Marketing In Your Car - The Archives



Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales...


  • Episode #131 – A Tale Of Three Salesmen

    12/06/2015 Duración: 13min

    The post Episode #131 – A Tale Of Three Salesmen appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Let me share with you three different stories that happened today... On this episode Russell talks about his experience with three different salesmen and the reason it was so different which each of them. Here are some interesting things to listen for in today's episode: What aspects of Russell's experience with buying a Love Sac made it a great experience. Why buying a fridge with money burning a hole in his pocket didn't go well. And finally why Russell's carpet cleaner does a good job, but still isn't as successful as he could be. Listen below to find out what made each experience with these salesmen so different. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #131 – A Tale Of Three Salesmen, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #130 – The Correct Way To Set Your Daily Habbits

    10/06/2015 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #130 – The Correct Way To Set Your Daily Habbits appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The secret I learned from an old course I found on eBay. On this episode Russell talks about loving the work you do can make it hard to get what you wanted in the first place and that's why having a set schedule is so important. Here are some interesting things you will hear on this episode: Why loving what you do and getting addicted to work can actually keep you from other enjoyable things. And why having a set schedule will help you not overdo work so you can enjoy the other parts of life. So listen below to find out why having a set schedule will help you avoid becoming a workaholic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #130 – The Correct Way To Set Your Daily Habbits, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #129 – I JUST GOT MY DREAM HOUSE!!!

    09/06/2015 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #129 – I JUST GOT MY DREAM HOUSE!!! appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Is the pursuit of a worldly desire an OK thing to go after? On today's episode Russell talks about finally getting his dream house and why it was important for him. He also shares why having a goal of a worldly possession isn't a bad thing. Here are some fun things in this episode: Find out what it took for Russell and his family to finally get their dream house. And why it's okay to have a goal to get something you really want, even if it seems stupid to other people. Listen below to hear Russell's excitement over his new dream house. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #129 – I JUST GOT MY DREAM HOUSE!!!, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #128 – Recap Of Funnel Hacking Live

    04/06/2015 Duración: 15min

    The post Episode #128 – Recap Of Funnel Hacking Live appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... See behind the scenes of what happened at our first annual Funnel Hacking Live event. On this episode Russell recaps, step by step, the stuff that went down at the Funnel Hacking Live event. Here are some exciting things to listen for during this episode: What happened each day during the live event, such as car racing. How the event raised $25k for World Teacher Aide. And all the other cool stuff that you missed out on if you didn't go to Funnel Hacking Live. Listen below to hear some of the cool highlights from the Funnel Hacking Live event. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #128 – Recap Of Funnel Hacking Live, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #127 – Don’t Get In The Way Of Your Own Success

    01/06/2015 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #127 – Don’t Get In The Way Of Your Own Success appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... How $7 kept this guy from becoming successful. On this special episode Russell and his wife, Collette drive to the airport for the Funnel Hacking Live event. He talks about how some people let stupid things get in the way of being successful. Here are some interesting things to listen for in today's episode: Why a customer who is mad about not receiving a copy of his book on time is no longer attending the event. And why not going to the event over something stupid is causing him to miss out on very valuable information that could contribute to his success. So listen below to hear why letting stupid things bother you could be getting in the way of your success. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #127 – Don’t Get In The Way Of Your Own Success, orig

  • Episode #126 – Lessons From A Rubber Band

    26/05/2015 Duración: 09min

    The post Episode #126 – Lessons From A Rubber Band appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... A powerful lesson I learned from one of my mentors... On this episode Russell talks about some last minute preparations for the Funnel Hacking Live event. He also shares what you can learn from a Rubber band. Here are some cool things to listen for in today's episode: Find out why Russell will never do another event at the end of May. Hear what Sean Stephenson taught Russell about being nervous. And find out how a rubber band can teach you to be useful. Listen below to find out why you should be more like a rubber band. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #126 – Lessons From A Rubber Band, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #125 – The Power Of Moving Forward

    26/05/2015 Duración: 12min

    The post Episode #125 – The Power Of Moving Forward appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Powerful stories of people in our inner-circle and ignite program who opened up doors from skill sets they didn't know they had. On today's episode Russell talks about the power of moving forward. Why the process of moving forward can often lead to more or better opportunities. Here are some of the cool things you will hear on this episode: Why sometimes what you want to do doesn't work out, but if you keep moving forward other opportunities will arise. Find out how many times Clickfunnels failed before it finally succeeded. And why you have to keep trying and working hard even if something isn't successful the first time around, because you never know what people are in the market for. So listen below to find out why always moving forward can lead to your success. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Episode #124 – Yes, The Potato Gun Blew Up In My Face…

    18/05/2015 Duración: 15min

    The post Episode #124 – Yes, The Potato Gun Blew Up In My Face… appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Lessons from a whirlwind weekend that started with a potato gun exploding in my face. On this episode Russell talks about a whirlwind weekend he had which involved a carnival, a camping trip, and flying to and speaking in 2 different cities. Here are some of the interesting things you will hear in today's episode: How a camping trip led to Russell burning off his eyelashes and eyebrows when a potato gun blew up in his face. Why Russell spoke at 2 events in different cities for free. And why working for free is sometimes really important. So listen below to find out how Russell nearly blew himself up and then went on to speak at 2 events just a few hours later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #124 – Yes, The Potato Gun Blew Up In My Face…, origi

  • Episode #123 – What Happens When Your Funnel Flops?

    13/05/2015 Duración: 14min

    The post Episode #123 – What Happens When Your Funnel Flops? appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Are you frustrated because nobody is buying your product? This episode will show you the secret to guaranteeing a success! On today's episode Russell talks about what to do if your funnel flops. He talks about how the average millionaire fails 11 times before they have success. Here are some cool things to listen for on this episode: Why you should keep trying even if your funnel fails the first, second or even third time. How many times Clickfunnels failed before it actually became a successful business. And what a successful business has in common with Michael Jordan. So listen below to find out what to do if the funnel you have built flops. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #123 – What Happens When Your Funnel Flops?, originally published at DotC

  • Episode #122 – Why And How I Canceled My Email

    11/05/2015 Duración: 09min

    The post Episode #122 – Why And How I Canceled My Email appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What the last 24 hours have been like without my personal email address... On this episode of Marketing In Your Car Russell talks about how he got control of his email and his Voxer account and how that helped his stress level and why he hopes it will give him more time to spend with his family. Here are a few of the interesting things you'll hear in today's episode: How many emails Russell was getting a day and why that caused him to finally, after 12 years, kill his email address. Find out Russell's solution to being Voxed by clients at all times that were causing him to disengage with his family. And find out if Russell has yet achieved his goal of spending more time with his kids than he does at work. Listen below to find out how Russell cleared some of the stressful clutter from his life. -------------------------------------

  • Episode #121 – Notes From Within The Inner Circle

    06/05/2015 Duración: 12min

    The post Episode #121 – Notes From Within The Inner Circle appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What I learned over the last two days at our private inner circle meeting. On today's episode Russell talks about the cool stuff that happens during The Inner Circle Mastermind Group and some things that he has learned from them. Here are some cool things to listen for in this episode: Why Russell's Inner Circle Mastermind Group is so great, and why you should take Russell's word for it, since he's been to them all. What he learned from one of the best closers in the business. And how was able to increase sales on webinars with just a few small changes and where he learned them. So listen below to find out some of the stuff you may be missing out on if you aren't a member of Russell's Inner Circle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #121 – Notes From W

  • Episode #120 – Barricades To Protect Your Super Power

    01/05/2015 Duración: 13min

    The post Episode #120 – Barricades To Protect Your Super Power appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What people and systems are you putting in place, so that you can focus 100% of your time on your super power? On this first episode after moving to a new office Russell talks about a few cool things that he has going on right now including the new Funnel Hacker TV podcast. He also talks about finding and focusing on your super power. Here are some fun things you'll hear on this episode: The exciting stuff that will be on Funnel Hacker TV and why you won't want to miss it. An idea Russell had for a hack-a-thon, where a bunch of experts will come and get together and funnel hack for 3 days straight. And why everyone should figure out what their super power is, in life and in business and how focusing on this it is important. So listen below to find out why it's important to know what your super power is. --------------------

  • Episode #119 – Moving Day…Do You Need Some Hope?

    23/04/2015 Duración: 11min

    The post Episode #119 – Moving Day…Do You Need Some Hope? appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Reflections on a move towards hope as opposed to our move towards hopelessness. On this special moving day episode Russell talks about moving into his new office and why this time is so different from the last time he moved offices. Here are some of the things you will hear on today's episode: Some of the things that went wrong before and why Russell went having from over 100 employees to 7. Some of what Russell learned by almost losing everything. And why if you are in a tough spot you need to persevere and get through it to get to a better place in your life. So listen below to hear Russell reminisce about some of the struggles he's had in the past. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #119 – Moving Day…Do You Need Some Hope?, originally published at Do

  • Episode #118 – Late-Night ClickFunnels Hack-A-Thon

    10/04/2015 Duración: 11min

    The post Episode #118 – Late-Night ClickFunnels Hack-A-Thon appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Want to know some of the secret ninja stuff happening inside of ClickFunnels?... On this episode Russell talks some cool stuff that is happening at the hack-a-thon, including some awesome stuff that is coming up in Clickfunnels. Here are some fun things to listen for in today's episode: Why Russell realized after many days in a row of wanting to a Marketing In Your Car podcast at 3am, that he is a workaholic. How you can now do emails in Clickfunnels and why that is so cool. And some other amazing updates coming up in Clickfunnels. So listen below to get excited about the awesome upgrades rolling out on Clickfunnels soon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #118 – Late-Night ClickFunnels Hack-A-Thon, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #117 – Marketing In Your Car Two Year Birthday

    31/03/2015 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #117 – Marketing In Your Car Two Year Birthday appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... A quick update from the book launch, and our two year celebration. On this episode Russell talks about losing power at his house and in his whole neighborhood. He also talks about how his product launch has been going and what the next steps will be. Here are some other super cool things you'll hear in this episode: It's Marketing In Your Car podcast's birthday and to celebrate Russell announces the launch of a new podcast called Funnel Hacker TV. Find out some of the cool stuff that you would see on Funnel Hacker TV. And hear Russell's goal of copies sold of his new book. So listen below to hear about all the cool stuff that Russell has going on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #117 – Marketing In Your Car Two Year Birthday, originally publish

  • Episode #116 – Watch The Process…

    24/03/2015 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #116 – Watch The Process… appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... A secret million dollar education only for Marketing In Your Car listeners. On this episode Russell talks about his upcoming book launch and what will be included when it comes to marketing his new book. Here are some fun things to listen for in this episode: Some of the things Russell worked on until 3am to prepare for the launch. What makes this book so exciting and why you'll want to get your hands on it. And how watching the process of launching this book could be a free education for you and you should pay attention. So listen below to get excited about Russell's new book. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #116 – Watch The Process…, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #115 – I JUST SOLD MY BUSINESS!!!

    16/03/2015 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #115 – I JUST SOLD MY BUSINESS!!! appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Just super grateful today for the gift of entrepreneurship... On this episode Russell talks about the opportunity he had in the last few days to sell his Neuracel business. He also briefly mentions the birth of his new baby girl. Here are a few other cool things you'll hear in this episode: How Russell was able to hold in his hands the biggest REAL check he's ever seen. How he will still be able to have a hand in the Neuracel business even after having sold it. And why we should all be grateful for our opportunities and blessings that come from being entrepreneurs. So listen below to hear about Russell's exciting news. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #115 – I JUST SOLD MY BUSINESS!!!, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #114 – Funnel Stacking

    12/03/2015 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #114 – Funnel Stacking appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The four funnel sequence we are using to launch the DotComSecrets book. On this episode Russell talks about his new Funnel Stacking book. He mentions his plans for the marketing the book. Here are some of the exciting things you'll hear during this episode: The name of the book and why it was chosen. The way Russell plans to market the book. What the three core funnels are and other interesting things in the book. So listen below to hear about new Funnel Stacking book. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #114 – Funnel Stacking, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #113 – The Tale Of Two Marketers

    11/03/2015 Duración: 11min

    The post Episode #113 – The Tale Of Two Marketers appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Two guys joined our "Inner Circle" on the same day, one quit. Where are they at now, 12 months later?... On today's episode Russell tells a story about a friend of his, Mike Stazyk, who took a risk and how it paid off. He also talks about why taking risks is important for growing your business and how to set Lead or Gold deadlines. Here are some interesting things you'll hear in this episode: How Mike Stazyk took a risk by spending his college tuition on something that could make or break his business. Why Mike's friend who didn't take the same risk is still struggling with his own business. And why setting Lead or Gold deadlines is important for growing your business. So listen below to hear an interesting story about a kid who went from knowing nothing about marketing to making it big by taking some risks. ----------------------------

  • Episode #112 – Stories = Belief, Belief = Money

    05/03/2015 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #112 – Stories = Belief, Belief = Money appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The small tweak that goes from zero sales to unlimited sales. On this episode Russell talks about his perfect webinar script and why everyone who isn't making money off of it is making the same mistake. Here are some cool things to listen for in this episode: What is the one mistake everyone is making and how to fix it. Why initially making someone believe in your product is more important than teaching them. And how you can make someone believe in your product = money and once that happens you can teach them and change their lives. So listen below to find out what the one mistake is that everyone is making and how you can avoid making it too. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #112 – Stories = Belief, Belief = Money, originally published at DotComSecret

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