Marketing In Your Car - The Archives



Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales...


  • Episode #151 – Positioning And Posturing

    14/09/2015 Duración: 14min

    The post Episode #151 – Positioning And Posturing appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... How to change your sales process that'll allow you to 10x your prices with half the effort. On today's episode Russell talks about getting quotes on construction projects and the frustration that comes with waiting. He shares how those contractors could do things better and how that relates to his business. Here are some interesting things to listen for in this episode: Why Russell doesn't believe in doing quotes and why that turns into comparison shopping. Why Russell is not trying to be the cheapest option in the business. And why positioning yourself in the right place and setting your own rules gives you the control over your customers. So listen below to hear how to take control in your business and make your own rules. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #

  • Episode #150 – Your Angle…The Next Evolution In Funnel Hacking

    08/09/2015 Duración: 11min

    The post Episode #150 – Your Angle…The Next Evolution In Funnel Hacking appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What I remembered about business while wrestling with my 9 year old twins this weekend. On today's episode Russell talks about wrestling and how beating your opponent requires that you have an angle and why business works the same way. Here are some cool things in this episode: Why you need to have a different angle in your business to have success. How you can find an angle in your business to beat others in the same market. And how all that relates to funnel hacking. So listen below to find out why you need to have the right angle to differentiate your business and have fast success. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #150 – Your Angle…The Next Evolution In Funnel Hacking, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #149 – Balancing Marriage And Business…

    04/09/2015 Duración: 09min

    The post Episode #149 – Balancing Marriage And Business… appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... A response to a Facebook message about how we balance our family life. On this episode Russell talks about how he balances his marriage with his business and how he makes it all work and makes everybody happy. He also talks about how if he had married anyone else he wouldn't have been so successful. Here are some cool things to listen for in today's episode: How Russell has managed to have a successful business without sacrificing his marriage. Why it's important to have balance between your business life and family life. And why Russell's wife Collette, is a big part of his success. So listen below to see how Russell has the perfect balance of marriage and business. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #149 – Balancing Marriage And Business…, originally p

  • Episode #148 – Inbound: Before Your First Sales Funnel

    28/08/2015 Duración: 10min

    The post Episode #148 – Inbound: Before Your First Sales Funnel appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... My thoughts on how we have to drive traffic in the very near future. On today's episode Russell talks about what platforms he is now putting content on and why he is doing it that way. He also mentions what he believes the future of the internet means. Here are some things to listen for in this episode: Why Russell thinks that Google will change the way you can put up content within a year. Why he thinks now is the time to change, rather than wait until you are forced to. And find out some of the things he's doing differently now, and how you can do it too. So listen below to find out how to change how you can get content online, and why it's a good idea to be there first. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #148 – Inbound: Before Your First Sales

  • Episode #147 – Just Pick Up The Darn Piles Of Cash Sitting Around You…

    27/08/2015 Duración: 09min

    The post Episode #147 – Just Pick Up The Darn Piles Of Cash Sitting Around You… appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... I promise you, your customers are begging to give you more cash. Just take it! Please! For the love... On this episode Russell talks about how people he has encountered refuse to take money he offers them and why it's so frustrating. He gives a couple of examples of people he has hired to do things that won't take more work when he offers it. Here are some interesting things to listen for in today's episode: Find out why Russell's landscaping company refused $1000 to mow a weed field. See why the company who Russell pays to clean his pool, wants Russell to fix the slide himself. And find out why you should look at what you do and see if there are extra piles of cash lying around that you can pick up. So listen below to find out if you are missing out on some big piles of cash. ------------------------------

  • Episode #146 – Don’t Sell To Broke People

    26/08/2015 Duración: 23min

    The post Episode #146 – Don’t Sell To Broke People appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... This is the FIRST marketing on your bike podcast! :) On today's special episode Russell rides his bike to work and talks about why you shouldn't sell to people who are broke. He also tells some of the things he learned while trying to sell to people who didn't have money and didn't want to work. Here are a few things you'll hear in this episode: Why selling to broke people will get you nowhere. Why raising prices Russell was able to weed out all the broke people and actually made selling easier. And why the people who are broke and unsuccessful are that way because they are trying to find external reasons when the problem is actually them. So listen below to find out why you should never sell to broke people. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #146 – Don’t Sel

  • Episode #145 – My Thoughts On The Event + My Secret Strategy With Periscope

    26/08/2015 Duración: 13min

    The post Episode #145 – My Thoughts On The Event + My Secret Strategy With Periscope appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... I want to give you a quick recap of what happened during the certification and I want to show you what happened the very first time I accidentally Periscoped. On today's episode Russell talks about the event and what some of the best parts were and why it was so amazing. He also shares his strategy with Periscope and the plans he has for it. Here are some interesting things to listen for: Why there were a few people that didn't get anything out of the event and why that reflects more on them than it does on Russell. A few highlights from the Certification Event, including the best part. And what Russell's strategy for Periscope is and why he thinks it will be successful. So listen below to hear what Russell is starting to do with Periscope. --------------------------------------------------------------

  • Episode #144 – What’s Happening At Certification Week…

    17/08/2015 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #144 – What’s Happening At Certification Week… appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Russell explains what and how the certification program is going to work this week. In today's episode Russell talks about the upcoming Certification Event. He quickly runs through the itinerary and highlights some of the coolest parts. Here are some fun things to listen for in this episode: What makes this certification different and better than other certifications out there. What some of the coolest parts of the event are that attendees can look forward to. And why having an actual workshop at the certification is so cool. So listen below to hear about some of the fun and valuable stuff that will be happening at the Certification Event. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #144 – What’s Happening At Certification Week…, originally published at Do

  • Episode #143 – !?! WHERE’S THE NEXT EPISODE OF MKTCAR !?!

    14/08/2015 Duración: 09min

    The post Episode #143 – !?! WHERE’S THE NEXT EPISODE OF MKTCAR !?! appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Are you not seeing new episodes? This is why... On today's episode Russell talks about what to do if you are no longer able to get new episodes of Marketing In Your Car. He also talks about about getting started with the blogging world. Here are some fun things you'll hear in this episode: What happened to Marketing In Your Car and how you can continue to get new episodes. Why Russell is getting started with blogging and what you can expect to see with it. And find out why Russell would never sell Clickfunnels. So listen below to find out how to continue to get the latest Marketing In Your Car episodes so you don't have to miss a single minute of information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #143 – !?! WHERE’S THE NEXT EPISODE OF MKTCAR !?!,

  • Episode #142 – Behind The Scenes Of My Hour With Tony Robbins

    11/08/2015 Duración: 14min

    The post Episode #142 – Behind The Scenes Of My Hour With Tony Robbins appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What REALLY happened during the 60 minutes we had with Tony... On this episode Russell tells the story of his hour with Tony Robbins and all the juicy details leading up to it. Here are some cool things to listen for in today's episode: Find out how Russell was able to get an hour with Tony Robbins. Hear about all the tense moments Russell and his team experienced while waiting for Tony to arrive And find out what Tony thinks about Clickfunnels So listen below to hear all the amazing details behind the scenes of Russell's hour with Tony Robbins. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #142 – Behind The Scenes Of My Hour With Tony Robbins, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #141 – What’s My #1 Supplement Of All Time…

    07/08/2015 Duración: 13min

    The post Episode #141 – What’s My #1 Supplement Of All Time… appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Get secret access to, what Russell considers, the #1 supplement for entrepreneurs. On this episode Russell talks about a tool he's used the last few months to help his performance. He talks about all the benefits he has gotten from it. Find out how many supplements Russell takes everyday and why that makes him a supplement expert. Hear what went wrong with the Bulletproof Coffee diet and why Russell needed something else. And find out what new supplement helped Russell drop 26 pounds in a short period of time while keeping his energy up and his hunger down. So listen below to find out what awesome supplement is Russell's new favorite. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #141 – What’s My #1 Supplement Of All Time…, originally published at DotComSecrets

  • Episode #140 – Do You Ever Take A Break?

    03/08/2015 Duración: 13min

    The post Episode #140 – Do You Ever Take A Break? appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The answer may shock you... On this episode Russell talks about how he is able to take breaks and spend enough time with his wife and kids and yet still meet deadlines. Here are some cool things to listen for in today's episode: Hear how Russell was able to pass his classes and get on the honor roll at BYU after barely graduating from high school. Find out how he was able to take what he learned on how to pass classes in college and apply it to his business. And hear how he is able to meet deadlines and still spend a ton of quality time with his family. So listen below to find out how Russell is able to have a successful business life without sacrificing his family life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #140 – Do You Ever Take A Break?, originally published a

  • Episode #139 – What The Hack-A-Thon Means To You

    31/07/2015 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #139 – What The Hack-A-Thon Means To You appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... All the cool stuff you're going to get inside of Clickfunnels because of this month's hack-a-thon. On today's episode Russell talks with a special guest, Steven Asketsos, who is here all the way from Australia for the hack-a-thon. Here are a few fun things you'll here in this episode: What kinds of things are happening with the hack-a-thon. And some cool things that have changed with Clickfunnels. So listen below to find out how Steven feels about the hack-a-thon and the Clickfunnels changes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #139 – What The Hack-A-Thon Means To You, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #138 – Hanging Out With Neil Patel – Part 2

    29/07/2015 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #138 – Hanging Out With Neil Patel – Part 2 appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... My afterthoughts from our "consult day" with the LEGENDARY Neil Patel... On this second part episode Russell talks about working with Neil Patel and what some of the cool things he got from him are. Here are some interesting you'll hear in this episode: What the biggest internal benefit of working with Neil is. What the biggest external benefit of working with Neil is. And find out what the differences are between how Russell does things, and how Neil does things and why both ways are awesome. So listen below to hear some of the cool things Russell got from Neil Patel to help him see his business through a new and different lens. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #138 – Hanging Out With Neil Patel – Part 2, originally published at

  • Episode #137 – Hanging Out With Neil Patel – Part 1

    28/07/2015 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #137 – Hanging Out With Neil Patel – Part 1 appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... My thoughts the night before I have a chance to pick Neil Patel's brain for an entire day. On this episode Russell talks about how he hired Neil Patel to help him see his business through a different lens. He also talks about why hiring him for a day will make it way more likely to implement his ideas. Here are some cool things to listen for in this episode: Find out how much it cost to hire Neil Patel for a day. Hear why it was worth it to pay Neil for his expertise than to spend years learning the concept. Why this meeting with Neil will hopefully change the trajectory of Russell's business. So listen below to hear why hiring an expert for a day is better than spending years trying to obtain the same knowledge on your own. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for readin

  • Episode #136 – How To Sell Your Customer Exactly What They Want

    28/07/2015 Duración: 12min

    The post Episode #136 – How To Sell Your Customer Exactly What They Want appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... My big "ah-ha" from my vacation so far... On today's special vacation episode Russell talks about a cool tool that will help tell you exactly what your customers want. Here are some interesting things you will hear in this episode: Find out what tool Russell found that will tell you exactly what your customer wants. Hear why Russell took so long before he has implemented this tool. And hear Russell explain why this one super simple tool is so effective. So listen below to hear about this simple tool that Russell is excited to put some effort into. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #136 – How To Sell Your Customer Exactly What They Want, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #135 – A Little Bit Of Advice After The Firework War…

    07/07/2015 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #135 – A Little Bit Of Advice After The Firework War… appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The real secret to building an audience... On this episode Russell talks about the firework war and his injuries. He then talks about some ways you can build a following with your business and how to get to the core of what you really want out of your business. Here are some interesting things you'll hear on today's episode: Hear how the firework war went and what injuries Russell received. Why asking yourself 3 questions of why is important to get to the root of why you are doing what you are doing. Find out how to find out what the subcultures of your business are and how they can help you build a following. So listen below to find out how to build a following with your business. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #135 – A Little Bit Of A

  • Episode #134 – The Pre-Game Show Before My Firework War

    06/07/2015 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #134 – The Pre-Game Show Before My Firework War appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What I learned about calculated risk after having three people shoot thousands of dollars worth of fireworks at my head... On this episode Russell talks about the firework war he is driving to. He discusses looking at the worst case scenario and figuring out if something you want to do is worth the risk. Here are some fun things you will hear in today's episode: Some of the injuries that occurred last year and what Russell and the other people in the firework war learned from them. Why looking at the worst case scenario made it clear that a firework war was actually worth the risk. And how you can apply the concept of looking at the worst case scenario to your business. So listen below to hear why having a war with fireworks is actually a good idea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Episode #133 – What’s The Difference Between An Employee And An Entrepreneur?

    29/06/2015 Duración: 10min

    The post Episode #133 – What’s The Difference Between An Employee And An Entrepreneur? appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What I learned this weekend from hustlers on Craigslist. On today's episode Russell talks about the difference between entrepreneurs and employees.He tells of some recent experiences where he realized that he no longer wanted to work with employees and only wanted to work with entrepreneurs. Here are some interesting things to listen for in this episode: What made it obvious that a dude at Tate's Rental was an employee and not an entrepreneur. What Russell had to do to get a pool guy out to his house to fix his pool by the 4th of July. And how you can go from being an employee to entrepreneur or even an intrepreneur. So listen below to find out how you can be more than just an employee. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #13

  • Episode #132 – Recap Of Our First Ever “Hack-A-Thon”

    18/06/2015 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #132 – Recap Of Our First Ever “Hack-A-Thon” appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What happens behind the scenes when people come to Boise and let Russell hack their funnel... On today's special episode of Marketing In Your CORVETTE Russell talks about how you can win a Corvette. He also recaps some of the cool stuff that happened at his Hack-a-thon event. Here are some fun things you'll hear in this episode: Why Russell is driving a Corvette today. What you can do to get your hands on this very Corvette. And find out why sometimes paying someone a lot of money to do something for you instead of learning to do it yourself is worth it. So listen below to hear about the hack-a-thon and some cool things that are coming up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #132 – Recap Of Our First Ever “Hack-A-Thon”, originally published at DotCom

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