To Your Good Health Radio



Chiropractic physician, Dr. David Friedman, is doing his part to change the dynamics of health talk radio by incorporating entertainment, shock value and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues. Dr. Friedman and co-host Melanie Cole, MS, expose health industry leaders for their part in some of the health epidemics plaguing our nation. He interviews world-renowned doctors, celebrities, sports figures, and New York Times bestselling authors who share the common goal of finding a healthy lifestyle in unhealthy America.


  • Hidden Chemicals Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals


    Are you having a hard time losing weight no matter what diet you try?Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorResearch shows chemicals in food, the cookware used to prepare it, and even the containers we store our food in may be the cause of the growing obesity epidemic. Exposure to these chemicals has been shown to interfere with the way the body metabolizes fat, which can lead to weight gain, even if you eat a healthful diet and exercise regularly.In this episode of To Your Good Health Radio, Dr. Friedman exposes hidden chemicals that may be sabotaging your weight loss goals and he shares what you can do about it.You’ll learn: A common chemical used in plastics for food and drink storage that mimics estrogen and has been proven to increase fat cell growth! Dr. Friedman shares a secret grocery sore hack you can use to ensure the containers you buy are safe. The biggest issue facing our nation is the childhood obesity epidemic. Dr. Friedman shares why one out of every three kids in the U.S ar

  • Beauty Diet: Unlock 5 Secrets of Ageless Beauty from the Inside Out


    Each year, women absorb pounds of toxins through cosmetics and beauty products. out.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorThese creams, lotions, and cleansers not only work against us -- dehydrating our skin, clogging our organs with harmful toxins, and disrupting our hormone balance -- they keep us bound to an “idea” of beauty, instead of helping us achieve the natural, radiant version of ourselves we long to set free. True beauty does not come from a product or a procedure, it comes from the inside out.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorDavid Wolfe’s long-awaited, groundbreaking book, The Beauty Diet: Unlock the Five Secrets of Ageless Beauty from the Inside Out, reveals why a natural, toxin-free lifestyle is not only the best way to achieve lasting beauty, it is the only way. Under Wolfe’s guidance, we learn easy and effective dietary and lifestyle changes like implementing organic superfoods and superherbs, and detoxifying the liver, kidneys, lungs, and colon with

  • Living Your Best Life with Diabetes


    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 100 million U.S. adults are now living with diabetes or prediabetes. Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorWhat you eat and the food you avoid can play a profound role in controlling your blood sugar, managing your weight and reducing risk factors like heart disease. On this episode of To Your Good Health Radio, celebrity chef Sam Talbot joins Dr. Friedman. Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorDiagnosed with type 1 diabetes as a child, he’s devoted his career to creating healthy, all-natural recipes to help people live more and worry less.More About SamSam received a degree in Culinary Arts from Johnson & Wales University. He went on to open several restaurants, and compete on season two of Top Chef, where he became a  “Fan Favorite.” He’s appeared on many TV shows including Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, The Dr. Oz Show, The Today Show, Rachel Ray and The Real Housewives of New York City. At the a

  • You CAN Rebuild Your Bones


    Our bones are literally the foundation of the body. When they become brittle, it's like having termites eating away at the wooden frame of our house. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, every three seconds someone has an bone fracture related to osteoporosis.And, one-third of all fall-related deaths are attributed to low bone density. Jayson and Mira Calton join Dr. Friedman to explain the cause of weak bones and what you can do to rebuild them. If you're looking for a drug-free way to restore your bone health, this episode is for you.

  • CBD Use in Sports and Health & Fitness: Matt Lombardi and Kevin Moran


    CBD has become today’s hottest craze! Research shows it may be an effective treatment for inflammation, pain, anxiety, insomnia, depression, post-traumatic stress, and even autoimmune disease. But, not all CBD is created equal. Due to a lack of regulations, many CBD products on the market contain an undisclosed amount of THC, pesticides, metals, and other toxic additives.Matt Lombardi and Kevin Moran, two professional athletes, join Dr. Friedman to share their story on how CBD changed their lives and how getting the right quality product can change yours. Matt and Kevin break through all the confusion on CBD and answer the questions: How is CBD different than cannabis? What benefits can people experience from using CBD? What’s the most effective way to use it (tincture, cream, pills, infusers)? Will someone pass a drug test if they take CBD? Is it legal in all 50 states? What’s the difference between CBD from Hemp compared to CBD from Cannabis? People are eating more healthfully. Why is it just as important

  • "Ask the Doctor" with Dr. Friedman - 10.24.19


    On this episode of To Your Good Health Radio, Dr. Friedman answers a variety of listener's questions including: Does the celery juice craze stand up to all the hype? Natural ways to increase your energy? Can your gut be causing your depression? What are the benefits of fermented foods? Are Vitamin Supplements really “natural”? (His answer may shock you!) Are there ingredients in microwave popcorn linked to causing cancer? Is it too late to get healthy at 60 if you’ve eaten poorly all your life? ...this and much more. Listeners have questions. Dr. Friedman has the answers. Q&A Angela from Boston asks: Dear Dr. Friedman, I’m 58 years old, overweight and not healthy. I’ve spent most of my life eating fast food and snacking on comfort foods like potato chips. Is it too late for me to lose this weight and regain my health? Ted from Trenton New Jersey asks:Doc, I’m always tired. I’m up to five cups of coffee a day and it’s just not working. Then at night I can’t sleep so I drink wine, which leaves me more gro

  • Encore Episode: Dr. Drew Talks Addiction


    Pain is a huge problem in today's world.It's how you deal with pain that becomes an even greater issue.Oral opiate addiction has steadily been on the rise in the last few decades. A whopping 90 percent of oral opiates are consumed in America. Why has opiate addiction taken such a devastating turn?According to Dr. Drew Pinsky, a movement began with the premise that pain was being under-treated. Pain became the "fifth vital sign." This movement gained a legal and political presence, and now, there is a giant philosophy that pain is what the patient says it is. There is no objective proof of pain. And, no good evidence exists that opiates are effective for chronic pain; they were designed for acute pain. Doctors have a massive responsibility when dealing with chronic pain patients. They must look at history of addiction or family history of addiction. Paying attention to potential abuse risks could mean the difference between life and death.Remember, addiction is a brain disorder. Just because you can't see it o

  • How to Have Conversations that Matter


    Harnessing the power of communication is a fundamental leadership discipline. Mastering the right conversation skills can build trust, inspire loyalty, and create confidence. On the other hand, not communicating properly can destroy friendships, ruin a marriage, and stall a career. Most conversations today are limited to text messages and social media banter. Many of us have lost the ability to have a meaningful conversation.Celeste Headlee, an expert in the true power of communication, joins Dr. Friedman to discuss how you can improve (and even perfect) your communication skills.

  • How to Achieve Healthy and Sustained Energy


    One of the most common afflictions impacting people's quality of life is fatigue. It's estimated that 43% of Americans are too tired to think clearly at work, make informed decisions, and be productive. It's not just the Baby Boomer generation that is feeling rundown. According to a study from the American Psychological Association, millennials are the most stressed out and tired generation. People of all ages are turning to "quick fixes," like caffeine, sugar, and energy drinks. Unfortunately, these can wreak havoc on the body's hormones and lead to an array of unhealthy conditions. There's a better way.Ari Whitten, an energy and fatigue specialist, joins Dr. Friedman to discuss his evidence-based approach to healthy energy enhancement.

  • No More Excuses! Breaking Through the Top 10 Obstacles Keeping People from Attaining Permanent Weight Loss


    Are you struggling with your weight no matter what diet you try? You initially lose the pounds, but they come right back? You’re not alone. Ninety-five percent of people who lose weight on a diet will gain it back within a year. We have more diet plans and weight loss programs available than ever before in history, yet people still struggle to lose weight and keep it off! On this episode of To Your Good Health Radio, Dr. Friedman doesn’t discuss any particular diet or weight loss system. Instead, he covers the 10 most common obstacles that are keeping people from achieving permanent weight loss -- no matter what diet they’re on or how much they exercise. If you’re sick of gym memberships that go unused and roller coaster dieting plans you can’t stick with, listen to this information-packed segment!Here are some of the most commonly used excuses that Dr. Friedman will help you conquer: Excuse #1: “I’d love to exercise and cook healthy meals, but I just don’t have the time. I have kids, a full-time job, pets an

  • Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health


    Does your doctor still recommend that you avoid foods that raise your cholesterol and instead eat a lot of whole grains? Or, maybe your physician has told you to exercise more so you'll lose some weight -- and drink skim milk because it's "less fattening."If you have high blood pressure, is your doctor recommending you cut back on salt?Dr. Ken Berry joins Dr. Friedman to explain why your doc is wrong about these common medical myths and many more. He also shares insights from his book, Lies My Doctor Told Me Second Edition: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health.

  • Alternative Solutions to Traditional Plastic Surgery


    Everyone would like to win the battle against the sands of time and keep their youthful appearance. But sometimes, genetics, stress, poor diet, and even a lack of sleep can accelerate the aging process. Plastic surgery is a popular solution, but there's the downtime -- and it does come with risks.Dr. Anthony Youn, America's "holistic plastic surgeon," joins Dr. Friedman to reveal the secrets to looking ten years younger without having to go under the knife. He also discusses his "whole body" approach to restoring youth and shares insights from his newest book, Playing God: The Evolution of a Modern Surgeon.

  • Tips to Beat Stress


    Stress puts our health at risk, damaging our body’s systems and contributing to irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, and a myriad of other diseases and ailments. But, people can disarm the harmful effects of stress naturally and holistically. Dr. Bradley Nelson offers these six tips for beating the stress of daily life. Control what is in you. Eat healthy, live whole foods. The shorter the time from tree to tasting, from ground to gourmet, the more positive energy you will receive. Control what is around you. Stay away from chronically toxic people and situations. Stay off of negative social media. Eliminate clutter, physical and spiritual. Clean lines and open spaces in your living area can provide calmness and serenity. Purge yourself of emotional clutter like trapped emotions. Literally “ground” yourself. This concept is also known as “earthing.” You know that great feeling you have after a day at the beach? That is about more than a day of relaxation. Standing or walking in bare feet in

  • "Ask the Doctor" with Dr. Friedman - 8.29.19


    On this episode of To Your Good Health Radio, Dr. Friedman answers a variety of listener's questions including the lowdown on lectins, cow's milk, and if your InstaPot is robbing you of nutrients. Other topics include: The bitter truth about salt (his answer may surprise you) Why corn or anything derived from it should be avoided The best dairy-free milk alternatives If frozen fruits and veggies are less healthful than fresh If avocado oil is healthy or if you should avoid it Q&ADear Dr. Friedman. I’ve been a long-time listener and love your show. My question is about lectins. A cardiologist named Dr. Gundry is claiming this is a poisonous toxin in beans and legumes, tomatoes and many other things. I just got his book and it says eating these can cause weight gain, autoimmune disease, and even cancer. What’s your opinion on lectins?-Nancy, Ashville NC Dr. Friedman. I love to salt my food. Is salt really as bad for us as we’ve been lead to believe?-Paul, MichiganWhat is Soluble Corn Fiber? Is it good for

  • The Dirty Truth About Wine


    The health benefits of wine seem to be endless. Research shows wine helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer and may even extend your lifespan. Having a glass or two of wine each day has even been recommended by the American Heart Association. But, unfortunately, there’s a dark side of the industry. Thanks to a lack of regulation on labeling, most wine sold in the U.S contains massive amounts of hidden colorants, pesticide residue, toxins and excessive sugar. To say these additives are unhealthy is an understatement. A recent analysis found 100% of all wines tested in California contained high levels of glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, the cancer causing herbicide produced by Monsanto. Todd White, founder of Dry Farm Wines, joins Dr. Friedman to share the dirty truth about wine, from irrigation to fermentation. He’ll also discuss how you can choose healthy, organic wine so you get all the wonderful health benefits without any hidden chemical ad

  • Ketotarian: Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Cravings & Calm Inflammation


    The ketogenic diet is the latest craze, but some people are turned off by eating all the meat and dairy the diet includes. Functional medicine expert Dr. Will Cole joins Dr. Friedman to explain his plant-based program, which provides all the health and weight loss benefits of the ketogenic diet --and one that vegetarians, vegans, and pescatarians can embrace. Dr. Cole's approach is called the "ketotarian" diet, a game-changer for anyone looking for a healthier way to drop pounds, lower inflammation, and achieve their optimal physical and mental performance.

  • There's Something Fishy Going On


    For decades, health experts and doctors have warned us on the dangers of getting mercury contamination from eating fish. In fact, the FDA warns pregnant women to limit fish consumption, because the mercury could be dangerous to the unborn child. The FDA doesn't warn the public of the possible dangers of any other food -- just fish. Then, there are all the media reports on polluted waters and how fish are no longer safe to consume. And of course there are those worried about getting parasites from eating fish. Fish has been labeled as the "black sheep" of all foods. Dr. Friedman is here to tell you... there's something fishy going on with all these negative reports. In this episode, he debunks these fish myths and shares why wild-caught fish is the healthiest food you should be eating. ---To stay up to date with Dr. Friedman’s latest articles, videos and interviews, go to You can follow him on social media:Twitter and Facebook: @DrDavidFriedmanInstagram: @DrDFriedman

  • The Power of Different: Link Between Disorder and Genius


    Millions of people suffer from learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autism. While we label these conditions as "disabilities," many individuals with deficits in certain areas of the brain possess great talents. In fact, the very conditions that cause people to experience difficulties in school, social situations, at home, or at work are also linked to creative, artistic, and advanced cognitive abilities. Gail Saltz, MD, author of The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius, joins Dr. Friedman to share an inspiring connection of how the source of our struggles can be the origin of our greatest strengths.

  • Hidden Toxins Linked to Chronic Disease


    Lifestyle, diet, and genetics all play a role in our well-being. A major cause of the obesity epidemic and rise in chronic health conditions may be from a constant exposure to toxins. Hidden poisons in our air, food, water, cookware, cosmetics, and even within the containers our food is sold can wreak havoc on the health of our gut, hormones, and immune system. Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, author of The Toxin Solution, joins Dr. Friedman to share how you can avoid hidden poisons, feel better, and look better.

  • The Essential Oils Diet


    Essential oils have been used for thousands of years. They are a natural and cost-effective therapy for many health conditions, including hormone imbalance, inflammation, depression, digestive issues, and for boosting the immune system.Leading expert in essential oils, Dr. Eric Zielinski, joins Dr. Friedman to discuss his new book, The Essential Oils Diet: Lose Weight and Transform Your Health with the Power of Essential Oils and Bioactive Food.

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