Discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations
205: Ten Ways to Learn Faster
17/08/2015Randy Willhite Guitar Instructor The Burbolators (his band) “If people have two weeks to practice, they do less in two weeks than they normally would have in one.” -Randy Willhite Ten ways to learn faster: It’s hard to start, but easier to keep going Memorize first, and then practice You have to practice Schedule time each day to practice You don’t need to master something before you go onto the next thing You don’t have to like something to learn from it Consistency beats clock time Don’t beat yourself up for falling behind Touch the strings Get back on when you fall off the horse Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 208 If you're not already subscribed to this show, please do so and you’ll get new episodes every Monday. Just search for Coaching for Leaders on iTunes, Stitcher, or any podcast app you use and subscribe there. Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is deliver
204: Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, with Amy Morin
10/08/2015 Duración: 33minAmy Morin Author, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do* Amy is a licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist, and the author of the book, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do.* She dealt with a lot of personal tragedy in her life in a short period of time, and realized that having good habits wasn’t enough. She also had to get rid of bad habits. In 2013, she wrote the list, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. It went viral and was read and shared by millions of people in a matter of days. They Don’t Give Away Their Power “While other people can influence you, they can’t make you feel anything.” -Amy Morin They Don’t Resent Other People’s Success “When you want to change how you feel, the two things you need to change are how you think and how you behave.” -Amy Morin They Don’t Give Up After the First Failure They don’t view failure as a reason to give up. Instead, they use failure as an opportunity to grow and improve. They are willing to keep trying until they get it rig
202: Practical Action for Productivity, with Tim Stringer
20/07/2015 Duración: 39minTim Stringer Technically Simple Tim appeared on two past shows: Episode 151: How to Be More Productive Episode 183: Use Technology To Build and Strengthen Relationships 4 Pillars of Holistic Productivity 1. Inner Reflection Tim recommended The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working* by Tony Schwartz 2. Acceptance “No matter how busy I am, I always have time to talk about how busy I am.” -Tim Stringer (echoing a human truth) “It’s pretty hard to be a victim and be grateful at the same time.” -Tim Stringer 3. Focus 4. Inspired Action Tim mentioned the Day One app. On Thursday, July 30th @ 10am PDT / 1pm EDT, Tim and I will be hosting a How to Step Into Action With Holistic Productivity webinar. You'll get: Identify a strategic area for focus Determine your first actions to create a positive shift Connect and get inspired by other members of the community If you agree to appear on video, reserve your free space at: Feedback Comments, questions, or feedb
201: How Introverts Make Great Leaders
13/07/2015Beth Buelow (Facebook) Author, The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms* Host, The Introvert Entrepreneur podcast There is often an overt expectation of extraversion in the workplace. Extraversion: gain energy from social interaction and external stimuli Introversion: gain energy from quiet and solitude “The goal is not to be the fake extravert. The goal is to be the authentic introvert.” -Beth Buelow Beth mentioned Good to Great* by Jim Collins Dave mentioned How to Win Friends and Influence People* by Dale Carnegie “Please oh please, don’t confuse enthusiasm with noise.” -Beth Buelow Dave mentioned episode #44: Susan Cain on The Power of Introverts Beth mentioned some of the principles from Dale Carnegie that relate directly to introverted energy. Carnegie's principles also demonstrate that introverts make great leaders: Become genuinely interested in other people. Smile. Be a good listener. Encourage other people to talk about themselves. Let t
200: How to Plan Your Career and More Community Questions
06/07/2015Bonni Stachowiak: Audio Question from Jignesh Here are the resources we mentioned on how to plan your career: Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi* What Color Is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles* Carnegie Coach episode #148: How to Determine What’s Next Business Model You by Tim Clark, Alexander Osterwalder, and Yves Pigneur* Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur* Finding the Career That Fits You* The Ultimate Guide to Using Your Strengths to Get Hired* Audio Question from Mia “A lot of times people use humor in an attempt to try avoid having conflict or having a real conversation.” -Bonni Stachowiak Bonni recommended an episode of the This is Your Life podcast by Michael Hyatt called 7 Actions to Take Before You Quit Your Job. Question from Taylor I remember listening to a podcast where you, at least I think it was your podcast, talked about self-development. Specifically you discussed using a task manager to help you achieve your self-dev
198: How to Know What to Ask, with Andrew Warner
22/06/2015 Duración: 32minAndrew Warner Mixergy Andrew’s “shoved fact” technique: Listen carefully for the shoved fact that doesn’t otherwise belong in the conversation naturally Make sure you’re picking the shoved fact that’s the most personal one Ask a question about that shoved fact Shut up “The things you think are tough are where real life exists. That’s where you really get to know people.” -Andrew Warner “Tell a story to illustrate your point and then make your point.” -Andrew Warner We mentioned both of these shows: Mixergy podcast Carnegie Coach podcast Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 200 Resources for leaders: Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and includes my thoughts and recommendations on the best articles, podcasts, videos, and books, to support your development between shows. It also incl
196: Create Behavior That Lasts With Marshall Goldsmith
08/06/2015Marshall Goldsmith: Triggers Marshall says that a key factor is the environment around us in whether or not we are successful. Environmental triggers constantly take us off track. “A trigger is any stimulus that influences our behavior.” -Marshall Goldsmith Trigger —> Impulse —> Behavior Marshall says we have the chance to have a second of awareness on how we behave after the impulse. “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” -Viktor Frankl Marshall says that the biggest problem with successful people is they’ve gotten very used to winning. Marshall recalled five questions that Peter Drucker said we should all ask ourselves: What’s my mission? Who’s the customer? What does the customer consider value? What’s the goal? What’s the plan? If you want a copy of the article that Marshall mentioned, Leadership is a contact sport, send him an email to Marshall’s
192: How to Create Team Guidelines
11/05/2015Susan Gerke Go Team Resources Susan was last appeared on three prior shows: 21: Your Strengths and Blind Spots 138: The Four Unique Types of Teams 139: How To Maximize Team Performance On a true team, the work is all integrated. Don’t create guidelines yourself and give them to the team. A starting point for how to create team guidelines is what did not work well on a previous team. “The dialogue that happens while team guidelines are being created is almost the highest value thing that happens.” -Susan Gerke It’s important to have everyone present at a team meeting. Creating operating guidelines is really foundational work for a team. If you don’t do these kinds of things for your team, where do you go when you’re struggling? How to keep it visible: Don’t go past 8 guidelines for a team Have a team rate themselves on each item immediately Assess the same number a regular meetings (monthly and then quarterly) Make changes along the way, but use a structured process Disagreement is
190: How to Improve Your Coaching Skills with Tom Henschel
27/04/2015Tom Henschel Host, The Look & Sound of Leadership podcast and Executive Coach, Essential Communications When it’s a development issue (or a way of thinking) it’s coaching that’s most helpful. Tom says that coaching needs good goals, or at least one single goal over time. Think about the goal as if it were on video — how do you want the end result to look? “Coaching? It’s not about you.” -Tom Henschel “The coaching process is helping someone understand, from their own point of view, why it would be in their benefit.” -Tom Henschel Tom shared two stories from his teenage daughter Julia that helps him with coaching. Food for thought: Do people see coaching as part of their jobs? Do they have time for it? To improve your coaching skills: Let them go first. Use open ended questions, such as, “What does that sound like to you?” Earn the right to give advice. Tom last appeared on these two episodes: 107: Three Steps To Soliciting Feedback with Tom Henschel 164: How to Handle a Boss Who’s a Jerk with
188: The Art of Stage Presence with James Whittaker
13/04/2015James Whittaker Author, The Art of Stage Presence* “The audience will relate to your concept that you’re talking about much more than details.” -James Whittaker You are there for the audience, not you. “You are speaking for the audience, not to the audience.” -James Whittaker Have the first sentence completely committed to memory. During the first 99 seconds, do one of these four things: Inspire Intrigue Interest Inform Spend as much time on the opening as on the rest of the presentation. Seek out small stages to practice on (your 1:1 with a manager, team meetings, etc.) Give your attention to the people taking notes and nodding their heads and engaged with what you are saying. Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 191 on the topic of books Resources for leaders: Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wedne
187: Community Questions on Coaching, Accountability & Wisdom
06/04/2015Bonni Stachowiak Question from Jignesh I have been on a leadership course in 2012. Through the Myers Briggs Test, I have learned about my personality type and have received feedback/comparison on world's most famous leaders. I also recently read Simon Sinek's book - Start With Why. My assessment about myself has been that I am an introvert. I love working on my own. I realize that Leaders need to challenge their own comfort-zone and for me this would be to try communicating my ideas and practicing my leadership skill by interacting with others. Knowing the fact that I am introvert. I am not sure how to strike a conversation and to get maximum out of my one-on-one meeting with my stranger LinkedIn industry colleagues. I will really appreciate receiving some advice or ideas on how to strike impactful conversations. Teaching in Higher Ed episode 38: Steve Wheeler Talks Learning with ‘E’s Carnegie Coach 23: How to Strike Up a Conversation - Part 1 Carnegie Coach 23: How to Strike Up a
186: How to Become a Champion
30/03/2015Jeff Spencer, D.C. Jeff noticed that the people who should have won didn’t often win. “The single most important factor is how people perform in pivotal moments.” -Jeff Spencer “Do you have the readiness for the 3-5 pivotal moments that occur each year that will make or break your career or your life that year?” -Jeff Spencer “There’s a lot of people who have will and talent that don’t go anywhere.” -Jeff Spencer “You cannot think your way fast enough to be able to perform with ideal timing. Ideal timing and ideal responses are the direct product of your level of preparation.” -Jeff Spencer “Most people concentrate on all the things that can go wrong rather than the 1-2 things that have to go right.” -Jeff Spencer “The natural tendency is to want to be the best at whatever you’re doing. I don’t know if that’s really the best strategy. I think the place that you really start is creating your legacy.” -Jeff Spencer “Our judgements don’t help us and they don’t give us a free pass about
185: Establishing and Managing Online Reputations with Kevin Pho
23/03/2015Kevin Pho, M.D. (Twitter) (Facebook) Author, Establishing, Managing, and Protecting Your Online Reputation Social media is not a passing fad, but many people perceive it as such since the media tends to focus problem situations. “Today, getting published and getting people to read your thoughts and read your articles is no more than a click of a button.” -Kevin Pho “If you have a strong social media presence, you are many steps ahead of your competition in defining yourself online.” -Kevin Pho “If you aren’t proactive in establishing your online reputation, other sites, such as rating sites, are going to create content about you.” Three steps to creating your identify online from Kevin’s book: Curate Connect Make a difference “Using social media to follow experts in your industry is a tremendous way to learn.” -Kevin Pho A strong social media presence can marginalize the rating sites. Set up a Google alert to monitor mentions of yourself online. Dave mentioned at the end of the show a previous e
184: Getting Things Done with David Allen
16/03/2015David Allen: Getting Things Done The Getting Things Done steps: Capture—collect what has your attention Clarify—process what it means Organize—put it where it belongs Reflect—review frequently Engage—simply do. The methodology has not changed in the revision of the book, but what has changed is the number of people who need it. If what’s most on your mind right now is thinking about what should be on your mind, then it’s time to spend more time clarifying what is most important. “Not only do you need to spend time thinking, you need to spend time not thinking – absolutely daydreaming.” -David Allen Your biggest job is to define what your work is. “The big secret about Getting Things Done is it’s not really about getting things done. It’s about creating appropriate engagement with your life.” -David Allen “The people most attracted to what we teach, the GTD methodology, are the people who need it least.” David recommended The War of Art* by Steven Pressfield One of the best habits you can
183: Use Technology To Build and Strengthen Relationships, with Tim Stringer
09/03/2015 Duración: 47minTim Stringer Technically Simple and Learn OmniFocus Connect in Person to Strengthen Relationships Tim mentioned the podcast Home Work, a show for people who work at home Dave’s team at Dale Carnegie meets once a month for half a day Tim mentioned his co-working space, HiVE Vancouver Make Intentionally Richer Connections Move your level of communication up a level When possible, seek out the opportunity to connect by video We both recommend Zoom for video conferencing Ways to Stay Connected Participate in a mastermind group Attend a class that utilizes video-conferencing Social Media Tim and Dave both utilize Twitter and follow a limited number of people Ask the second question when interaction online, especially with a first connection Resources Sign-up for a free account with Zoom Tim has an affiliate relationship with Zoom. If your needs require a Zoom Pro account, utilize this link. Tim offers courses on Holistic Productivity that utilize many of the principles and tec
181: Create the Best Place to Work, with Ron Friedman
23/02/2015Ron Friedman: The Best Place to Work Interviews are not the most effective way to select people, but if you need to do it: Standardize your questions Ask behavioral questions “What underlies a great place to work isn’t access to perks, but rather experiences that are psychologically fulfilling.” -Ron Freidman Three needs that we have to feel good at work: Being good at the work we are doing and able to grow our competence Being connected to the people around us Autonomy and choice in how we approach our work “The impact of money on job satisfaction is incredibly small.” -Ron Freidman Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.
180: Do This for a Productive Week
16/02/2015Dave Stachowiak: Coaching for Leaders In the book Getting Things Done*, past guest David Allen first popularized the practice of a weekly review. In this episode, I share my own process for the weekly review, so that you can incorporate the actions that best work for you. Key Points 1. Block Time I complete my weekly review either Sunday evening or early Monday morning. Pick a time that will work consistently in your schedule. 2. Record What Worked I don’t have an issue remembering what didn’t work, so I discipline myself to write down what did work last week. That way, I recognize strengths. 3. Review Goals I do a full read of the annual goals I created at the beginning of the year, so I know where I am headed. 4. Determine Next Actions I decide the next action for each annual goal to advance me closer. 5. Flag 3-5 Actions I pick the 3-5 actions (fewer is better) than I will commit to complete this week. I leave the rest of them for another week. 6. Remove Flags from Last Week If there are still flagged
179: How to Hire a Coach
09/02/2015Marc Mawhinney: Natural Born Coaches “Coaches are important because they are a second pair of eyes for your business.” -Marc Mawhinney Mark and I discussed my recent article on What to Know When Hiring a Coach. In addition to the recommendation to check out Marc's show, I made three recommendations of coaches I recommend at the end of the episode, all of which are past guests: Tom Henschel, Essential Communications Bill Bliss, Bliss & Associates, Inc. Tim Stringer, Technically Simple Feedback Join the conversation: Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: Next Q&A show: episode 182 on presentation skills (Also see episodes 47-59 of Carnegie Coach) Thank you to the following people who joined the weekly leadership guide this past week: Erin Griffin, Kristian Bruins, Jason Jagai, Theresa Cassino, Theresa Phung, Cindy Fan, Darci Heroy, Benita Deregla, J Bretz, Chuck Barker, Julie Knoble, and Thomas Comer
177: How to Start a Conversation With Anyone
26/01/2015Mark Sieverkropp walks through six steps that will help all of us start a conversation with anyone, anywhere. Mark Sieverkropp Author, How to Start a Conversation With Anyone Mark and I were both featured by Forbes as 25 Professional Networking Experts to Watch in 2015 1. First Impressions last the longest John Corcoran spoke in episode 169 on what we can do to recover from a bad first impression 2. Practice the type of listening that makes a difference “...if you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener. To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments.” -Dale Carnegie 3. Understand who people are by how they act 4. People like others who share their same interests 5. Do not hold your listener hostage 6. Remembering the conversation is crucial to growing the relationship Finally, follow-up by building upon your initial conversation and showing interest Learn more about
175: How to Know When to Move On
12/01/2015You’ve been in the job for awhile. You’re maybe not feeling that same sense of motivation or fulfillment that you once did. How do you know when to move on? In this episode, five indicators that will help you answer that question. 1. When it’s beyond a bad day, week, or month. “Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you don’t feel like doing them.” -Julius Erving 2. When its not fulfilling anymore to solve problems. I mentioned Michael Hyatt's appearance on episode #40. “Great marketing only makes a bad product fail faster.” -David Ogilvy Every organization has the well-connected people who are marketing a bad “product” or at least a mediocre one. Are you solving problems, or are you window dressing? 3. When you’re living in Groundhog Day. You can become the cynic who says, “This is the way we do things around here.” 4. When you think the same way today that you did a year ago. You should, on occasion, be able to look back on a decision you made in the pas

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