To Your Good Health Radio



Chiropractic physician, Dr. David Friedman, is doing his part to change the dynamics of health talk radio by incorporating entertainment, shock value and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues. Dr. Friedman and co-host Melanie Cole, MS, expose health industry leaders for their part in some of the health epidemics plaguing our nation. He interviews world-renowned doctors, celebrities, sports figures, and New York Times bestselling authors who share the common goal of finding a healthy lifestyle in unhealthy America.


  • Encore Episode: Blue Zones: Secrets from the World's Longest Living People


    Award-winning journalist Dan Buettner has spent years uncovering the secrets behind longevity. His work revealed five places around the world – dubbed Blue Zones – where people live the longest, healthiest, happiest lives.Diet plays a significant role. A nutritional regimen based on a plant-based diet (high amounts of complex carbohydrates, medium amounts of protein, and medium amounts of fat) rose to the top as commonalities among these areas.Specifically, the following are key components: whole grains greens nuts cooked beans (which is the cornerstone of all areas) Individuals in Blue Zone hot spots also drink moderate amounts of wine and regularly drink coffee and tea. Another life factor Dan researched was happiness and the characteristics that accompany a fulfilled, happy existence.Listen as Dan joins Dr. Friedman to discuss the nutritional and lifestyle habits of healthy, happy people.

  • Encore Episode: What's Your Gut Telling You?


    The gut is often referred to as the "second brain," because it has its own enteric nervous system that works independently of the cerebrum. The gut helps in our decision making, hence the term “trust your gut” and “what’s your gut instinct telling you?” People think that love begins in the heart, but actually, it’s in the gut. This is why you get butterflies in your stomach when you fall in love. Scientists used to believe our emotions originated in the brain but new research shows it may actually come from the gut. Think about that. If you were to hear bad news that a family member was just in a severe car accident, where would you feel pain? Immediately in your gut. This is where the term “gut-wrenching news” comes from. If you are afraid of heights and you look out of a high-rise building window, you’d feel it in your gut. The digestive tract controls our personality, mood, and even our hormones. So, what’s the magical Oz behind the curtain that has so much control over our body? It’s called the microbiome

  • Encore Episode: 31-Day Food Revolution


    How would you like -- in just 31 days -- to use the amazing power of delicious food to heal your gut, lose excess weight, and lower your risk for disease, all while contributing to a healthier planet?That's Ocean Robbins's goal with his new book, 31-Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great, and Transform Your World. Ocean's plan includes 31 simple and affordable step-by-step actions that give you a road map to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food. He breaks it down into four parts: Detoxify: Get rid of the unhealthy foods and environmental factors making you sick. Nourish: Fuel your body with the healthy micronutrients you need to thrive. Gather: Build your community and surround yourself with supportive, positive people. Transform: YOU can be part of the solution. It's a lot easier to change the world than you imagine. Listen in as Ocean joins Dr. Friedman to discuss how even small improvements can lead to significant results.

  • Encore Episode: "Live Long and...": What William Shatner Learned Along His Successful Career


    The average life expectancy is 76 years of age.Emmy and Golden Globe actor William Shatner has surpassed that by a decade -- and he shows no sign of slowing down. Even a brief health scare in 2016 has not diminished his zest for life. In fact, if anything, it forced him to take stock of his lifestyle and health habits. As he tells Dr. Friedman, the health "secrets" he describes in his new book, Live Long And . . .: What I Learned Along the Way, are not really secrets at all. Eating well, exercise, and proper rest are common ideologies among those who live long and prosper in life. Listen as Shatner discusses the meaning of life, finding value in work, and living well -- whatever your age.

  • Talking Superfoods with Joy Bauer


    Superfoods are thought to be the key to achieving optimal health.These foods contain certain compounds that promote vitality, regulate cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and may even prevent type-2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Which foods should you be eating?Audience favorite Joy Bauer, MS, RDN, who is the health and nutrition expert for the TODAY show, joins Dr. Friedman to discuss the health-enhancing benefits of specific superfoods, as well as why sparkling water is a good alternative to soda and so much more.

  • Can Living Your Purpose Lead to Better Health?


    Most of us have dreams and aspirations of taking our health, social lives, and careers to the next level. Unfortunately, chronic illness can often get in the way and derail these goals. Jaya Jaya Myra knows this all too well. Working as a research scientist, pursuing a PhD in cell and molecular biology, she became incapacitated from a clinically-diagnosed case of fibromyalgia. Unable to work, she tried conventional medical treatments to no avail. She eventually bounced back to good health through natural, alternative methods.Jaya Jaya joins Dr. Friedman share her personal journey of healing and to discuss how you can still reach your full potential, despite struggles with chronic illness, daily fatigue, or high stress levels.

  • Encore Episode: "What's In Your Water?" with Dr. Friedman


    If you’re constantly struggling with your weight no matter what diet or exercise regimen you try, the water you're drinking could be to blame. Chemicals called “endocrine disrupters” commonly found in tap water and bottled water can wreak havoc on your hormones, increase your appetite and cause fat cells in your body to expand. In addition, there could be toxins in your drinking water that have been linked to gut issues, food intolerance, autoimmune disease and cancer.In the early 1990’s, a legal clerk named Erin Brockovich received national media attention when she exposed chromium 6 in the drinking water of Hinkley, California. This contaminated water caused liver damage, reproductive problems, birth defects and cancer! Julia Roberts won an Academy award for her portrayal of Erin Brockovich in the critically acclaimed film. Even with the international press coverage of the water contamination and lawsuit settlement ($333 million,) the problem hasn’t gone away. In fact, it’s gotten worse! Chromium 6 has been

  • Howie Mandel: Take Cholesterol to Heart


    "If I can inspire people to talk to their doctor about their statin, that’s better than getting a laugh.” --Howie MandelThat statement is on the home page of the "Take Cholesterol to Heart" webpage, an organization Howie Mandel has partnered with to raise awareness about high cholesterol and the treatment options available. It's a critical conversation to have, with more than 100 million Americans affected. Howie himself was diagnosed with high cholesterol in his late 30s, but at the time he really didn't realize the importance of the words coming out of his doctor's mouth since he felt generally "healthy." He was prescribed a statin, which he took initially but then quit taking after experiencing some undesirable muscle pain as a side effect. A year later at his doctor's visit, his cholesterol was through the roof. He then began to really listen, now understanding that his time bomb was ticking. Howie joins Dr. Friedman to discuss how dangerous high cholesterol can be, why there's not just one statin, and th

  • The Setpoint Diet: Change What Your Body "Wants" to Weigh


    Are you tired of being on the roller coaster of dieting? You lose five pounds, gain them back only to have to fight to lose them again.Plus, there are so many diets to choose from, deciding on one can be dizzying.Are your efforts in vain?According to Jonathan Bailor, your body fights to keep you within a range of about 15 pounds -- also known as your "setpoint weight." New research reveals that you can lower your setpoint and end that battle for good by focusing on the quality of calories you eat, not the quantity.In his book, The Setpoint Diet, Bailor discusses how to reprogram your body with a 21-day plan that will rev up your metabolism, eliminate inflammation, heal your hormones, repair your gut, and get your body working like that of a naturally thin person... permanently.Listen as Bailor joins Dr. Friedman to explain how you can overcome your dieting struggles, lose weight naturally, and find your "thin" you.

  • Metabolism Reset Diet: How to Repair Your Liver and Lose Weight Naturally


    The path to becoming naturally thin isn't as impossible as it may seem.The hidden truth is that your liver is actually the key to a healthy metabolism. When it isn't functioning properly, it loses the ability to burn fuel. An overloaded liver can only store fuel as fat, which slows your metabolism and leads to excess weight gain. Even if you cut out sugar and carbs, you can still struggle with weight loss and high blood sugar.In Dr. Alan Christianson's book, The Metabolism Reset Diet, he provides readers the information they need to reverse damage to the liver in just four weeks. Once your liver regains its ability to manage your metabolism, you'll have fewer food cravings, steady energy levels, better digestion, and a metabolism that works optimally.Listen as Dr. Christianson joins Dr. Friedman to explain why liver health is so tied to metabolism, as well as how you can achieve optimal liver function to lose weight and get healthy fast.

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