Not Too Deep With Grace Helbig



You know those podcasts where famous people recount their lives and careers, and then things get emotional? That is NOT this show! Hosted by internet superstar Grace Helbig, "Not Too Deep" is a ridiculous, silly, and unapologetically superficial interview podcast, that is more about the laffs than about the feels.


  • Christmas Rants with Mitchell Davis and Jack Ferry

    07/12/2015 Duración: 01h11min

    Mitchell Davis is BACK. And we’re doing what we do best: Rants! This time we’re coming after you, Christmas. Mitchell, Jack, and I tackle important holiday issues such as: Winter in LA, why mistletoe doesn't have an app yet, and the joy of Black Friday shopping. We also chat (at LENGTH) about my new Christmas obsession - Krampus.Spoiler Alert - Yes, we went to see the Krampus movie this past weekend (many weeks after this podcast was recorded). So look out for our bonus episode where Mitchell, Jack, and I review the film, AT LENGTH, in just two weeks!- Also, please remember that this episode is brought you for free by our awesome sponsors MeUndies, Casper Mattress, and Harry’s! Please go support them so we can continue to keep the podcast free!

  • Meg DeAngelis

    21/11/2015 Duración: 57min

    Fun and always-bubbly Meg DeAngelis(YouTube's MayBaby) dropped by this week, and I couldn't be more excited. The sweet do-it-yourselfer, actress, and singer shared what it was like growing up in Canada AND Germany, how she attended Hogwarts in her past life(??), and what two animals she’d like to replace her hands with. Also, we learn about her strange addiction to caramel apples and her minor obsession for Justin Bieber’s butt. You don't want to miss this one!- This episode was brought to you for FREE because of our great sponsors -- Loot Crate, Oscar's Hotel For Fantastical Creatures, Credit Karma, and ChocolateSelfie. They support us so go support them!

  • FunForLouis - Louis Cole

    21/11/2015 Duración: 59min

    This week I am very excited to be joined with nomad and avid daily vlogger Louis Cole, aka FunForLouis! He has some crazy interesting stories, like the time he was arrested straight off an airplane, and the reason for his hilariously bizarre affinity for hair dryers. He’s got also got some great travel tips, so listen up!- Check out our terrific sponsors that brought you this episode for FREE -- Kensington Publishing’s “Wicked Edge,” Oscar's Hotel For Fantastical Creatures, and Credit Karma. Go support them because they support us!

  • Meghan Tonjes

    16/11/2015 Duración: 55min

    DELIGHTED to have my friend Meghan Tonjes on the podcast this week. We met a few years ago in the lobby of Vidcon, where I spotted her drinking an entire bottle of wine and I said, "we must be friends." So here we are! Please enjoy this hilarious chat about Crock-Pots, dogs, and the creative way she handles negative people. Basic strategy: not giving a f*ck! Valuable lesson!- Remember guys, this episode is brought to you for FREE by our extremely generous sponsors (and friends of the show) -- Squarespace and Loot Crate! Please go support them so they continue to support us!

  • Giving Thanks, with Mitchell Davis and Jack Ferry

    09/11/2015 Duración: 01h09min

    Welp, October is over. So that means it's time to pack up your Sexy Nurse, Sexy Bunny, and Sexy Minion costumes and get ready to give thanks! Because November. And what better way to thank YOU, my loyal listeners, than by offering you this hilarious podcast with my dear friends Mitchell Davis and Jack Ferry? We talk about so many things! Including Mitchell's transition to LA, his desire to live on the moon, and how kids shows are all pretty much insane. This is a long episode cuz it was a super fun one. Enjoy! And you're welcome.-This episode is brought you by our awesome sponsor Me Undies. Please go support them so we can continue to keep the podcast free!

  • Lisa Schwartz

    02/11/2015 Duración: 51min

    Lisa Schwartz, aka Lisbug on YouTube, swings by the podcast this week! FUN FACT, Lisa used to be a birthday party princess, which, YES, is as absurd as it sounds. She regales us with some hilarious stories about that, as well as her time working in Disneyland. We also discuss hair mistakes, fun times with dogs, and those ridiculous glider thingies.-This episode is brought you by our awesome sponsor and friend of the show, Loot Crate. Please go support them so we can continue to keep the podcast free!

  • Megan Batoon

    25/10/2015 Duración: 01h03min

    I've been following the incredible Megan Batoon for a WHILE now, and I’m so happy she agreed to sit down with me. She’s an amazing dancer, host, comedian, and a Queen of Puns. In this episode, you get to hear me spill a bloody mary all over my computer! (spoiler) But before that, we discuss where we’d like to fire a hot dog cannon! Whose butts we'd like to touch! And the creepy weirdness that is children's television! Also, Pinterest tips! What more could you ask for??- This episode is brought you for free by our awesome sponsors Everalbum, MakeSpace, and Warby Parker! Please go support them so we can continue to keep the podcast free!

  • The Gabbie Show - Gabrielle Hanna

    19/10/2015 Duración: 01h05min

    Get ready for some more spooooooooky fun! Gabbie Hanna (aka The Gabbie Show) joins me this week, and she. is. a. delight.- If you don't know her, she's one of my favorite up-and-coming YouTubers and Vine stars. She has so many funny stories. So many online dating tips. And TOO many ghost stories. But like REAL ghost stories. Like things that have actually happened to her and her family. So, join us this week on Not Too Deep and LISTEN TO ME FREAK OUT.- Please remember that this episode is brought to you for free by our extremely generous sponsors: Squarespace and MakeSpace. Please go support both spaces (ha), so they continue to support us!

  • Halloween Stories with Chester See

    12/10/2015 Duración: 01h05min

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's baaaaaaaaaaa-aaaack..! Sorry, did I scare you? Don't be scared. It's only returning guest (as well as maybe our most awkward podcast guest?) Chester See!- In honor of the upcoming holiday, this week Jack Ferry and I sit down with Chester and talk about some spooky Halloween stories. Well, they're more stupid than spooky. But you might get spooked, who knows. Maybe try listening to this podcast in a haunted house? That should work. Try it! Anyway, this is a really fun, laid-back conversation, and I for one am glad we recorded it -- so you can enjoy it too!- This episode is brought you by our awesome sponsors Me Undies and Casper Mattresses! Please go support them so we can continue to keep the podcast free!

  • Live with Harley Morenstein at Just for Laughs

    05/10/2015 Duración: 01h13min

    Our first live episode! I'm so excited for this one, as it features return guest Harley Morenstein, who flew back to Canada just to be on this show. WHAT. A. GUY. And, as always, he was totally hilarious. So, enjoy!- Special thanks to Just For Laughs for having me this year. It was super fun.- Did you guys like this live episode? Let us know! Maybe we'll do more?- This episode is brought you by our awesome sponsors Squarespace and "Oscars Hotel for Fantastical Creatures," by KickThePj and New Form Digital! Please go support them so we can continue to keep the podcast free! and

  • Dating Advice with Mamrie Hart

    28/09/2015 Duración: 01h01min

    This week, I thought it would be super fun to invite my dear friend Mamrie Hart back to the podcast to help me dish out some relationship advice, by answering all of your burning questions about love. We share some wonderfully embarrassing stories about bad kissers, online dating, and the secrets to successful dates. (Also, we talk about farting into charcoal panties. So... BONUS.) Do yourself a favor and don't go out with ANYONE until you listen to this episode!#popcorntrick-This episode is brought you by our awesome sponsor Zevia. Please go support them so we can continue to keep the podcast free!

  • Jenna Marbles

    20/09/2015 Duración: 56min

    Guys! It finally happened. Queen of the internet, Jenna Marbles, has joined us for this week’s episode of Not Too Deep! Learn about delicious dishes knows as Garbage Plates! Find out about her plans to marry Rihanna! Horrifying clarinet stories! Dogs! So many dogs! This episode has got it all.-This episode is brought you by our awesome sponsor Squarespace. Please go support them so we can continue to keep the podcast free!

  • "Oscar's Hotel" Special w/ PJ Liguori, Mamrie Hart, & Mitchell Davis

    13/09/2015 Duración: 01h06min

    In honor of the upcoming release of "Oscar's Hotel for Fantastical Creatures," I thought it would be fun to have a chat with creator PJ Liguori (aka KickThePJ) about all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans that went into making the show. And because I love PODCAST shenanigans, I invited Mamrie and Mitchell over, too! So, it's amazing PJ was able to get a word in edgewise! But seriously, this is a really fun, freeform, chaotic (and LONG) chat about a very fun project that I'm proud to be a part of.- Want to check out the actual "Oscar's Hotel" series and see me act out my spirit animal, an aloof hermit crab? Or Mamrie as a boozy octopus chef? Or Mitchell as a taxi driver painted completely red? (If that doesn't sell you, then this show probably isn't for you. But if so!) Go And remember, this episode is brought to you for FREE by our extremely generous sponsor (and friend of the show) -- Loot Crate! Please go support them so they continue to support us!- Then when yo

  • Troye Sivan

    05/09/2015 Duración: 50min

    Troye Sivan may very well be a 50-year-old man trapped inside the body of 20-year-old pop star. This was such a hilarious episode to me, because Troye gets ABSURDLY excited by the most mundane things. Like... his passion for flossing! And his "soft teeth." And don't get me started on "Bubby." Troye, you are a man of many surprises. And by "man" I mean a "pale, porcelain baby." HIS WORDS.- Please remember that this episode is brought to you for free by our extremely generous sponsor (and friend of the show) -- Squarespace! Please go support them so they continue to support us!

  • Cody Johns

    31/08/2015 Duración: 57min

    Our first Vine guest! Cody Johns, aka @cody on Twitter. Can you believe he scored that Twitter handle? @cody?? Well, turns out it's not as great as it sounds. Find out why (and how he got it) on this very fun episode of Not Too Deep! Cody is one of the sweetest guests we've ever had on, and we spent an insane amount of time discussing both dogs and throw pillows, so you know I had a great time. Enjoy!-Please remember that this episode is brought to you for free by our extremely generous sponsor: Zevia. Please go support them so they continue to support us!

  • Grace and Mitchell's Rants: Podcast Edition

    24/08/2015 Duración: 01h05min

    Guys, we're trying something new this week. Thought it would be fun to open up the format of the show a little bit, and make it a bit more conversational, with my dear friend Mitchell Davis. We got a chance to have a classic Grace & Mitchell rant and then let the conversation wander. And guess what? I had a really fun time making this episode! Who knew talking with friends could be so fun?? Did you enjoy it? Please let us know by leaving us a review on iTunes! Seriously, I'd like to know what you think. We've got another episode like this planned with Mamrie in a few weeks, so if you like this format, we'll probably do more like it, with more recurring guests. (But don't worry, we'll still be doing our normal format, with new guests, most weeks.)- Please remember that this episode is brought to you for free by our extremely generous sponsor: Casper Mattresses. If you're looking for a new bed (especially a very comfortable one at a shockingly fair price), please support them - so they

  • Elliott Morgan

    15/08/2015 Duración: 58min

    Hilarious YouTuber, comedian, host, and all-around entertaining human being Elliott Morgan stopped by for this week’s podcast, and I couldn't be more excited. We covered a lot of ground in this episode, including why bunny rabbits can only have desk jobs, why 90s Nickelodeon game shows are (still) THE BEST, and which Jenner family member he would choose to fart in front of, marry, or be kidnapped by. This is a super-sized episode, so let's bedazzle some neck braces, pee next to The Rock, and DO THIS.- Please remember that this episode is brought to you for free by our extremely generous sponsors: Squarespace and Loot Crate. Please go support them so they continue to support us!

  • Ingrid Nilsen

    10/08/2015 Duración: 47min

    Welcome to another episode of Not Too Deep, the only interview podcast GUARANTEED to stay completely superficial and silly! Seriously, if we get too deep, I will refund whatever money you didn't pay for this free podcast. That is my solemn promise to you.- Guys, I'm SO EXCITED to share this wonderfully hilarious conversation with my friend and fellow YouTuber, the wonderfully hilarious Ingrid Nilsen! We chat about so many things… like our favorite YouTuber laughs, tips for avoiding showers, and the time Ingrid was on an airplane and it got struck by lightning, because THAT IS A THING THAT HAPPENS APPARENTLY?? You don't want to miss this one.- After you listen to this episode, please take a moment to subscribe to our show on iTunes (if you haven't already) and consider leaving us a review. Because that really does help new people find our show. And don't you just want to share the dumb with them?

  • Kian Lawley

    02/08/2015 Duración: 58min

    Wow, who knew that Kian had such amazingly embarrassing stories? YOU will, once you listen to this hilarious episode. His Christmas pants story? Oh boy. I'll never be the same. This is one of our funniest episodes yet!- Did you like this episode? Did you hate it? Did you feel meh? Go leave us a review on iTunes! Otherwise, how will we ever learn? Please remember that this episode is brought to you for free by our extremely generous sponsors: Squarespace and Warby Parker. Please go support them so they continue to support us!

  • Anna Akana

    16/07/2015 Duración: 45min

    So excited to have Anna Akana on the show this week! She's so lovely and smart and super hard working and incredibly funny. If you don't know her, then prepare to fall in like with her. We discuss some very important issues, like socially awkward cheetahs, comment trolls, Anna's least favorite (and most rapey) Disney character, and, of course, S#!t!#highbrowcomedy- IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - We're taking next week off. I know, we just took last week off. Things are crazy with Vidcon, please find a way to DEAL. But get very excited because we will be back the following week with Kian Lawley! Yeah!- Please remember that this episode is brought to you for free by our extremely generous sponsor: Please go support them so they continue to support us!

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