To Your Good Health Radio



Chiropractic physician, Dr. David Friedman, is doing his part to change the dynamics of health talk radio by incorporating entertainment, shock value and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues. Dr. Friedman and co-host Melanie Cole, MS, expose health industry leaders for their part in some of the health epidemics plaguing our nation. He interviews world-renowned doctors, celebrities, sports figures, and New York Times bestselling authors who share the common goal of finding a healthy lifestyle in unhealthy America.


  • Change Your Habits to Become 1% Better Each Day


    Do you need to "reboot" your system -- breaking those bad habits to create new ones?Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorIf you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem actually is your system. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, has revealed habit-breaking strategies in his book, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Clear joins Dr. Friedman to provide insight into some of these strategies and how to transform your habits to achieve your goals -- whether that's to quit smoking, lose weight, improve your finances, or really any milestone you wish to accomplish.

  • Immunity from Coronavirus and Beyond


    With so much fear, confusion, and conspiracy theories surrounding the coronavirus, it's becoming difficult for people to know what is the truth and what they should be doing to keep their immune system at its optimal level.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorIn this important episode, Dr. Friedman covers some basic "Germ 101," as well as immune-boosting foods and supplements -- and the truth about face masks and gloves.PLUS, he answers some of his listeners pressing questions about COVID-19.

  • Suzanne Somers: A New Way to Age


    The sands of time come with extra candles on the birthday cake -- but also wrinkles, weight gain, aches and pains, and a loss of libido.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorWe're told that this is just a "normal" part of aging. Many people believe how we age is determined by our genes. But, could your lifestyle hold the key to a healthy and thriving lifespan? Suzanne Somers is back on with Dr. Friedman to discuss her new book, A New Way to Age.Listen in to learn how to live a longer, healthier life -- with freedom, confidence, and a vibrant sex life.

  • Fast Carbs, Slow Carbs


    There are more diet books, gyms, and health food stores than any time in history.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorYet, our nations' health continues to decline. We're riddled with obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Could the root cause be our consumption of processed foods? For decades, no one questioned the effects of these processed carbohydrates. But, during those same decades, our bodies quietly contended with the metabolic chaos caused by consuming rapidly absorbable starch. Slowly but surely, these effects accumulated and became disastrous, leading to the public health crisis in which we find ourselves today.Dr. David Kessler, author of Fast Carbs, Slow Carbs, joins Dr. Friedman to discuss the havoc processed foods wreak on your body. He also shares how to reach your ideal weight and regain control of your health.

  • Find Your Path to Health and Longevity


    Most of us want to lose weight and live a healthier and longer life.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorThe key to making that happen requires being able to provide our body the best chance at cell protection and rejuvenation. Dr. Valter Longo, author of The Longevity Diet, joins Dr. Friedman to share his scientifically engineered fasting mimicking diet, a proven approach to losing weight, extending your lifespan, and building your resistance to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, and cancer. Listen in to learn the secret to living a longer, healthier, and more fulfilled life.

  • Relentless: Unleashing a Life of Purpose, Grit, and Faith


    A happy, healthy, and successful person is someone who can take the bricks that are thrown at him and use them to build a strong foundation.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorNo one knows that better than John Tesh. In his new book, Relentless, he shares how he used obstacles, including a deadly disease, to shape his remarkable life. All of us will encounter tragedies and heartache. That's called "life." It's how we handle them that defines us. Listen as Tesh joins Dr. Friedman to share his journey.

  • Moving Medicine Forward PLUS Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet


    How much of a medical student's education is dedication to nutrition? You might be surprised at the answer.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorAn almost total lack of nutritional education in med school and medicine in general is what led Dr. Michael Klaper to form Moving Medicine Forward to stress the critical role nutrition plays in healing chronic disease.When given proper nutrition, Dr. Klaper has seen firsthand the body's ability to heal itself, especially from chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases -- which form the majority of ailments and causes of death.  All of these disease states are largely caused by diet and lifestyle and can generally be significantly reduced or eliminated.Listen as Dr. Klaper joins Dr. Friedman to discuss why nutrition is simultaneously so important -- and oftentimes so confusing. He also shares information on certain diet trends, including the keto diet (which he considers worrisome).

  • Hormone Balance for Optimal Health: A Food Solution


    Some of the most troubling health problems have a surprising solution. It's called food!Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorFrom weight problems, infertility, diabetes, and thyroid problems to acne, hot flashes and even cancer, what we eat may hold the answer to restoring our good health. Dr. Neal Barnard joins Dr. Friedman to share some shocking new science on how hormones are wreaking havoc on the body and how our diet can offer a solution. If you want to improve your health, reduce pain, and shed some weight, this episode has the info you need.

  • Plant-Based Pets: The Clean Pet Food Revolution


    We've gotten better at paying attention to labels, ingredients, and understanding what we're putting in (and on) our bodies. What about the foods we're feeding our pets?Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorDr. Ernie Ward's new book, The Clean Pet Food Revolution, lifts the lid on the current pet food industry: its claims of what constitutes a “natural” diet for pets, its shocking record on animal welfare, and its devastating effect on the environment and climate change.The book also exposes "grain-free" pet foods and details some exciting scientific developments to alternative proteins. If you have a furry friend, this episode is a must.

  • Chew on This with Kim Barnouin: Morning Alarms, Harmful Cosmetic Ingredients & Meatless Burgers


    The Dynamic Duo of Due Diligence is back! Dr. Friedman and Kim discuss the latest topics impacting your life and your health.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorIn this episode, Dr. Friedman and Kim chew on how your morning alarm sets the tone to your day and how you wake up can actually influence your health, an ingredient in cosmetics that is causing obesity in females and their offspring, and the latest meatless burger controversy. They also take listeners questions and share their favorite jitter-free coffee alternative, natural ways to remedy pain, and they discuss the latest “anti-fruit” controversy.

  • How Not to Diet: A Proactive Guide for Achieving Lasting Weight Loss


    For over two decades, I've featured every type of diet book out there... eating for your blood type or body type, counting calories, intermittent fasting. The list goes on and on.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorWe have more trendy diet fads than ever in history, yet obesity rates continue to rise. Dr. Michael Greger says "enough is enough." It's time for a different approach. His newest book is How Not to Diet, a weight loss guide that takes a timeless, proactive approach to achieving healthy and permanent weight loss.If you've grown tired of all these yo-yo diet trends, this episode is for you.

  • How to Rewire Your Brain for Better Thinking and Better Decisions


    It's become an epidemic... with 24/7 access to just about anything, we don't have a reason to ever stop moving.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorFrom a scientific perspective, Dr. David Perlmutter and Dr. Austin Perlmutter (his son) explain that today's society is posing serious risks to our physical and mental states, our connections to others, and even to the world at large.In their new book, Brain Wash: Detox Your Mind for Clearer Thinking, Deeper Relationships, and Lasting Happiness, they explain how our brains are being manipulated, resulting in behaviors that leave us more lonely, anxious, depressed, distrustful, illness-prone, and overweight than ever before.Listen as the Drs. Perlmutter join Dr. Friedman to share the tools necessary to think more clearly, make better decisions, strengthen bonds with others, and develop healthier habits.Follow the Drs. Perlmutter on their social media at:@davidperlmutter@austinperlmd

  • End of Mental Illness: How Neuroscience Is Transforming Psychiatry


    Mental illness is at an all-time high.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorConditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, addictions, PTSD, and ADHD are skyrocketing. Every 14 minutes somebody commits suicide in the United States. Every eight minutes someone dies of a drug overdose. And, according to a recent study, over half of the U.S. population will struggle with a mental health issue at some point in their lives. World renown brain expert, Dr. Daniel Amen, joins Dr. Friedman to discuss his new book, The End of Mental Illness. Dr. Amen shares why standard treatment isn't working and what you can do to successfully transform your mind so it's functioning at an optimal level.

  • Exercise Is Medicine: How Physical Activity Boosts Health and Slows Aging


    Exercise has been shown to help people lose weight, as well as lower the risk of many diseases, including obesity, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorExercise can also fight depression and even extend your life. Author and journalist Judy Foreman has done extensive research on exactly why exercise is so powerful for whole-body health and longevity.Judy joins Dr. Friedman to share insights from her new book, Exercise Is Medicine, including a fascinating look at the science of exercise’s effects on the body.

  • Mediterranean Method: A Plan to Harness the Healthiest Diet on the Planet


    Over the years, Dr. Friedman has featured every diet... keto, vegan, plant-based, paleo, pescetarian, and the popular intermittent fasting diet.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorBut, there is one diet that consistently rises above them all -- in science-backed research, lifespan, and cardiac health. It's called the Mediterranean diet.Research suggests type-2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke could be avoided by adopting this way of eating. And, the highly-respected ranking authority U.S. News & World Report has ranked it as the number-one best diet. In this episode, Dr. Steven Masley, author of The Mediterranean Method, joins Dr. Friedman to discuss how to lose weight, prevent disease, and extend your life.

  • Chicken Soup for the Mind, Body and Soul: How to Go from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be


    Most people desire to live a healthier, happier, and prosperous life. Yet as the years go by, many of us end up at the same place.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorA ship at sea won't develop barnacles, but a stagnant ship will. Has your life become stagnant, with mental barnacles?Jack Canfield has spent decades helping people go from where they are to where they want to be. If you want to increase your confidence, overcome obstacles, and live life with passion and purpose, you don't want to miss this episode.More About Jack CanfieldJack knows a thing or two about success and how to take life to the next level. He is the author and coauthor of more than 200 books that have been published in 51 languages around the word. He holds a Guinness World Record for having seven books on the New York Times bestseller list on the same day. He’s the founder of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, which has sold over a half a billion copies worldwide! He’s been inducted into the speakers hall

  • Plant-Based Nutrition: Achieve Optimal Health and Permanent Weight Loss


    Over the years, Dr. Friedman has interviewed hundreds of experts on different types of diets, and how leading a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle can result in a happier, healthier existence.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorMany individuals are finally able to attain their ideal weight following this type of plan. In this episode, Dr. Friedman visits with Chef AJ, who is at the forefront of plant-based nutrition. She offers culinary solutions for getting healthy and achieving permanent weight loss.

  • How to Rebuild Your Gut for Optimal Health


    Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said "all disease begins in the gut."Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorFast-forward to today, and science is proving this to be true. An unhappy gut may be the cause of many chronic diseases, like depression, obesity, autoimmune disease, autism, and even cancer. One of the world's leading pioneers in gut health, Dr. Vincent Pedre, joins Dr. Friedman to explain how to cleanse, heal, and rebuild your gut for optimal health.

  • Encore Episode: Transformative Power of Lifestyle Medicine


    Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, weight gain, and even the aging process are all medical issues afflicting individuals around the world. Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorDean Ornish, MD, has directed revolutionary research proving, for the first time, that lifestyle changes can often reverse (undo) the progression of many of the most common--and costly--chronic diseases and even begin reversing aging at a cellular level.Thanks to the great success of Dr. Ornish's Lifestyle Medicine programs, Medicare and many insurance companies now cover the program for reversing chronic disease. The program has consistently achieved greater changes in lifestyle, better clinical outcomes, larger cost savings, and greater adherence than has ever been reported.Dr. Ornish joins Dr. Friedman to discuss his research, success stories, and the approach to lifestyle medicine, which includes: Eat well: a whole foods, plant-based diet naturally low in fat and sugar and high in flavor Move more: moderate exerci

  • "Ask the Doctor" with Dr. Friedman - 12.19.19


    On this episode of Ask The Doctor, Dr. Friedman answers more questions sent in by listeners.Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorHe’ll share why kale may not be the superfood we’ve been lead to believe. Someone asks if it’s possible to plant apple seeds from the apples you get at grocery store to grow your own apple tree. Another listener wants to know if turmeric powder is healthy. His answer may surprise you! One listener asks for Dr. Friedman’s opinion on fish oil supplements. If you’re taking these, you may change your mind after you hear this revealing information. He shares the difference between carbonated water, club soda, seltzer water, and tonic water. And, he will tell you which one you should avoid!  This, and much more. You have questions and Dr. Friedman has answers.“Dear Dr. Friedman. I’m a long time listener and love your show! I’ve heard some of your guests say how healthy kale is, helping everything from cancer to extending life. But every time I add kale to a salad I jus

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