To Your Good Health Radio



Chiropractic physician, Dr. David Friedman, is doing his part to change the dynamics of health talk radio by incorporating entertainment, shock value and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues. Dr. Friedman and co-host Melanie Cole, MS, expose health industry leaders for their part in some of the health epidemics plaguing our nation. He interviews world-renowned doctors, celebrities, sports figures, and New York Times bestselling authors who share the common goal of finding a healthy lifestyle in unhealthy America.


  • Optimizing Your Genetic Potential


    Everyone dreams of a one-stop-shop when it comes to their health needs and questions. Well, Dr. David Minkoff is the human form of that! He is a leading physician, best selling author & athlete - just completing his 43rd full Ironman at 71 years young. Dr. Minkoff is an encyclopedia of knowledge, and he is back on the show to talk about a wide range of topics this episode, including the misconceptions around protein, how your lifestyle outweighs your genes, good sleep hygiene, and staying active during the pandemic to beat gaining weight (or the "COVID 15.") Find out more about Dr. Minkoff and his company and supplements at BodyHealth.

  • How to Eliminate Stress and Get More Energy


    Stress and a lack of energy are two of the most common complaints heard by physicians. This can range from difficulty sleeping,  low performance, and focus at work, fatigue, lack of motivation, and even depression. Many people turn to comfort foods, energy drinks, coffee, or sugar-loaded candy to give them a needed boost. Unfortunately, their energy effects are just temporary and often followed by a crash.In this segment, Dr. Friedman explains why so many people are fatigued and stressed and he offers simple solutions to achieving sustained, healthy energy!  If you want to stop your yawning and unleash your inner energizer bunny, you need to hear this podcast! Here are a few things you’ll learn:·      A quick solution that eliminates 80% of your stress.·      Natural Alternatives to achieving sustained, healthy energy.·      Foods that fuel stress and cause fatigue. ·      A healthy snack that improves mental focus in less than 45 minutes!·      Secrets to attaining deep restorative sleep.·      Is coffee hea

  • Regenerate: Unlocking Your Body's Radical Resilience Through the New Biology


    As we age, our cells naturally lose the ability to combat disease, our memory declines and we lose our zest for life.But Sayer Ji says we are not prisoners of our genes, and we all have untapped potential for self-regeneration and radical healing. He is the founder of, the world’s largest open-access natural health database.Sayer and Dr. Friedman cover a range of topics in this episode, including how food conveys essential biological information, modern medicine vs. "the new biology," and the health benefits of an ancestral diet. Find out more about Sayer's work at

  • Upgrade Your Brain, Optimize Your Body & Defy Aging


    After 25 years of doing radio shows with health experts, Dr. Friedman says there are really just 3 things people want: they want to upgrade their brain, they want to optimize their body and defy aging. Ben Greenfield's new book Boundless covers all those bases. He's a human performance consultant, a former bodybuilder and a 13-time author. He joins Dr. Friedman to talk about his newest title, finding the best diet for your body with genetic testing, and getting outside (with or without shoes). Find out more about Ben and his podcast at

  • Going Off The Grid


    Between Coronavirus and the political landscape right now, leaving it all to live a remote life in the mountains sounds pretty good right now, doesn't it? Well, that's what Gary Collins did almost a decade ago. With a background in the military, Gary now lives off-the-grid part of the year in a remote area of NE Washington State and spends the rest of the year exploring in his travel trailer with his trusty black lab Barney.Gary talks about how he ended up living this life, what he's learned off the grid and how you can build a remote life for yourself if you choose. He also covers how you can simplify and uncluttered your current life.  Find out more about Gary and his life off the grid at

  • Anti-Aging Benefits Of Stem Cell Therapy


    Stem Cell Therapy has become a major game-changer in medicine. But what exactly is a stem-cell, and what is so innovative about this research?Dr. Joy Kong is a leader in this field and breaks down the science for us, as well as talks about how stem cells can successfully replace damaged cells in the body including healing injured tissue, bone, ligaments,  tendons, organs, and skin.  She also talks about the powerful anti-aging benefits of stem cells and how they can turn back the sands of time.

  • "Ask the Doctor" with Dr. Friedman - 07.30.20


    On this episode of Ask The Doctor, Dr. Friedman answers questions sent in by listeners.He’ll share the healthiest wine and which type you should avoid. The average cell phone contains 17,000 germs! One listener asks for the best way to clean the germs off a cell phone; someone asks for a healthy hotdog option that's not made from tofu or wheatgrass. Dr. Friedman shares a natural way to combat carpal tunnel syndrome and discusses how the dust inside your house could be destroying your health. One listener asks Dr. Friedman, after 25 years of interviewing celebrities and best-selling authors, who is his favorite guest of all time? Also, if you don’t like things like cilantro, asparagus, and spinach, Dr. Friedman shares how your genetics could be to blame.This, and much more. You have questions and Dr. Friedman has answers.If you have a health-related question you would like Dr. Friedman to answer send it to: If he answers yours on the air, he’ll send you a signed copy of

  • Encore Episode: Tips To Beat Stress


    Stress puts our health at risk, damaging our body’s systems and contributing to irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, and a myriad of other diseases and ailments.But, people can disarm the harmful effects of stress naturally and holistically. Dr. Bradley Nelson offers these six tips for beating the stress of daily life. Control what is in you. Eat healthy, live whole foods. The shorter the time from tree to tasting, from ground to gourmet, the more positive energy you will receive. Control what is around you. Stay away from chronically toxic people and situations. Stay off of negative social media. Eliminate clutter, physical and spiritual. Clean lines and open spaces in your living area can provide calmness and serenity. Purge yourself of emotional clutter like trapped emotions. Literally “ground” yourself. This concept is also known as “earthing.” You know that great feeling you have after a day at the beach? That is about more than a day of relaxation. Standing or walking in bare feet in

  • Are Telomeres The Fountain Of Youth?


    Time marches on as hard as we try to stop it. Well, what if we told you there might be a way to stop the aging process, and its already inside your body.Telomeres are the caps on the ends of strands of DNA that protect our chromosomesDr. Darrell Misak has done extensive research on telomeres, and shares this information on his youtube channel, as well as this episode today!

  • Germs Are Our Friends


    Widespread fear of getting the coronavirus has made self-serve salad bars and all-you-can-eat buffets a thing of the past!  In fact, the country’s leading buffet restaurant chain, Golden Corral is changing its format and removing its self-serve buffets. Many Las Vegas casinos have seen their final buffet days and so have cruise-lines.  All this comes from a fear of touching utensils that others have touched. Considering people touch their cell phones (contaminated with 17,000 germs, including E. coli) and doorknobs, menus, elevator buttons, and armrests that thousands of people have touched, where do we draw the line?Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government’s coronavirus task force, recently announced that he recommends people should never shake hands again! Even when the pandemic is over, he says we should permanently cease handshaking and giving our friends a high five.  If we allow ourselves to become germaphobes, this will lower our immune system and increase our risk of getting sick.  Germs are

  • Why Friendship and Kindness May Be More Important To Your Health Than Diet And Exercise


    We've covered a LOT of diets on this show. From fasting to keto, vegan to paleo, each diet has one common focus: longevity! Science journalist Marta Zaraska says it's not just diet and exercise that helps with our longevity, it's a support network of family and friends. Join Dr. Friedman as he explores how the secret to a living a longer life may not be on your plate or fork, but rather through empathy and kindness.

  • Natural Back Pain Relief


    As health declines nationwide, more people are suffering from aches and pains from a variety of ailments. But when it comes to these issues, sometimes a doctor isn't what you need. Sometimes you are the only person who can change our own health. This is the mission behind Ian Hart's work.After suffering a near-death health crisis, Ian Hart set out to fix himself, and discuss his journey today with Dr. Ward.

  • Encore Episode: How to Have Conversations that Matter


    Harnessing the power of communication is a fundamental leadership discipline. Mastering the right conversation skills can build trust, inspire loyalty, and create confidence.On the other hand, not communicating properly can destroy friendships, ruin a marriage, and stall a career.Most conversations today are limited to text messages and social media banter. Many of us have lost the ability to have a meaningful conversation.Celeste Headlee, an expert in the true power of communication, joins Dr. Friedman to discuss how you can improve (and even perfect) your communication skills.

  • The Silent Heart Killer


    Heart Disease is the leading cause of death for both men AND women in the United States. Cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn joins Dr. Friedman to talk about his new book and a little known cause of heart disease - that can increase the risk for blocked arteries, blood clots, heart attacks and stroke.

  • Hormones, Menopause and the Keto-Green Way 


    Are you curious about the ketogenic diet? What are the right foods and how do you test yourself and maintain ketosis, it all seems like a lot of work for a diet.Dr. Anna Cabeca is an author and an Emory University trained triple-board-certified physician - with specialties in gynecology and obstetrics, Integrative medicine, and anti-aging and regenerative medicine.  Listen as she joins Dr. Friedman to talk about how going keto could help you balance your hormones, reach your ideal weight and achieve optimal health.

  • Make America Healthy Again


    People on both sides of the political fence continue to debate on the best healthcare system for America. Some embrace the Affordable Care Act. Others want "Medicare for All." Then there are those who prefer private health insurance plans. The problem with all of these options is that they completely ignore what is really needed if we want to be healthy and lower the financial burden of rising medical costs. Dr. Nicole Saphier says we need to take a good look in the mirror and take personal responsibility. Eighty percent of heart disease and 40 percent of cancer could be prevented by simple lifestyle changes. The healthcare decisions being made by Washington bureaucrats isn't addressing the real problem. Dr. Saphier's book title says it all: Make America Health Again.Listen as she joins Dr. Friedman to share insights from the book and why we can't fix the American healthcare system until we fix ourselves.

  • Encore Episode: Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health


    Does your doctor still recommend that you avoid foods that raise your cholesterol and instead eat a lot of whole grains? Or, maybe your physician has told you to exercise more so you'll lose some weight -- and drink skim milk because it's "less fattening."If you have high blood pressure, is your doctor recommending you cut back on salt?Dr. Ken Berry joins Dr. Friedman to explain why your doc is wrong about these common medical myths and many more. He also shares insights from his book, Lies My Doctor Told Me Second Edition: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health.

  • Importance of Self-Talk in Difficult Times


    During this uncertain time, many people are overcome by negative emotions. Fear, anxiety, doubt... these all creep into our minds multiple times throughout the day.Even when the pandemic eases, a lot of individuals struggle with negative self-talk -- which can have a severe impact on one's mental health.Shad Helmstetter, PhD, is the founder of the Self Talk Institute, joins Dr. Friedman to explain how to most of our negative thinking has been programmed from birth, and how to reverse those thoughts and essentially erase a negative mentality. Listen in to learn how you can make positive, life-changing transformations.

  • Clearing the Culinary Confusion: How to Eat for Optimal Health and Wellness


    Nutrition advice is often confusing. Plus, it's always changing. One day coffee is bad for you, the next it can extend your life. Experts are constantly battling over what's truth and what's myth.Dr. David Katz, along with his co-auther Mark Bittman, decided to clear the culinary confusion by writing their book, How to Eat: All Your Food and Diet Questions Answered.Dr. Katz joins Dr. Friedman to share some highlights from the book, which filters the science of diet and nutrition through a lens of common sense, delivering straightforward advice with a healthy dose of wit.

  • Change Your Habits to Become 1% Better Each Day


    Do you need to "reboot" your system -- breaking those bad habits to create new ones?Order Carnivora: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse -sponsorIf you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem actually is your system. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, has revealed habit-breaking strategies in his book, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Clear joins Dr. Friedman to provide insight into some of these strategies and how to transform your habits to achieve your goals -- whether that's to quit smoking, lose weight, improve your finances, or really any milestone you wish to accomplish.

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