The Mentee Podcast



From Employee to Entrepreneur


  • S4E12: The Journey Of Personal And Business Success From Inside A Blended Family With Paige Cosby

    05/04/2021 Duración: 56min

    Do you desire a deeper relationship with those who matter most to you? Do you understand the importance of being intentional in developing those key relationships, and having the right conversations that pull you towards the vision of your good life? If you want to gain insight on your own key relationships, what you can do to develop and strengthen those connections, and how sweetening those relationships can really make a difference, listen to episode 12. In my conversation with Paige Cosby, she shares her journey with me to where she’s at today; From working at Mary Kay in her early 20’s, to uncovering her passion and achieving growth and successes in the Real Estate industry today. Paige also share’s with me her leadership, motivation, successes, and personal experience in blending her and her husband’s families after forming their new marriage together. Paige talks about her experience at BOLD, a training event that teaches real estate agents powerful tools to thrive in their business. This experience co

  • S4E11: Gene Rivers - Don't Wait Til Retirement To Enjoy Life: Creating Opportunities, Growth, And Success

    29/03/2021 Duración: 47min

    Is your work-life balance aligned so that you can live the life you desire? Are you surrounding yourself with high level people that support the path to your success and life you envision? If you want to learn more about establishing balance, reducing stress, and living your good life by working and connecting with motivated and talented people, listen to episode 11. In my conversation with Gene Rivers, he shares his journey with me to where he’s at today;31 years in the business, and how he was able to recover and upscale his real estate businesses after the devastation of hurricanes in the 2000’s. Gene hasn’t lost a single business. I am truly fascinated with his story, as I too went through similar hard times in my business after my town flooded in 2016. I remember listening to Gene talk on Geoff’s podcast, The One Thing back in 2017. This conversation changed the way I think about being a business owner and the possibilities to create the life I desire. I’ve learned that time is the most valuable thing an

  • S4E10: Garrett Maroon - Investing In Relationships, Building a Business, and Prioritizing Family

    22/03/2021 Duración: 46min

    What does the good life mean to you? Have you gained clarity on what is most important to you and the steps you need to take to get there? If you’re ready to start getting connected and building the relationships necessary towards achieving your good life, listen to episode 10. In my conversation with Garrett Maroon, I learn more about his story, and the journey to where he’s at now with two real estate teams and his training company, Business By Referral. Garrett now helps other agents and business achieve growth and success by teaching them the system and tools he’s implemented to take his business to the next level by building relationships and referrals alone. I was introduced to Garrett through my partner in The Inner Circle, Jake Dreyfuss. Garrett has a track record that I am truly inspired by and interested in learning from. Not only that, but he has been able to build his business at a high level through relationships, while establishing balance in his personal/work life with his family. As a fat

  • S4E9: Adam Eidson - A Conversation With Season 2 Host And My Personal Nutritional Coach

    15/03/2021 Duración: 42min

    Establishing daily routines and habits are crucial to the success of where you want to be and ultimately achieving the life you desire. Are you clear on the ONE THING that's most important to you? Listen to my conversation with Adam Eidson in episode 9 as we talk about pushing past your limiting beliefs and mental programming to start investing in yourself and putting forward action towards achieving your goals. Adam was the Season 2 host for The Mentee Podcast. In our conversation, we get reconnected to learn about what Adam's been up to since hosting The Mentee Podcast, and how he has been able to pivot and upscale his business during the pandemic through intentional focus, sales, and marketing. 18 weeks ago I hired Adam as my nutritional fitness coach and am on the journey to achieving my personal fitness goals. I really appreciate my relationship and the guidance I receive from Adam. He’s held me accountable and has helped me to establish the habits and routines I NEEDED to truly gain forward momentum tow

  • S4E8: Jake Dreyfuss - Take Inspired Action Towards Your Good Life

    08/03/2021 Duración: 41min

    Do you believe that the value you bring is your energy and confidence? Have you surrounded yourself with people who encourage you to face your limiting beliefs and help you move forward towards your goals? If you’ve uncovered your sense of worthiness, clarity on your future self, and are ready to take action on the life you desire, listen to episode 8. In my conversation with Jake Dreyfuss, I learn more about Jake’s journey to where he’s at now; in real estate, achieving 200 plus million in sales, and leading up to building his strategy organization, Bright Pink Socks. Jake brings immense value in his bold strategy sessions to vulnerable, driven leaders, by helping them identify their blindspots and then implementing effective tactics to achieve their goals. I always leave my conversations with Jake feeling enlightened, energized, and with my notepad in hand, full of action items towards building my own good life. This is why Jake is one of my favorite mentors and the perfect fit to join me in partnering

  • S4E7: A Quick Check In With Me, Wyatt Graves

    01/03/2021 Duración: 16min

    “What got you here, won’t get you there.” - Marshall Goldsmith Have you clearly defined your future self and the path to living your good life? It’s my passion to help people build their good life. My vision for The Mentee is to connect you to the right mentors and conversations, in hopes to expose you to new ways of thinking, the right connections, accountability, and clarity on what’s necessary to achieve the life they desire. Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Are you ready to upgrade your five? Listen to episode 7, and hear more about my vision for the future of The Mentee. In this episode, I wanted to express my gratitude for all the feedback and engagement thus far. It is my goal to continue to have the right conversations centered around your personal life, spiritual life, business, finances, physical health, and key relationships. All of these categories are crucial to creating a good life of balance in your happiness, wealth, and free time. There’s p

  • S4E6: Patrick Galvin - The Connector's Way & Building Your Business by Building Relationships

    15/02/2021 Duración: 42min

    Building relationships are essential to success in both business and life. Are you getting connected and having the right conversations? Whether you’re looking for a way to move forward in your career, or are stuck in a rut in your business, we are all ultimately looking to achieve success and start living our good life. Listen to episode six to learn more about taking your career or business to the next level by developing genuine connections with people that matter. In this episode, my conversation with Patrick Galvin sheds immense clarity on the possibilities and opportunities that are unlocked by having the right conversations and building relationships. Patrick Galvin is an accomplished presenter, TEDx speaker, author and coach with (The Galvanizing Group), that helps high-performance companies and teams grow bottom line results through better internal and external relationships. Patrick break’s down the powerful relationship-building relationship secrets i

  • S4E5: Todd Baldwin - Self-Made Millennial Millionaire

    08/02/2021 Duración: 46min

    Are you getting the most out of your money? Are you on a journey to wealth and living your good life? Do you want to become financially free but aren’t sure where to start? If so, episode five is for you. In episode five, my conversation with Todd Baldwin provides eye opening nuggets of truth on his best tips and strategies for saving money and investing wisely. Todd became a millionaire at age 25 through real estate and has continued to gain through frugal spending, saving, and investing. Todd shares with me what inspired him to come into adulthood wanting to save, and the steps he took to reach financial freedom at an early age. In addition, he shares with me some of his favorite tools and strategies that have helped him along his journey to becoming a young millionaire. If you’re ready to start building your life and achieving financial success, Listen to episode five now! Connect with Todd Baldwin Follow Todd on Youtube: (

  • S4E4: Ben Hardy - Personality Isn't Permanent

    01/02/2021 Duración: 44min

    Are you tired of not making progress in your life? Do you define yourself based on your past which keeps you from becoming who you desire? Do you want to change your life but don’t know how? If so, this episode is for you. In episode four, my conversation with Dr. Benjamin Hardy breaks down the formula for shattering limiting habits and behaviors and other awesome content from his book, Personality Isn’t Permanent. This book has been called “the most important self-help book in decades” and “a must read for anyone who wants to live a more fulfilling life.” Ben offers bold strategies for personal transformation, as well as practical, science-based advice on how to design your current identity based on your desired future self and ultimately make decisions through your new identity to confidently operate from your future self. We talk about how to enhance your subconscious to overcome addictions and limiting patterns, the importance of redesigning your current relationships and environm

  • S4E3: Kelly Flanagan - Quit Searching for Solutions, You Already Have Them

    25/01/2021 Duración: 36min

    In today’s episode of The Mentee Podcast, Wyatt sits down with author, psychologist, blogger, and father, Dr. Kelly Flanagan. Kelly is best known for the letter’s he’s wrote to his children, one of which landed him on the Today Show.  Wyatt and Kelly take a deeper dive into Kelly’s book “Loveable”, breaking down the key points to defining your worthiness, belonging and purpose, and the steps to uncovering your true self. We talk about the importance of gaining clarity on what matters most to you, and Wyatt shares the ways this has helped to frame his mission to help people in The Mentee gain success. We discuss the ways defining, embracing, and living in our true, future self effects our growth, the way we show up in our world, as well as the connections we have in our current and future relationships. We go over Kelly’s “Wise vulnerability” approach on announcing your new, true, future self to your current and new relationships, and how this changes the conversation, as well as how this will give you cl

  • S4E2: A Deeper Dive Into Wyatt’s Journey And Vision For The Mentee

    19/01/2021 Duración: 38min

    In this episode of The Mentee Podcast, we sit down with our new host for season four, Wyatt Graves, to dive a little deeper into Wyatt’s Journey and what inspired his vision and mission with The Mentee. Wyatt shares his story in 2016, where he suffered tremendous devastation due to flooding. Around 2017 he was introduced to the founder of The Mentee, The Mentee Podcast, and The Inner Circle mastermind community, Geoff Woods. This is where he first heard the quote by Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Being inspired by this quote, as well as Geoff’s journey of going from employee to entrepreneur, Wyatt knew he wanted to go all in. He also talks about the concept and inspiration behind The Inner Circle Mastermind community, and his partnership with Jake Dreyfuss, who will bring immense value to the mastermind community. Wyatt tells us about all of the powerful, like minded connections, opportunities, events he attended, and steps he took along the way to be inspired

  • S4E1: Introducing Season Four Host Of The Mentee, Wyatt Graves

    19/01/2021 Duración: 11min

    We kick off Season Four with some exciting news. In this episode, founder of The Mentee and vice president of The One Thing, Geoff Woods, sits down to interview and welcome our new host, Wyatt Graves. Wyatt is a husband, dad, an entrepreneur.  Wyatt’s passion is helping others accelerate success by surrounding them with the right mentors and facilitating the right conversations. Wyatt’s mission in life is to help others build their good life filled with abundance. Geoff and Wyatt share their story on how they were first acquainted, and what inspired  Wyatt’s new found passion and calling to take on The Mentee. Wyatt shares his own 20 year  entrepreneurial journey of building business’ and becoming a licensed real estate agent, and how his experiences and connections to high level mentors along the way influenced his success and vision for The Mentee.  Wyatt genuinely wants to add value and mentorship to other like minded individuals to help them live their good life and accomplish all thei

  • S3E31: Season 3: Final Episode

    10/12/2018 Duración: 33min

    Natalee and Geoff end Season 3 of The Mentee.   A summary of what I’ve learned, why my season is over, and what’s next for The Mentee.   If you’d like to stay in touch with Natalee you can follow her online:   Facebook: Natalee Allen Champlin Instagram: @nataleechamplin Web: MAPS Coaching:   Join The Inner Circle I’d like to personally invite you to join The Inner Circle. Check out the website and message me (Natalee) with any questions (@nataleechamplin on Instagram, Natalee Allen Champlin on Facebook) Click here to Join The Inner Circle: Book a call with Natalee: (   Apply for the Mentee Mastermind To apply for the Mentee Mastermind, schedule a call with Natalee here:   Resources If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the Mentee Podcast on iTunes,leave us a 5 star review for the show

  • S3E30: Happy Thanksgiving!

    19/11/2018 Duración: 04min

    This week is a short one! I really wanted to tell you something… and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.     Join The Inner Circle I’d like to personally invite you to join The Inner Circle. Check out the website and message me (Natalee) with any questions (@nataleechamplin on Instagram, Natalee Allen Champlin on Facebook) Click here to Join The Inner Circle: Book a call with Natalee:   Apply for the Mentee Mastermind To apply for the Mentee Mastermind, schedule a call with Natalee here:   Resources If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the Mentee Podcast on iTunes,leave us a 5 star review for the show and share this episode with someone you think needs to hear it. Thank you! This is the easiest way you can help us make an impact on more people. Free Resources at

  • S3E29: Powerful Questions on the Road to Clarity - with Rob Murray

    12/11/2018 Duración: 48min

    This week you get to listen in on a coaching conversation with my friend and high performance coach, Rob Murray.   In this show you’ll learn: A handful of questions you can ask yourself to find more clarity in what you really want What to do about shiny object syndrome Why focus is so important when building your business   Join The Inner Circle I’d like to personally invite you to join The Inner Circle. Check out the website and message me (Natalee) with any questions (@nataleechamplin on Instagram, Natalee Allen Champlin on Facebook) Click here to Join The Inner Circle: Book a call with Natalee: (   Apply for the Mentee Mastermind To apply for the Mentee Mastermind, schedule a call with Natalee here:   Resources If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the Mentee Podcast on iTunes,leave us a 5 star review for the show and share th

  • S3E28: I’ve Never Been this Vulnerable... - with Barbara Gustavson

    29/10/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    Barbara is passionate about helping purpose-driven people take their goals and ideas to significantly impact those they serve. Using high-performance coaching and accountability, her clients are committed to taking bold steps that move their career to the next level while building stronger teams.   In this show you’ll learn: 8:55 - What it really means to live boldly 12:30 - What to do when you start facing obstacles and resistance 18:50 - One day you’ll wake up and realize that everything around you was created by people no smarter than you (Steve Jobs) 20:30 - Barbara starts coaching Natalee - You get to create your own life! 34:00 - A tool to deal with shame and guilt 42:15 - how do you design who you want to be Find Barbara Online: Get 2 FREE Chapters of her Book, “Permission to be BOLD” HERE:   Book mentioned in the show: Playing Big by Tara Mohr  

  • S3E27: It’s a VUCA world, embrace it. - with Sunnie Giles

    22/10/2018 Duración: 50min

    Sunnie’s work has been published in Harvard Business Review, she is a contributor to and she consults Fortune 500 companies on her cutting edge leadership training content.   In this show you’ll learn: What the heck VUCA is. What Artificial Intelligence and neuroscience can teach you about being a leader that creates radical innovation. What you need to focus on first, in order to lead others. What Sunnie does to grow her leadership training company (hint - it has to do with relationships).   Find Sunnie Online: Buy her book, The Science of Radical Innovation: The Six Competencies Leaders Need to Win in a Complex World, Website: Twitter:   Join The Inner Circle I’d like to personally invite you to join The Inner Circle. Check out the website and message me (Natalee) with any questions (@nataleechamplin on Instagram, Natalee Allen Champlin on Facebook) Click here to Join The Inner Circle:

  • Curate What You Share, and You May Just Blow Up Your Business - with Sean McCabe

    15/10/2018 Duración: 01h15min

    Sean is a creator and successful business owner of a media company that provides education for creative entrepreneurs. He’s built up a huge following, and significant income doing something that he loves. He’s the author of Overlap, Jeff Goin’s quoted the book saying, “It’s a book that teaches you everything you need to know to turn your passion into a profession.”   In this show you’ll learn: What does it mean to leverage social media to build influence? We think acting bigger than we are gets us to the big numbers BUT it’s the people who do the things that don’t scale that grow the most influence When we look beyond the people we are already reaching, we are missing the point. Niching down and go as specific as you need to until you can be the best Why you need to know who your top competitor is How to get traction by curating what you share - niching down Why you can only have 150 close relationships and why people are going to put you in a box- and what you can do about it. Why I have a love ha

  • S3E25: Filling Your Pipeline with High-Ticket Sales Leads with Janet Clark

    08/10/2018 Duración: 01h09min

    Janet has 20+ years of experience selling high-ticket coaching programs.   In this show you’ll learn: The first things you need to focus on when you’ve decided start a company. What two things must happen before a sale. What 3 things you can do to increase the likelihood of being successful and not failing like most business owners.   Join The Inner Circle I’d like to personally (invite you to join The Inner Circle.) Check out the website and message me (Natalee) with any questions (@nataleechamplin on Instagram, Natalee Allen Champlin on Facebook) Click here to Join The Inner Circle:   Apply for the Mentee Mastermind To apply for the Mentee Mastermind, schedule a call with Natalee here:   Send Us Love If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the Mentee Podcast on iTunes,leave us a 5 star review for the show and share this episode with someone you think

  • S3E24: Build a Brain Trust of Mentors by Leveraging Existing Relationships - with Mike Glauser

    01/10/2018 Duración: 33min

    Ever ridden your bike coast to coast in the name of entrepreneurship? Today’s guest has. Mike Glauser is an entrepreneur, author and contributor to He’s studied thousands of successful entrepreneurs and now teaches students the skills that increase your odds of being a successful business owner.     In this show you’ll learn: the best way to find mentors and add value to them what are primary mentor - and how you can leverage them to find more mentors the business world moves so fast that without mentors you won't be able to learn everything you need by trial and error   I’d like to personally (invite you to join The Inner Circle.) Check out the website and message Natalee with any questions (@nataleechamplin on Instagram, Natalee Allen Champlin on Facebook)   If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the Mentee Podcast on iTunes and leave us a 5 star review for the show. This is the ea

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