The James Swanwick Show



The James Swanwick Show teaches you the four pillars of living your best life, which are health, wealth, love, and happiness. Former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN, James Swanwick, brings you world-class mentors including millionaires, sexologists, relationship experts, retirement experts, financial planners, celebrity personal trainers, New York Times best-selling authors and nutritionists.


  • 235: What Can 100-Mile Runs Teach Us About Life? With Ryan Young

    21/12/2016 Duración: 45min

    Show Notes: Most people can’t even imagine running 10 miles, let alone a 26.2 mile marathon, let alone a 100+ mile ultra-marathon! Yet that’s exactly what today’s guest does, and he’s on the James Swanwick Show today to help us understand a bit more about living the best life possible from the point of view of an ultra-marathoner. As Ryan Young says, running can turn into a sort of meditation as you get better and better at it, and it’s important for everyone to find out what that thing is that they can do, that will get them into that space of calm meditation. For Ryan, it’s running, but it doesn’t have to be that for you. What’s important is that you pay attention to what gets you into the right state of mind, calms you inside and helps you see everything in your life in perspective, and then create a regular habit of doing that thing. There is a lot of wisdom to be learn from this episode about achieving success, pushing through difficult barriers, staying calm in the face of adversar

  • 234: How to NOT Waste Your One Shot at Life

    19/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    Show Notes: What sort of perspective do you have on life? Do you keep in mind, every day, that this is your own life? That you will not have another chance to do whatever you want to do, so you better put everything you have and not put off anything that you want to do until tomorrow? That is the concept behind this episode: You will die, so do what you want to do. Don’t put it off! Life your life as best as you can, and don’t let anyone else tell you how you should be living your life, because it’s your one life! Live it to the fullest! Key Takeaways: If you only have one life, you better life it to the absolute fullest Consider the amount of opportunities you have as compared with so many other people, now and through history, and don’t live a day without taking advantage of it When you remember that you are going to die, it inspires you to simply do what you want to do Resources: Show Notes:

  • 233: 5-Ways to Accomplish ANY Goal in Life with Brandon Carter

    16/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    Show Notes: What if there was a simple, 5-step process that you could use over and over again to accomplish any goal you set out to accomplish in your life? There is! Today, Brandon Carter is revealing his simple 5-step method to destroy any goal you set in your life. On of the most important steps is discipline. As brandon says, you can spend all of your time getting motivated to do things, but if you don’t have the discipline to continue to work even when the motivation starts to wear off, you will never be able to accomplish your goals! So listen very carefully, and use these steps the next time you want to accomplish something great in your life! 5 Steps to Accomplish Anything: Make a firm decision Build good habits You are whatever you repeatedly do Discipline Make a plan Track your results and make adjustments accordingly Resources: Brandon Carter on Instagram Show Notes:

  • 232: How to Crush Depression with Elite Man Justin Stenstrom

    14/12/2016 Duración: 48min

    Show Notes: Some studies show that 1 in every 5 people suffer from some sort of depression at some point in their lives, and rates of depression have been rising over the last 100 years, even as the quality of life has improved. So it’s not always about what is going on in a life, but rather about biology, as well as tendencies, and can be set off by very difficult times in life. Justin Stenstrom of The Elite Man Magazine is on the podcast today to talk about ways that you can get over depression and start to really live the life you want! Far too many people let depression, or just down times in their lives, hold them back from who they want to be, and Justin is laying out the 8 steps to get out of that place in your life and onto living the life you want! Whether you suffer from depression now, have in the past, or just want to know how to live a healthier more full life to avoid any potential issues in the future, this episode is for you! Enjoy! Key Takeaways: Having depression is on

  • 131: How to Get Rid of Your Insecurities Around Women

    12/12/2016 Duración: 09min

    Show Notes: If you feel insecure around women, this episode is for you. I’m speaking with Owen Cook about the exact techniques that will help you get passed your own insecurities about who you are, what you look like, and what you deserve in life. Most men find themselves nervous and insecure, especially around beautiful women. It’s essential to be able to move passed this insecurities, understand your value, and portray that to the world. That’s what this episode is all about, so listen up and take notes to learn and improve your life, today on the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways: The security of a man often has nothing to do with his physical appearance Even good looking people will seem less attractive when they are insecure Get out of the comparison frame, and just start taking action Understand that no matter where you get to, you will  always have insecurities When you realize that everyone is focused on judging themselves, you can stop comparing yourself poorly to others Go in

  • 230: How to 10X Your Success and Finally Get Things Done!

    09/12/2016 Duración: 09min

    Show Notes: Would you like to learn how to 10X your success in life, and finally get the things actually done that you would like to do? This episode is all about the specific steps that it takes for you to see success in your life. I’m talking about how to set goals that are achievable, that your brain can comprehend, and that you can accomplish! I’m also talking about the importance of accountability groups, and having people around you who know your goals and will hold you accountable for them, as well as how to break through mental blocks. If you’ve ever wanted to accomplish more with your life, this episode is for you, and will give you the tools that you need to 10X your success! Enjoy! Key Takeaways: It’s easy to get caught up in your own mind about your goals and whether you’re achieving them or not It’s important to break a large goal into much smaller goals A team of people who are holding you accountable for your goals helps Don’t set goals for anything further out than 90 da

  • 229: Tai Lopez on How to Be Successful

    07/12/2016 Duración: 54min

    Show Notes: At this moment, you are the youngest you will ever be. Have you ever taken the time to think about that? To really let it soak in, and realize the incredible value and opportunity that you have right now? This episode is with Tai Lopez, and we’re talking about how not to waste the time that we have alive, to live it to the fullest, and to be successful in what we’re trying to do. We talk about reading a book a day, about mentors, about why you must look for progress and not perfection, as well as much more. If you want to learn how to be successful and to achieve more happiness in your life, this episode is for you! Listen up and take notes! Key Takeaways: The world doesn’t need more people running after quick fame and fortune. It needs more people in the long run Look for progress, not perfection Understand what your end-game is, and make sure that each day moves you a little closer to that Reading books allows you to steal all the best ideas from other people Books allow y

  • 228: How to Always Have Something to Say to Women with Owen Cook

    05/12/2016 Duración: 19min

    Show Notes: There are few things that terrify and paralyze men more than talking to women. Most men want to desperately, and that desire and desperation is the very thing that holds them back, keeps them from doing, and then not being successful when they finally get up the gumption to go for it. Men spend tons of time worrying about what they are going to say, trying desperately to avoid running out of things to say to women at that critical moment. Today I have Owen Cook of “Real Social Dynamics” on the podcast, and we’re talking about how to never run out of things to say to women. We’re going over a lot of tips, but one of the most important ones is that you have to understand and fully believe that what you have to say, and what you are saying in the moment, is good and has value simply because you are saying it, and not for the actual content. When you truly believe that, you will display confidence and what you are saying will be attractive. And there is so much more in this one.

  • 227: The Guts to Get Ahead in Life! With Brad Blanks

    02/12/2016 Duración: 07min

    Show Notes: This is a short conversation about what it takes to get what  you want out of life. Most people are too scared, or perhaps think they don’t deserve, true happiness and fulfillment in their life, when the truth is that what you want is already there, waiting for you to grab it! Too many people refuse to reach out for it at all. Brad Blanks is talking about his life journey, and what it took for him to start seeing success and fulfilment in his life. We dig into some of the details of what brings actual fulfillment in a life, and how to find that, and then how to go for it! Don’t miss it, on this episode of the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways: A lot of times, in order to do what you want to do, you just need the courage to jump right in! Be ready, because you never know when the “break” might come, and you really don’t want to find yourself unready when it does You need to find something that will give you fulfillment and excitement to get up each morning Just say yes, and

  • 226: How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with Till Gross

    30/11/2016 Duración: 37min

    Show Notes: “Do things your afraid of, just to realize that nothing bad actually happens.” - Till Gross (click to tweet) Getting out of your comfort zone is one of the most important skills you can master in your life, if you want to learn how to do more, be more, achieve, and have more happiness in your life, and today’s episode is all about how to do just that! Till Gross is here talking about the ways that we try has hard as we possibly can to avoid rejection, when in reality, even when you are rejected, nothing bad happens! Life continues as usually, and it really doesn’t even hurt that bad! In order to get beyond our fear we need to continually do the things that we fear the most in order to ingrain in our minds that our fear is in fact not justified! Nothing too painful happens, and we are none the worse, even if we end up getting rejected! Till is also talking about the specific exercises that we can do to make sure that we are continually getting out of our comfort zone. Learn wh

  • 225: Consistency: The Secret to Progress and Eventual Success in Life

    28/11/2016 Duración: 25min

    Show Notes: If there is one single thing that separates those who are able to progress in life, and meet with eventual success, it is certainly the ability to be consistent. More than anything, this is the difference from those who get to where they want to be and those who don’t. Without consistency, it is nearly impossible to actually get anything done! You will find yourself continually starting new activities, trying to instill new habits,  but none of it will ever lead to success and improvement in your life. Therefore, if you can be consistent, you can accomplish almost anything! This episode digs into the importance of consistency in life, and practical ways to ensure that consistency is a part of your life. Learn how to create success through consistency on this episode of the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways: Consistency is what separates those who succeed and progress from those you don’t Consistency is one of the things that you can learn and apply to every area of life to

  • 224: How Can I Read a Book a Day?

    25/11/2016 Duración: 47min

    Get your question answered by James on the Podcast! Click here. Show Notes: On the days when I read a book, I read a full book every day. This means that I go through books and learn more much faster than most people, who often struggle to read a book a week! Think about the endless possibilities after you have developed the ability to read one book every day! You will be far smarter, and will have essentially downloaded the wisdom of the smartest people into your brain! You can’t put a price on that. But the key is to master the fine art of strategically attacking each book with the goal in mind of assimilating as much knowledge as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. In order to accomplish this, I usually read the back of the book first, followed by a wikipedia page about it. Then I will read through the table of contents to get a better feel for content and understand the structure, after which I will start the process of carefully skimming. I go into a lot more detail in

  • 223: Does Self-Improvement Cause Suffering? With Derek Rydall

    23/11/2016 Duración: 52min

    Show Notes: “The acorn doesn’t go out and try to improve and achieve the oak, it already has it inside itself.” - Derek Rydall (click to tweet) If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re probably at least a little bit interested in self-improvement, and I am as well. But are there instances and situations where self-improvement, and even more the mindset that usually comes with self-improvement work, is bad for us, and actually causing more suffering than it is helping? Today’s guest is Derek Rydall, and he is speaking with me about the various ways that self-improvement work can cause us to focus on the wrong thing. As he says, the acorn does not need to go out and try to improve itself into a tree. It just needs to be in the right environment, and it will naturally transform into the mighty oak that it was meant to become. The key, then, is to make sure that all of the aspects of the environment are correct in order to allow yourself to grow into what you already have inside you. By f

  • 222: How to Constantly Make New Friends and Acquaintances

    21/11/2016 Duración: 26min

    Get your question answered by James on the Podcast! Click here. Show Notes: “You can make more friends in one month being interested in other people than in a year trying to make them interested in you.” - James Swanwick (click to tweet) Everyone knows that person who seems like they’re friends with everyone. Everywhere the go, they know people, they’re always saying hi to old friends and greeting people. Everyone wants to be that person. Not only do them appear very popular and well-connected, they also have much more opportunities that come their way, both business and personal, because of their many connections. But how do you become that person? That is what this episode is all about. At a party recently I recorded this episode where I walk around and ask a variety of people what it takes to make new friends, keep old ones, and create a life full of deep, meaningful friendships. This episode is their answers. There is a huge variety of good advice inside, and if you carefully put the

  • 221: Why You Should Care About Bees with Maryam Henein

    16/11/2016 Duración: 46min

    Get your question answered by James on the Podcast! Click here. Show Notes: Bees are in trouble. What does that mean for you? Did you know that bees actually pollinate 1 out of every 3 bites you take?? That means that without them, a very large portion of the foodline starts to fall apart! In fact, they are responsible for so much that no one really knows exactly what the result of bees’ extinction would be be, but it would definitely be disastrous. It really is time to start taking note, and responsibility for our environment, and that is what I’m discussing with Maryam Henein on this episode. Maryam directed Vanishing of the Bees, a documentary available on Netflix, Hulu and elsewhere, all about what is going on with bees and what that means for humanity. But we get into a lot more than that on this episode. So take notes if you want to learn how to eat healthier, be more conscious about the environment, and live a better life, and the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways Honey bees pol

  • 220: The Apps and Technology I Use To Stay Productive and Efficient

    14/11/2016 Duración: 29min

    Show Notes: I get asked a lot about the tools I use to stay productive, work with my team, and keep on top of both my personal and business life. This episode is going to be a quick run through of the apps that I have found the most useful to getting things done. It’s important to use the right tools. I’ve gone through a lot of tools to come up with the ones that I am recommending today. They work well, are stable, and fulfill a very important role for me. Try some of them out, see what you think, and let me know how it goes! Enjoy the show. Apps Mentioned: Blinkist InstaCart Post Mates Task Rabbit ToDoist WhatsApp Fandango GoDaddy Skurt Lighting Science Award Wallet Calm Headspace Show Notes:

  • 219: James’ Nightly Routine for Daily Success

    11/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    Show Notes: When it comes to having a productive day, the night before is absolutely essential! There are specific steps that you can take to ensure that the following day is going to be productive, and that you are going to get done what you need to do! Today I’m walking you through my own personal nightly process to make sure that I wake up knowing exactly what needs to be done, and with the passion and commitment to follow it through! It really is a system, and on this episode I am giving you my system to make sure you have a successful day. So listen up and take notes! Try implementing these tips before you go to bed tonight, and see what the following morning feels like! Enjoy! Key Takeaways: Use Swannies for a couple hours before bed every night Plan for tomorrow today Find the ONE thing you MUST do tomorrow, the night before Besides that, make a list Keep quotes and other things that will keep you motivated next to your workspace Prepare your gym bag the day before, if you plan t

  • 218: Is it Hip to be Sober? With Holly Whitaker

    09/11/2016 Duración: 51min

    Show Notes: Is it cool to be sober? A lot of people drink to fit in, to be more like their peers, and to foster a sense of tribe and protect that tribe. But today’s episode questions all of that. My guest today is Holly Whitaker of Hip Sobriety, and she is talking about the ways that the social norms are slowly moving from being completely accepting of drinking, to understanding the drawbacks of drinking, to the point where alcohol use my even be condemned by society in the future, as cigarettes have been in the current age. Is society moving towards being less accepting of drinking? Has it started to become ‘hip’ to be sober? When we quit drinking, do we endanger the sense of tribe that was find so important? Does that even matter? There are some many questions here, and we dig into all of them to find answers for you around what it means to live a sober, better life. Learn all about it on this episode of the James Swanwick Show! Key Takeaways: Giving up drinking can be like claiming y

  • 217: Is Obsessing Over Your Sports Team a Waste of Time?

    07/11/2016 Duración: 30min

    Get your question answered by James on the Podcast! Click here. Show Notes: How much do you watch sports? Do you obsess over sports? Are you always checking your phone to see what the latest news is about your sports team? Do you spend hours every week watching the game, and then many more analyzing it after the game? Does it stress you when they’re doing poorly? Do you put emotional energy into your team? That’s exactly how I used to be. But this episode is about a better way. This is not to say that you cannot or even should not have a sports team that you are invested in and keep up with. In fact, there are reasons to do so, including the added happiness that it may bring into your life. However, it’s important to be completely aware that any time, energy, and emotion put into that is directly being taken from something else. Any effort, time, money, or energy that you put into sports cannot be used in any way to further other areas of your life. The trade-off is the most important th

  • 216: Why DisneyLand is NOT the Happiest Place on Earth

    04/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    Get your question answered by James on the Podcast! Click here. Show Notes: A lot of people spend a lot of money to feel happy. Whether it’s going to DisneyLand, taking vacations, visiting exotic locations, or whatever it is. People think they need to pay, or have some sort of extremely special or unusual experience to be happy. But that is simply not the case!! Happiness comes from a variety of places. But at the end of the day, happiness is a choice. It’s a way of life. People are miserable at DisneyLand all the time, whether it’s because their kids or their spouse make them miserable, if they are stressed out about work and letting that ruin their trip, DisneyLand, by itself, cannot make you happy. You have to actively seek happiness, and be smart about the things that you know will bring more of it into your everyday life. Helping other people, doing good for other people, living in the moment, soaking up everything that is around you, progress in your goals, hard work, all of these

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