hole.” Always ask for help, and always ask for what you want Invite people to do things with you Stop complaining. No matter how much you have to complain about, find something positive Don’t by GOOP: the Good Opinion of Other People. If you believe in something, go for it Pay to get rich. Invest in yourself through coaches, mentorships, boo

  • 246: The Mind and Body of a Lifelong Endurance Athlete, with Dr. David Minkoff

    18/01/2017 Duración: 01h32s

    Do you ever wonder how some people have endurance beyond what seems at all normal? It seems that Dr. David Minkoff as cracked the code. He has run 41 Ironmans, and it doesn’t seem like he’s stopping anytime soon. Today, we’re talking about the mindset behind endurance competition, as well as health aspects. Dr. Minkoff has a vast knowledge about amino acids, their importance and their use, proteins, as well as the inner game of endurance. Whether you’re an endurance athlete or not, this conversation is packed with information to help live healthier and happier. Enjoy! Key Takeaways: Work to acclimate your mind to the idea that things will come up, but if you persevere, you will get through it For endurance training, try to break the super long distances into chunks you can understand Don’t compare yourself with your younger self or other people. Compare yourself with what you know you can do Improvement, and the feeling that you’re getting somewhere, is extremely important in keeping you happy There are 22 d

  • 245: 3-Ways To Increase Your Self-Confidence

    16/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    Self confidence is the single ingredient that is completely essential to almost anything you want to do. But it’s so difficult to understand exactly how to increase it, isn’t it? Sometimes, it seems like you’re either born with it or not. The good news is that you certainly can improve it, and YahYa Bakkar is showing us exactly how on today’s episode! The 3-Ways Understand that your self-worth is not connected to your net-worth or your social worth Don’t compare your chapter 1 to somebody else’s chapter 20 People who are confident are confident even in the things that they lack Resources: YahYa Bakkar on Youtube

  • 244: How To Set Your Life Up For Calm Happiness

    13/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    Show Notes: Why do humans love the ocean so much? Why is it that we enjoy going to the beach? What draws us to the open fields, meadows, and water? As it turns out, our brains are simply wired this way. From an evolutionary, self-preservation standpoint, the open spaces would have allowed us to see danger sooner, to be able to react more quickly. This is why being in these spaces provides us with a sense of calm and relaxation. We feel subconsciously feel safer in these places, and it is because of our brain’s wiring. This means that we should always make the effort to find places like that to relax. If you’re feeling especially stressed for any reason, or you just want to calm your mind and relax, seek out the ocean or an open area. Also, consider carefully where you move, as living somewhere without this sort of space could be a mistake. Enjoy this episode, and if you like the show, please leave a rating and review in iTunes. Key Takeaways: Humans love open space, greenery, water, tre

  • 243: How to Pitch and Convince Anyone with Josh Muccio of The Pitch

    11/01/2017 Duración: 53min

    Understanding how to convince somebody to do something is one of the most important skills that you will ever learn in life. While it’s obviously important in business, being persuasive is essential to almost to accomplishing anything that you want to accomplish, because you will nearly always have to convince others of your idea and point of view. Josh Muccio is the host the podcast The Pitch, which is currently starting on its second season. The Pitch is the Shark Tank of podcasts. On it, founders of startups pitch investors for money, trying to convince them to invest in their idea or business. So it’s safe to say that Josh knows a thing or two about pitching. This episode goes through the specific steps that you need to understand, with certainty and clarity, when pitching. The things you need to practice, the angle you need to take with your words, and how you must present yourself. If you would like to know how to be more persuasive in your life, this episode is for you! And remember to checkout season

  • 242: Early Warning Signs of Alcoholism

    09/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    Show Notes: Most people don’t have a huge problem with alcohol, and many people in my 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge program have come to it, not because they have a severe problem, but because they want more out of life! But there are also people who should not be drinking because of some early warning of alcoholism signs that are starting to show up. But how do you know?? What are the signs to watch out for?? This episode is all about how you can know you have a problem and take care of it before it becomes a bigger issue. Listening carefully, and check the list below, to make sure you’re not headed this direction. If you’re at all worried, or if you just want more from life, consider taking the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge. You could be headed towards alcoholism if: You need to drink more to get the same effect, you’re heading the direction of alcoholism You spend a lot of time drinking and recovering You continue to drink even though it harms your relationship You cannot quit or contro

  • 241: How to Talk to Any Girl with Confidence

    06/01/2017 Duración: 15min

    Show notes: Do you feel like you’re constantly seeing girls, or anyone really, that you want to approach, but you have this little voice inside your head saying they’re probably too busy, or they don’t want to you, etc? If so, you’re like most people! Everyone struggles with this! But the key is to take the fear and anxiety you’re feeling, and turn it into excitement! Take the negative of fear and turn it into the positive of excitement In addition, understand that most people, in fact, love to be approached, and love the attention! By approaching someone on the street randomly, you are probably actually doing them a favor that they will enjoy! There’s a lot more to get into on this episode, so enjoy, and commit to approaching people you want to meet, even when you’re scared! Key Takeaways: Transfer fear into excitement! Use the energy of fear for something good in the moment Don’t let yourself live with the regret of not approaching someone that you want to You never know what will com

  • 240: Managing Alcohol Withdrawal in the Real World

    04/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    Show Notes: If you, like many in my program are giving up alcohol here at the beginning of 2017, then you will need some advice and real-world tips about how to deal with alcohol withdrawal, and that is what this episode is all about. While I do advocate the use of certain supplements, it’s important to always try the most natural remedies first, before moving on to anything else. However, sometimes quitting alcohol can be a very difficult thing, and my goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to accomplish. So listen to this episode to understand how to handle a life without alcohol, until you get to the point where you really just don’t even want to drink anymore! Key Takeaways: When you first give up alcohol, in the first few days you may shock your system, and not see the benefits right away. After that time, you definitely will Go for a walk, breath, and meditate Try natural remedies first Supplements: NAC Lithium Orotate Vitamin C B Vitamins Niacin Vitamin A Milk Thistle K

  • 239: What Is Your Particular Relationship with Alcohol and What Does It Mean?

    02/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    Show Notes: Almost everyone can fit into one broad category of their relationship to alcohol, and this episode is about exploring what those different types of relationships mean for everyone, and what is ideal. A lot of people are what is considered “social drinkers.” It doesn’t really seem like they have any big problem with alcohol, but it just happens to be a part of almost all of their social interactions. This was the kind of drinker I was. In some ways this level can be the most sneaky, because it’s very difficult to realize that you have a problem, or that your life could be so much more without the alcohol. But it’s absolutely the case! So enjoy this episode exploring the different types of relationships that people can have with alcohol, and then consider joining the January group of the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge! Key Takeaways: A lot of people are what are considered “social drinkers,” people who drink on a regular basis, it doesn’t feel like an addition, but it is in sneak

  • 238: How to Be Social and Have Fun Without Alcohol

    30/12/2016 Duración: 10min

    Show Notes: Most people consider alcohol to be an absolute requirement of any social interaction they have. Whether they’re hanging at the bar, on a date, or doing almost anything social, it’s like they feel that they must be drinking! The truth is that you simply don’t have to drink to have a good time! In fact, there are a myriad of ways that you can have the best time of your life without alcohol involved. You do, however, have to be a bit more creative about what you choose to do. You can’t just fall back on the same “hang out at the bar” plan, you have to actually think! The result of thinking about it and doing something creative, however, is that the event an interaction will be so much more memorable for it, and you will actually have a much better time! Try it! Try out some of the activities mentioned in this episode, and see how much more your life can be without alcohol! Key Takeaways: Most people think that alcohol is required for social interactions. But it doesn’t have to!

  • 237: How to SMASH 2017, and Stick to Your Resolutions - Brisbane Meetup

    28/12/2016 Duración: 21min

    Show Notes: What are your goals for 2017? And how do you plan to accomplish them? Many people make New Year's resolutions, promising to live better and to turn into the person that they want to be in 2017, and yet most of those resolutions fall flat by about 2-3 months into the new year, if not before. Why is it so hard to stick with new resolutions? In this episode, I am talking with some people in Brisbane about their resolutions, and some of the tactics I teach to help people make their resolutions a long-term reality. If you have ideas for ways that you want to smash 2017, but are at all worried that you will have a hard time sticking with your resolutions, this episode is for you! Learn how to make 2017 your best year yet, on this episode of the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways: When you feel the fear, acknowledge it, and then just do it anyway! Take time to travel when you can, because you never know when things will change and it will get more difficult Establish a daily mornin

  • 236: What to Do When People Pressure You to Drink - Book Reading from 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge Book

    26/12/2016 Duración: 15min

    Show Notes: Most people are pressured by other to drink alcohol. In fact, most people who would rather give up alcohol continue to drink it simply because everyone else is, and it’s scary to think about being made fun of or ostracized from a group because of your decision not to drink. On today’s episode my Mom and I are reading from my new book, “The 30-Day No Alcohol Challenge: Your Simple Guide To Easily Reduce Or Quit Alcohol.” We’re going through the topics of what to say when you feel pressured to drink, how to respond, and why no one actually cares whether you drink or not! And if they really, really do, why are you keeping them in your life? We’re also discussing why most people think they want a drink to relieve stress, when in reality they just want to relieve the stress, which they could be doing without alcohol! I’m going through the list of the myriad of ways that you could be relieving stress without turning to alcohol, and why it’s such a better choice to do that instead o

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