Discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations
229: Leadership Lessons from the Challenger Disaster, with Allan McDonald
25/01/2016 Duración: 49minAllan McDonald refused to sign for Challenger's launch. On this week's episode, he shares his story and leadership lessons for all of us from the Challenger disaster. Allan McDonald Author, Truth, Lies, and O-rings: Inside the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster* Quotes The time is always right to do the right thing. —Martin Luther King, Jr. People shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions or speak up because I always feel that their professional opinion is not only important, it’s their responsibility. —Allan McDonald Don’t assume that if it’s really critical other people will always do their job. —Allan McDonald Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 230 Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and includes my thoughts and recommendations on the best articles, podcasts, videos, and books, to support your development between s
228: Practical Storytelling That Isn’t Awkward, with David Hutchens
18/01/2016 Duración: 44minDavid Hutchens Author, Circle of the 9 Muses: A Storytelling Field Guide for Innovators and Meaning Makers* If you’ve found telling stories awkward in leadership, David Hutchens shows us how to leverage practical storytelling for results. David previously appeared on CFL148: The Four Stories Leaders Need For Influence. Quotes The most important part of the work [of storytelling] is all the stuff that happens after a story is told. When you tell a story, that’s not the end of a conversation, it’s the beginning. —David Hutchens Instead of me saying, “Hey, this story is important,” I always ask the audience why it’s important, and let them make a case for it. And they always do. —David Hutchens When a group starts having meaning-making conversations together, they’re surprised at the feeling of connection that it creates. —David Hutchens You can stumble and stutter your way through the story, but if it’s the right story, and if it’s connected to the work that matters to us, then it can b
227: How Millennials Who Manage Can Overcome Workplace Perceptions, with Chip Espinoza
11/01/2016 Duración: 38minChip Espinoza, Ph.D. Author, Millennials Who Manage: How to Overcome Workplace Perceptions and Become a Great Leader* Chip was also featured on CFL Episode 158: How to Lead the Millennials Chip Espinoza shares wisdom from his new book, Millennials Who Manage: How to Overcome Workplace Perceptions. Chip is the Co-author of Millennials@Work: The 7 Skills Every Twenty-Something Needs to Overcome Roadblocks and Achieve Greatness At Work and Managing the Millennials: Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today’s Workforce. He is also Academic Director of the Organizational Psychology program at Concordia University Irvine. More Quotes The major challenge [millennials] have in getting to the next level is their lack of patience. —Chip Espinoza It’s not the people that are against us that are going to hold us back from achieving what we want; it’s the people who love us the most. —Chip Espinoza The number one challenge of moving from a peer worker to being a boss is a redefinition of a relationship with thei
226: How to Lead Training, Attitude, and Energy
04/01/2016 Duración: 37minBonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak is the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast, a professor of business and management at Vanguard University, and my life partner. Prior to her academic career, Bonni was a human resources consultant and executive officer for a publicly traded company. She joins me monthly to respond to listener questions. Question from Maurice Are there any resources out there on energy and leadership? With that I don't mean the energy which seeps out you as you struggle through the day, but rather the energy which you project in any given situation. I volunteered at a dog shelter for a year. During that year I devoured any and all episode of 'The Dog Whisperer'. I discovered that being aware of one's energy before entering a scene had impact. In this case on dogs, their reaction to me and their attitude in general. I strongly believe this awareness of one's energetical state impacts humans as well. So, in February of this year I became a dad. Being aware of how s
225: Discover Your True North with Bill George
28/12/2015Bill George Author, Discover Your True North* Senior Fellow, Harvard Business School and Former CEO, Medtronic On today’s show, we learn how to discover your True North with Bill George, one of America’s most seasoned business leaders. Bill is a senior fellow at Harvard Business School and the former Chairman and CEO of Medtronic, the world’s leading medical technology company. He is the author of four bestselling books, including True North*, Authentic Leadership*, and his most recent book, Discover Your True North*, which is what he’s here to talk about today. Quotes Your life story defines your leadership. –Bill George Leadership is your choice, not your title. –Bill George Leadership can be lonely, and the only way to overcome that loneliness is to surround yourself with truth tellers and people who care about you. –Bill George Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 226 Please join my weekly leadership gui
224: How to Lead Through Uncertainty and Change
21/12/2015Jacqueline Farrington: Executive Coach On this week’s show, Jacqueline Farrington teaches us how to lead through times of uncertainty and change. Jacqueline works with senior and board-level leaders. She specializes in helping executives create high-impact personal brands and communication strategies, with particular focus on cross-generational and cross-cultural communications. Key Points 70% of all major organizational changes fail 20% of employees will support your change from the start Book: First Break all the Rules* by Marcus Buckingham Quotes People often have the perception that organizational change is about change management and not change leadership. The distinction is that while they both deliver change, change management is about the processes that we use. Change leadership is about the vision, creating a sense of urgency, and speaking to the hearts and minds of your employees. —Jaqueline Ferrington Generally, when an organization introduces change, 20% of employees will support the change. But
223: Start With Why, with Simon Sinek
14/12/2015Simon Sinek: Start with Why* and Leaders Eat Last* Questions from Mastermind members: How do you make these ideas part of the operating culture of the organization? —Mike I have listened to Simon's book, Why Leaders Eat Last. Simon provided a lot of examples of what he calls the circle of safety. His philosophy and ideas are rational. Does he have data to support that getting buy in on his philosophy is actually good for business by reducing costs or increasing profits? —Chris Quotes Companies should not be deciding their purpose or cause based on market research. That’s like a politician deciding what their vision is based on poll numbers. —Simon Sinek The first step to becoming that leader we wish we had is to actually want to be the leader. —Simon Sinek It’s about all about purpose and creating strong human relationships, and learning your “Why” gives you a massive advantage in decision-making. —Simon Sinek Fulfillment comes through service to others. When we make it about ourselves, it never real
222: How to Achieve What You Want in 2016
10/12/2015My 2015 Goals Produce and launch the first Coaching for Leaders product or service. Achieved. Play 7 songs on the guitar. In progress. Free 2-3 hours a week of work by delegating significant audio production. Achieved. Dale Carnegie goal. Not applicable. Read 15 books, including 1 fiction, 2 on early childhood development, and 2 HBR essentials. In progress. Strengthen my network and friendships through two significant interactions interactions each week. No. Attend a copywriting course. Achieved. Go on a camping trip with Luke. Achieved. (I mentioned the Last Child in the Woods* by Richard Louv). Double the weekly listenership of Coaching for Leaders. In progress. Final 2015 tally: 4 goals achieved 3 goals in progress 1 missed goal 1 not applicable Two calls to action: Michael Hyatt has released a free LifeScore Assessment It will help you: Evaluate Where You Are Track Your Progress to Where You Want to Be The LifeScore Assessment is completely free and accessible at: http://coachingfor
220: How to Find the Right Voice
30/11/2015Dr. Laura Sicola: Vocal Impact Productions Link for workbook: Quotes In teaching, your best skill is flexibility. –Dr. Laura Sicola Most people are painfully oblivious to how they come across when they communicate. –Dr. Laura Sicola Typically, with somebody that you choose to listen to regularly, there’s something about the way they communicate that both speaks to you in their content, but you also like the sound of their voice. –Dr. Laura Sicola What I’m trying to help people see is that you already have the entire range of speech styles available to you. They’re already a part of who you are. It’s just a matter of being able to tap into them when necessary. –Dr. Laura Sicola Feedback * Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: * The next Q&A show is episode 221 Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and includes my thoughts and recommend
219: How to Steal the Show With Michael Port
23/11/2015Michael Port Author, Steal the Show* Reporter: “How can an actor run for president?” Ronald Reagan: “How can a president not be an actor?” Michael Port is a NY Times bestselling author of six books including Book Yourself Solid*, The Think Big Manifesto*, and his hot new release, Steal the Show*. He has also been a successful professional actor, guest starring on shows like Sex & The City, Law & Order, Third Watch, All My Children, and in films like The Pelican Brief and Down to Earth. These days, Michael can be seen regularly on MSNBC, CNBC, and PBS as an expert in communication and business development. A good performance is authentic behavior in a manufactured environment. –Michael Port The better prepared you are, the easier it is to be authentic. –Michael Port If you have a high stakes situation, and you need your Powerpoint slides to know what’s coming next, you’re not prepared enough. –Michael Port Three questions people ask when listening to a speech: Will this thing work?
218: Increase Your Capacity Zone
16/11/2015Beth Buelow: The Introvert Entrepreneur Beth Buelow shows us how to expand into our “capacity zone” while still using our “comfort zone” as a home base. Author, The Introvert Entrepreneur* Host, The Introvert Entrepreneur podcast Coaching for Leaders episode 201: How Introverts Make Great Leaders Quotes When you 'fail,' it’s usually because you were attached to a particular outcome. And when it doesn’t happen that way, it gets labeled a 'failure.' —Beth Buelow If you approach your goals with less attachment, you’ll find yourself much better able to see those failures as data, rather than indictments of your character and who you are. —Beth Buelow The comfort zone is what makes stepping out into the unknown possible. —Beth Buelow Remember to celebrate every time you stretch that capacity zone. —Beth Buelow Feedback * Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: * The next Q&A show is episode 221 Please join my weekly lead
217: The Best Way to Make New Habits Reality
09/11/2015Kendra Kinnison How to Get Yourself Unstuck: Lead yourself effectively (get your own ducks in a row) Build your empathy muscle Don’t let stress derail you Tiny Habits When you’re stuck, use the Tiny Habit Approach Developed by BJ Fogg, a researcher at Stanford Think about what’s the absolute tiniest step you can take forward, and then commit to taking that step every day Tiny habits lower mental hurdles so much that our mental resistance doesn’t kick in. -Kendra Kinnison Think About a Restarting Strategy More often than not, it’s the good things that throw us off. -Kendra Kinnison I see restarting as just as natural a skill as continuing a routine. -Kendra Kinnison Resources: App: Gratitude Journal* App:* Feedback: Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 221 Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and
215: How to Collaborate Across Organizations
26/10/2015Kirsten Foot: Collaborating Against Human Trafficking “There are blindnesses that can only be smoothed out when leaders from one sector really listen to the leaders of another sector.” -Kirsten Foot Resources that Kirsten and Dave mentioned during the episode that will help your collaborate across organizations: Collaborating Against Human Trafficking: Cross-Sector Challenges and Practices* by Kirsten Foot BEST (Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking) Alliance Collaborating Against Human Trafficking U.S. Department of Labor: International Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports U.S. Department of Labor: List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor Ending Human Trafficking podcast Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.
213: How to Translate Vision Into Results, with J V Crum III
12/10/2015 Duración: 45minJ V Crum III Author, Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference Host, Conscious Millionaire Podcast “It’s the leader’s responsibility to set the vision.” - J V Crum III “Vision is about how you’re going to transform your client’s life.” - J V Crum III A great question for every leader to ask: ”How is my business contributing to making this world the one I really want to live in?” The Formula for Creating Wealth: 1. Conscious Leaders need to ask: “Who are you and why do you want to chose one priority over another?” “What resources are you going to need?” “What are the different options for getting to the #1 priority?” 2. Focused “If you’re a leader and you have a vision and you have your whole heart in it, your chances of achieving it is significantly higher.” 3. Action List out the actions you think you need to be taking. Put them in the order they need to occur. Does something need to happen before each step? 4. Result How well did we achieve the stated outco
212: How to Maximize Standing Meetings and More Questions
05/10/2015Bonni Stachowiak Teaching in Higher Ed We mentioned a recent article that featured Bonni’s podcast in The Chronicle of Higher Education: Improving My Teaching via Podcast Question from Jane As a new migrator from China who continues career (IT area specifically) in a western country, I wonder whether you can provide some advice what are the major barriers for us migrators to move up to a manager position. If you could provide some insights from employer's point of view would be super helpful. Bonni mentioned the work of Geert Hofstede on power distance and other cultural dynamics. Another resource is his book Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind*. Question from Michael I am an avid listener and enjoy the show. I am a VP, Sales/Director of Client Services managing a remote team of 11. We have a 30 minute weekly team meeting for which we do set an agenda and stick to it. However, I feel that most of this information can probably be communicated via email. I speak to each person at least once a day
211: How to Be Present and Productive
28/09/2015Jeremie Kubicek 5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time* Jeremie Kubicek is co-founder of GiANT Worldwide and the GiANT companies. He is the bestselling author of Making Your Leadership Come Alive and speaker to organizations throughout the world on transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. 5th Gear: Learn to Get "In the Zone" Do you have trouble getting "In The Zone"? This is where 5th gear can help. Time flies by, you get things done, and progress is made. Dave mentioned the book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience* by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. 4th Gear: Leading in a Task World Most adults spend their day multi-tasking with phone calls, emails, chores and more. Learning how to manage 4th gear correctly is key for maximum productivity. 3rd Gear: Why Being Social Matters Third Gear is all about being social and building friendships. It happens in coffee shops, at dinner parties and other social gatherings, and it's the secret ingred
210: How to Tame Workplace Incivility
21/09/2015Sharone Bar-David (LinkedIn) Author, Trust Your Canary: Every Leader’s Guide to Taming Workplace Incivility* Six beliefs that cause many of us to tolerate workplace incivility: We’re Like Family Here We Have the Right to Vent I Know My Colleague’s Boundaries You Can’t Change Someone’s Personality The Characteristics of the Group (or Industry) Make it OK People Need to Get Thicker Skins “It’s your responsibility to create a workplace where everyone can perform at their best.” -Sharone Bar-David Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 212 Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and includes my thoughts and recommendations on the best articles, podcasts, videos, and books, to support your development between shows. It also includes a brief overview and link to the full weekly show notes. As a bonus, when you join the weekly leadership guide, you
209: Get ROI From Professional Associations, with John Corcoran
14/09/2015John Corcoran Author, How to Increase Your Income Today by Building Relationships with Influencers, Even if you Hate Networking Host, Smart Business Revolution podcast “An interview is just an opportunity for a conversation.” -John Corcoran John recommended the book Give and Take by Adam Grant* as a framework to consider when engaging with professional associations (and any relationship). John and I previously aired episode 123: The Practical Pursuit of Work-Life Balance Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 212 Inaugural Mastermind Announcement I’m announcing the inaugural Coaching for Leaders Mastermind. Most leaders are not born. They are made. I've gained the most from: * Practice coaching others * Committed action * Genuine support from others You can learn to lead more effectively. The application for inaugural membership I spoke of on the episode is here: If you
208: How to Motivate People and More Questions
07/09/2015Bonni Stachowiak Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni mentioned episode 84: Daniel Pink on To Sell is Human We also mentioned and recommended the book Drive by Daniel Pink* as a great resource on how to motivate people Audio Question from Jenga ”The only way to influence someone is to find out what they want and show them how to get it." -Dale Carnegie Dave mentioned the Carnegie Coach series on “innerviewing:” Carnegie Coach episode 39: Get To Know People Without Being Awkward Carnegie Coach episode 40: Just the Facts, Ma’am Carnegie Coach episode 41: Discovering Another Person’s Motives Caring Coach episode 42: How to Know What People Value Question from Tyler How do you get off the phone with someone who is a long-winded "good ole boy?" My analysts each work with lots of sales reps, and many accounts. We have a few sales reps who like to call every day, and invariably the call ends up being 15-25 minutes. A lot of drawn out, slow responses. Talking about local news, smalltalk before they want to get down
207: How to Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages
31/08/2015Mark Barden Author, A Beautiful Constraint: How to Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages and Why It’s Everyone’s Business Working with constraints is more and more the norm in today’s organizations. Dr. Seuss was an early example how a constraint helped him develop a style that became uniquely his own. Even if you believe in the potential from constraints, it doesn’t mean you still like them — especially early on. “We are the stories we tell ourselves.” -Mark Barden “As a marketer, you go nowhere if you don’t understand the needs of your audience.” -Mark Barden “Anybody with the right mindset, the right method, and the right motivation, can be better.” -Mark Barden Visit eatbigfish to download a free sample of the book Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 208 If you're not already subscribed to this show, please do so and you’ll get new episodes every Monday. Just search for Coaching for Leaders o