Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast



Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.


  • A Fear of the Lord


    Jeremiah 2:19 — What is the essence of sin? What is it that makes sin so destructive and alienating from God? In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:19 titled “A Fear of the Lord,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that sin is not merely something that people do, but it is a state of the heart and mind. At the center of this state is the complete absence of the fear of the Lord. Just as the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the absence of this fear is the ground of sin and evil. But humanity does not see sin as the deadly thing that it is. To people, sin is a game and a source of fleeting worldly pleasure. But God tells that all those that sin will suffer for their sin in this life and the next. The truth of the gospel is that God comes to humanity not only in judgment, but also in grace. God has not left anyone without hope—He has sent His only Son into the world to die upon the cross so that sin would be vanquished. All those who repent and believe in Jesus are freed from sin and its curse, and they are made ri

  • Ignorant of the Truth of God


    Jeremiah 2:18 — What is the world’s greatest problem? Many would say war; others would say it is poverty. Some say that regardless of what the problem is, it can be solved by education alone. In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:18 titled “Ignorant of the Truth of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones goes on to show how all of these answers provide an unbiblical response to this most important question. According to Scripture, all the trouble in the world is only a result of humanity’s sinful and rebellious nature. Though people were created good and holy, they rejected God, and as a result of this fell into sin and condemnation. This fall brought the whole created order into a state of sin and despair. What was once created good by God has now become distorted and corrupted. Humanity now does not know God and does not seek to love or serve Him as they were created to do. If all the world’s problems stem from people not knowing God, what is the answer? God has made a way of salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus died for

  • Man; a Slave


    Jeremiah 2:14-17 — What is humanity’s problem? What is it about people and the world that accounts for all the ills and trials of human life? The question is present all through human history, yet modern humanity has no answer. In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:14–17 titled “Man, A Slave,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches the biblical truth that each person’s problem is that they have fallen from original righteousness and purity into sin and despair. All are slaves to sin and twisted desires. Scripture tells us that no one is evolving toward a better future, but rather are getting worse. What then is the answer to this seemingly hopeless state? The answer is found in God’s infinite grace given in Jesus Christ. While it is true that humanity can do nothing to help themselves, the gospel is the message that God has acted for humanity. God has sent His Son to die upon the cross as the ultimate price for sin and peace. All who believe in Jesus are freed from sin and made children of God, righteous inheritors of the ne

  • The Condition of Fallen Man


    Jeremiah 2:10-12 — What is the greatest contradiction about humanity? According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in this sermon from Jeremiah 2:10–12 titled “The Condition of the Fallen Man,” it is the fact that people claim to be great rational thinkers, yet they reject God and die in sin. Humanity claims to be enlightened, yet they are slaves to sin. The explanation is that people have rejected God and pursued their own goals in life because they are sinners. A person is not the master of their own fate as they would like to believe, but they are a slave to sin. What then is the answer to humanity’s sinful condition? The answer is grace. People can only escape their sin and the judgment that follows it because God has acted in time and history in the person of Jesus Christ. The gospel breaks into a person’s foolishness and blindness and gives life. God gives glory and honor in and through Jesus Christ because all that repent of their sins and believe are made children of God, righteous and holy. The sermon calls a

  • I Will Plead With You


    Jeremiah 2:9 — How bad is sin? While many look at sin as something trivial and light, God does not. In this sermon from Jeremiah 2:9, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on the great truth of God’s judgement against sin, but also God’s great love for sinners. The great truth of the Gospel is that though man is sinful and abominable before God, God is patient and slow to anger. This is seen in the history of Israel. They continually rebel against Him and spurned His love. Yet He still comes to them and offers grace and forgiveness. Though He has every right to condemn them, He extends grace and mercy. As Dr.Lloyd-Jones proclaims, Jesus Christ gives mercy to all, not only the people of Israel! For God has made a way of salvation for all who believe in Him and repent of their sins. Jesus is God’s ultimate display of mercy towards sinners. Do you know the grace of Jesus Christ? Are you forgiven of all your sins? In this sermon, you will hear the glorious truth of the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins.

  • The Only Authority


    Jeremiah 2:8 — What does the prophet Jeremiah say to the church of today? According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in this sermon on Jeremiah 2:8 titled “The Only Authority,” the prophet Jeremiah reminds of the importance of God’s authority in one’s life. Jeremiah decried the corrupt and abusive priesthood of Israel that sacrificed to false gods and did not worship the only true God of Israel as they had been commanded to do. The leaders of Israel had also rejected God and His law. What does this mean for the church of modern times? Just as many in the time of Israel who were supposed to lead the people of God and teach them rightly had gone astray, the church of today has many who claim to be leaders but reject the truth of God’s Scriptures and teach against orthodox Christianity. Whether it is higher criticism of the Bible or attacks on the deity of Christ, many teachers in the church oppose the very teachings of God. The answer to this problem is always the same: the church of Jesus Christ must teach the true m

  • A Depraved Nature


    Jeremiah 2:7 — Is Christianity a joyless religion based on strict law keeping? Sadly, many people think that the teachings of Jesus Christ are just this. But in this sermon on Jeremiah 2:7 titled “A Depraved Nature,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that this is wholly opposed to what the Bible actually teaches. In the Scriptures is found a God in whom people are to take joy. The Christian life is a call to follow Jesus and to love one another; it is a call to find peace in the salvation of Christ. This life is not about keeping commandments first and foremost, but it is about trusting in Jesus. All the sins that the Bible forbids are the sins that alienate people from God and make them slaves. Freedom and joy have the same source: Jesus Christ. Scripture presents a beautiful picture of life in Christ that allows Christians to really enjoy the gifts of God in creation rather than abuse them for fleeting pleasure. The message of this sermon and the Bible is to follow Jesus and find joy in Him. People are not only

  • A Ruined Mansion


    Jeremiah 2:6 — What is the source of suffering and misery in this world? In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:6 titled “A Ruined Mansion,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses this question and more. Humanity is like a ruined mansion, a dark shadow of what it once was. People were made to be a friend of God, but now they live in sin and filth. Humanity has sinned and fallen from the original state of happiness and peace into despair because it has willingly rebelled against God. They are now an enemy of God and subject to the wrath of God. What then is humanity’s hope? It is certainly not in itself. Hundreds of years of human history has only shown that people cannot save themselves. This is why God had to send His own Son into the world to die in the place of sinners. Jesus Christ suffered and died a bloody death on the cross for all. All that trust in Him are saved and made children of God. God’s answer to the plight of humanity is to take their place. This sermon calls all to forsake their sins and flee to Christ. The

  • Life Without God


    Jeremiah 2:5 — It is common to encounter disbelief, skepticism, and disdain for Christianity from unbelievers. Driven by a fear of this criticism, some Christians retreat from conversations about God and the gospel. In this sermon based on Jeremiah 2:5 titled “Life Without God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps equip his listeners to know how to handle such criticism with grace and confidence. As he analyzes the position of the skeptic, he challenges their unbelief with his own questions regarding their unbelief and dismissal of God. Asking the unbeliever to consider their rejection of God, he focuses particularly on their rejection of the morality found in the Bible. What exactly is the unbeliever’s objection to morality? What rational foundation could there be for holding to such a belief? Biblical morality, he argues, seeks the flourishing of humanity and the world, so the rejection of morality is both foolish and irrational. It leads to worldwide chaos and tension. If the unbeliever were to turn in belief to

  • Fountain of Living Waters


    Jeremiah 2:13 — Everyone must consider what they are chasing in life and if it will last. In this sermon in Jeremiah 2:13 titled “Fountain of Living Waters,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones states that all seek satisfaction from a worldview that is either like a cistern of stagnant water or a fountain of flowing, living water. What characterizes the cistern “way of living”? First, it is entirely human-made — all authority is subject to change depending on the shifting opinions of humanity. Second, all the effort for happiness is dependent upon oneself. They are expected to find what makes one happy and chase it with all they have. Third, this way of thinking is so limited because it reduces everything to rationality, even beautiful emotions such as love and joy that cannot be measured. This way of approaching life cannot satisfy—there is no hope. But Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches that Jesus offers a fountain of flowing, living water designed to satisfy the deepest longings of the soul in Himself. In contrast to the cistern

  • Saved By Grace


    Isaiah 52:1-3 — The gospel like a trapped city hearing of coming deliverance. In this sermon on Isaiah 52:1–3 titled “Saved By Grace,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares that this joy produced by the news of Scripture is a great characteristic of the gospel and the story of the Bible is seen in this passage. First, that people are fools. They have rebelled against God and chosen lesser things over the all-satisfying goodness of who He is. Second, salvation is entirely of God’s grace. To understand this point, and the whole of the gospel, one must understand what is wrong with humanity. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that they have sold their souls to sin and are slaves to it. But praise be to God, this is not the end of the story. Though they have nothing to pay, God can and will redeem them. In this passage, He says that Christians are redeemed without money. First, because they ultimately have nothing to pay. They are broken sinners with nothing to bring before God. Second, redemption is without money because it has al

  • The Character of God


    Isaiah 40:25-28 — What separates humanity from God? In this sermon on Isaiah 40:25–28 titled “The Character of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones responds that the answer is God’s holiness. Because all of humanity is sinful and fallen, they are alienated from God. Sinners cannot approach God or stand before Him because they are unclean and unholy. How then can anyone come before God? The answer is found not in what humanity can do, but in what God does. For God is both the just and the justifier in the salvation of humanity by sending His Son into the world to die in the place of sinners. Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, was born of a virgin and died in the place of sinners, bearing their sins upon Himself. All who believe in Christ receive the great benefits of salvation and are made right before God. How can anyone stand before a holy God? The answer is that they stand before God by standing in the righteousness of Christ Jesus and are found by God to be in Christ. The great truth of the gospel is

  • To Whom then will Ye Liken God?


    Isaiah 40:18-24 — How does the Bible describe the folly of sinful people? While many today claim that to reject God and His revelation is to become enlightened, the Bible denounces unbelief as spiritually bankrupt and foolish. In this sermon on Isaiah 40:18–24 titled “To Whom then Will Ye Liken God?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches the biblical truth that those who reject God inevitably fashion an idol of their own making; whether it is politics, money, power, or fame, everybody worships something. The question is not: “do you worship something?” But the question is: “what do you worship?” The Bible calls all idols what there are: lifeless images that cannot save in the time of need. They are deaf, dumb, blind, and mute. But the God of Scripture is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He hears the prayers of His people and saves them from their sins. God has not abandoned humanity in the midst of their idol worship and spiritual rebellion, but has sent Jesus Christ into the world to die for sinners. Jesu

  • The Wisdom of God


    Isaiah 40:13-14 — How has God turned the wisdom of the world into foolishness? The answer is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the opposite of what the world tells is wise and mighty. In this sermon on Isaiah 40:13–14 titled “The Wisdom of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones confronts the worldly pursuit of high-minded thinkers and well-educated leaders. Jesus came from a lowly family in Nazareth. He did not bring a message for the wise and proud, but for the lowly and humble. He did not come to conquer with an army, but to die for the sins of many and to deliver them from Satan. The cross is foolishness to the wise, as the apostle Paul says. What does this mean for Christians today? It means that Christians must not look to worldly wisdom and authority to spread the message of Christ, but they should come as servants as Jesus Himself did. The church cannot become like the world to reach the world, for Jesus never changed who He was and instead He trusted God the Father and did all that He comma

  • Behold Your God


    Isaiah 40:12-17 — What is one of the greatest errors when people talk and think about God? In this sermon on Isaiah 40:12–17 titled “Behold Your God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches that it is the assumption that God is like people. This tendency is seen in the way that humanity set themselves up as judges of Scripture, and how they question the goodness of God. This human-centered way of thinking puts God second and people first. But Scripture gives a different picture of how people are to approach God. In Scripture, God stands above all humanity and exists in unapproachable light. God is glorious and holy. Sinful people cannot even look at Him, lest they be consumed. How then are sinful and fallen people to relate to God? The answer is found in the glorious truth of the gospel. God sends His Son Jesus Christ into the world to die for sinners that they might be righteous. God cannot even look at evil, yet in the gospel He makes what was evil good through the work of Christ. How can anyone stand before God?

  • A Life in Christ


    Isaiah 40:11 — Who is the promised Messiah spoken of in the Old Testament? In this sermon on Isaiah 40:11 titled “A Life in Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that it is Jesus Christ. He is the faithful Shepherd who loves His sheep and lays down His life for them so that they might have eternal life in Him. For by knowing Christ, all can be saved and brought to a true knowledge of God. This message of the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus are the center of all of Scripture. The prophets and the law looked forward to His coming, and the New Testament is inaugurates the new covenant when the wages of sin were paid by the blood of Jesus Christ. Those who repent of their sins and believe in His name are His true sheep. They will hear His voice and seek after Him. They live as new creations who are continually being drawn closer to Christ Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit. Not only are Christians eternally saved, but they are also cared for constantly by their Creator. This is the great hope in l

  • The Godhead Revealed


    Isaiah 40:5 — This gospel is the most astounding thing the world has ever known. In this sermon on Isaiah 40:5 titled “The Godhead Revealed,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones declares the character and kindness of God. The life of sin is one of misery, but God is ready to pardon iniquity and change one’s whole condition. One’s eternal destiny hangs upon their view of Christ. “What is God like?” Learn that glory is the extreme attribute of God. The supreme need is to know God. Listen as the ignorance and arrogance of humanity are addressed. Remember that the chief end of man is to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Both the Old and New Testaments serve as manifestations of the glory of God. “Have you ever considered the plan of salvation?” Through this plan, God revealed Himself in a way He never had before—look at the person of Christ. Jesus is the “brightness of God’s glory and the express image of God’s person.” Love, compassion, and holiness are put on display. How can anyone receive a new nature and pull themselv

  • What is Christianity?


    Isaiah 40:3-5 — The devil wants to keep all people from God. In this sermon, learn how the devil keeps people from knowing God and from knowing what true Christianity is. In this sermon from Isaiah 40:3–5 titled “What is Christianity?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses the true and living God and that the love and power of God are displayed in salvation. Discover where Christ comes into the picture and why it is vital that all have a personal relationship with Him. The Christian position is centralized around the salvation offered to them through Christ Jesus Himself. Endless blessings are given directly from God to His own children, but these blessings must come through Christ. One cannot only know about God and believe in Him while dismissing Christ. The Christian message stands absolutely alone and all other religions and cults fall short. It is only in the wisdom of God that His love is displayed in the sacrificing of His own Son. God pardons and changes the lives of those who believe. Christians are not o

  • A State of Warfare


    Isaiah 40:1-2 — The Christian life is altogether the work of God, not humanity. God’s word is from Him and to those waging warfare against Him. In this sermon on Isaiah 40:1–2 titled “A State of Warfare,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses sin, peace, and the mark of a true Christian that separates them from all others. Humanity is not what it was meant to be—iniquity is a perversion and wrongness that completely misses God’s mark. No one can buy or learn peace. The world searches for peace by their own means, but sin is a hard taskmaster. The greatest folly of humanity is thinking that they can bring real peace within themselves or outside of themselves, while forgetting God. This sermon is unlike many other messages—it is a message of comfort, not a call for anyone to save themselves but to receive a new life and be made into a new creature. The mark of God’s own people is a unique recognition and confession of their own sin. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones calls all to a standard of biblical ownership, so that they n

  • To Be Made Anew


    Isaiah 22:8-14 — Humanity is alienated from God because of sin. In this sermon on Isaiah 22:8–14 titled “To Be Made Anew,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones paints a picture of the discovery of sight when the veil is lifted from humanity’s eyes. They are awakened to God’s perspective, no longer thoughtless and heedless. The world is not perfect and the truth needs to be seen. People are not in control, not even of themselves. There is a breach in the walls of their lives and they are losing what is precious and vital. Complacency and negligence has done this over time. Christians who look to the example of Israel will see themselves in the frantic, yet futile attempt to fix this disaster. It is also in the busyness of this present century and how it is equally as futile. Never has there been such diligence and organization in every part of life. How can the serious accompany the flippant? The love of pleasure is fatal. Listen and hear how Christians today imitate Israel—forgetting God and forgetting they are His. All th

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