To Your Good Health Radio



Chiropractic physician, Dr. David Friedman, is doing his part to change the dynamics of health talk radio by incorporating entertainment, shock value and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues. Dr. Friedman and co-host Melanie Cole, MS, expose health industry leaders for their part in some of the health epidemics plaguing our nation. He interviews world-renowned doctors, celebrities, sports figures, and New York Times bestselling authors who share the common goal of finding a healthy lifestyle in unhealthy America.


  • The Connection Between Hope & Health


    Do you know the difference between false hope and true hope?Libby Gill has spent years studying the science of hope theory, which is "the interconnection between beliefs and behaviors." In her book, The Hope-Driven Leader, she set out to explore how this theory can shift mindsets from siloed to collaborative and productivity levels from sluggish to robust.She also applies this theory to one's health and the ability to aid in addressing a range of diseases, even cancer, in this encore episode from 2018.

  • The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health


    It's commonly said the most powerful position on the planet is the President of the United States. Actually, that title should go to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to the President. He's the highest-paid federal employee and holds the key to our health care. He advises the Pentagon, foreign governments, and the WHO. Dr. Fauci together with his friend Bill Gates controls the media, scientific journals, government agencies, influential doctors, and scientists. They flooded the public with fearful propaganda and they sensor anyone opposing them.Joining us today is returning guest Robert F. Kennedy Jr. His #1bestselling book The Real Anthony Fauci pulls back the curtain and exposes some ulterior motives behind mask mandates, quarantines, mandatory vaccinations, and the boosters. It's profits before people. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an attorney as well as an environmental and humanitarian activist. As a trial lawyer, he's taken on the world's most powerful corporations and held them accountable for harmin

  • What Your Poo Is Telling You


    "Poop" is often a taboo topic, but the truth is, it's a critically important biological function that should be talked about.The color, shape, size, and frequency of your bowel movements may provide clues about how healthy (or unhealthy) you are.In his book, What's Your Poo Telling You?, Dr. Anish Sheth covers a number of issues you can identify by paying attention to what lands in the toilet bowl.Dr. Sheth joins Dr. Friedman in this encore episode from 2018 to discuss what indicators characterize healthy and unhealthy stools, what a "normal" schedule is, why you shouldn't necessarily panic if you see blood, and how you can improve your overall health by changes to your diet.

  • Unfunc Your Gut & Boost Your Immune System


    Over 2000 years ago, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine said all disease begins in the gut. Fast forward to today and science is proving this to be true. Our gut health might be to blame for many chronic diseases, such as depression, obesity, autoimmune disease, autism, and even cancer.This is the foundation of Dr. Peter Kozlowski's practice as well. He is a family medicine residency graduate who has devoted his career to helping uncover the underlying cause of chronic disease through functional medicine. He trained with leaders in his field, including Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Deepak Chopra, and Susan Bluhm. He now serves patients in person and online at his Montana and Chicago-based practices and is also an author. If you want to boost your immune system, heal your gut and reach your optimal health, stay tuned! We have a gut feeling you're going to enjoy this episode.

  • Hormone Balance for Optimal Health: A Food Solution


    Some of the most troubling health problems have a surprising solution. It's called food!From weight problems, infertility, diabetes, and thyroid problems to acne, hot flashes, and even cancer, what we eat may hold the answer to restoring our good health.Dr. Neal Barnard joins Dr. Friedman in this encore episode from April 2020 to share some shocking new science on how hormones are wreaking havoc on the body and how our diet can offer a solution.If you want to improve your health, reduce pain, and shed some weight, this episode has the info you need.

  • Let It Be Easy: Simple Ways to Stop Stressing & Start Living


    Life comes with hardships. For some people being single is difficult, while for others staying married is stressful. Having kids is tough, yet for some people, so is not having children to share their life with. Being overworked can cause stress, but so does being unemployed.Joining us today is Susie Moore: a life coach, and bestselling author of Let It Be Easy. She believes while we can't always control what happens to us, we can choose how we react. Our thoughts, create our emotions, which create our actions, and that in turn creates the life we live. Susie Moore is a former Silicon Valley sales director turned life coach and advice columnist. Her work has been featured on The Today Show, Oprah Business Insider, CNN, and more. Listen to this joyful interview as Susie tells us how to slow down, and enjoy the everyday moments we often fly by rushing to finish our to-do lists.

  • 31-Day Food Revolution


    How would you like -- in just 31 days -- to use the amazing power of delicious food to heal your gut, lose excess weight, and lower your risk for disease, all while contributing to a healthier planet?That's Ocean Robbins's goal with his new book, 31-Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great, and Transform Your World. Ocean's plan includes 31 simple and affordable step-by-step actions that give you a road map to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food. He breaks it down into four parts:Detoxify: Get rid of the unhealthy foods and environmental factors making you sick.Nourish: Fuel your body with the healthy micronutrients you need to thrive.Gather: Build your community and surround yourself with supportive, positive people.Transform: YOU can be part of the solution. It's a lot easier to change the world than you imagine.Listen in this encore episode from February 2019 as Ocean joins Dr. Friedman to discuss how even small improvements can lead to significant results.

  • Patch Adams MD: Living a Healthy, Happy and Vibrant Life


    The words connection, friendship, and laughter probably don't describe the relationship you have with your doctor. A recent Gallup poll found that most people feel dismissed or ignored by their doctors. They just don't have the time or interest in getting to know their patients.Then there are the excessive costs, which leave many unable to get the healthcare they need. But our guest today has spent his entire medical career putting into practice the idea that healing should be a loving human connection, not a business transaction. He has traveled throughout the world delivering a message of peace, friendship, love, and many of you may recognize his name from the Golden Globe award-nominated film Patch Adams, starring Robin Williams.Dr. Patch Adams graduated from the Medical College of Virginia in 1971. From there, he opened the Gesundheit Institute, a pilot project that has helped over 15,000 patients in a large six-bedroom communal home. This embarked him on a journey to build a hospital that would eliminate

  • Food Pharmacology: Addressing Thyroid Disease


    "Food is one of the most powerful tools in your healing journey.” - Dr. Izabella WentzAs a young woman, Dr. Wentz was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, which affects the thyroid gland and causes the body to attack its own cells.She is not alone. More than 35 million Americans currently suffer from Hashimoto’s—making it the country’s fastest-growing autoimmune disease. Many individuals with or without a formal diagnosis suffer daily symptoms, including chronic cough, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, persistent pain, hair loss, brain fog, and forgetfulness.Unfortunately, many people do go undiagnosed (or misdiagnosed), compounding the symptoms and leading to the destruction of the thyroid gland.Dr. Wentz's book, Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology, combines her revolutionary and proven approach to reversing thyroid symptoms with delicious, easy-to-use recipes that delight the taste buds while they heal the body.Listen as Dr. Wentz joins Dr. Friedman in this encore episode from April 2019 to discuss

  • Break the Chains of Dieting – Healthy Weight Loss Without Dieting


    73% of Americans are overweight or obese. We spend $71 billion annually on weight-loss products, programs, and gadgets, and another $35 billion on gym memberships. In spite of all that time and money invested, the sad reality is 80% of those that lose weight will gain it all back within a year.David Medansky knows this struggle all too well. He was told by his doctor if he didn't lose weight, he had a 95% chance of having a heart attack.He tried several traditional diets, shakes, supplements, and exercise programs. Thinking outside the box, David discovered the blueprints to achieving permanent weight loss. He not only shed 50 pounds but has kept it off. He's now on a mission to help others attain permanent weight loss.His new book Break the Chains of Dieting – Healthy Weight Loss Without Dieting exposes why popular diets and weight loss programs don't work, and in some cases can even be harmful. He joins Dr. Friedman to talk about diets, fasting, and weight loss that really works.

  • Hidden Chemicals Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals


    Are you having a hard time losing weight no matter what diet you try?Research shows chemicals in food, the cookware used to prepare it, and even the containers we store our food in may be the cause of the growing obesity epidemic. Exposure to these chemicals has been shown to interfere with the way the body metabolizes fat, which can lead to weight gain, even if you eat a healthful diet and exercise regularly.In this episode of To Your Good Health Radio, Dr. Friedman exposes hidden chemicals that may be sabotaging your weight loss goals and he shares what you can do about it.We hear about a common chemical used in plastics for food and drink storage that mimics estrogen and has been proven to increase fat cell growth, the biggest issue facing our nation is the childhood obesity epidemic, and how to read food labels for “hidden ingredients” that are linked to weight gain.

  • TMJ and Oral Health Care During The Pandemic and Beyond


    The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ for short connects your lower jaw to your skull. This is what opens and closes your mouth. TMJ dysfunction can be caused by bad sleeping habits, dental work, stress, and grinding, or clenching the teeth.When your jaw isn't functioning properly, it can lead to headaches, vertigo, pain, and ringing in your ears. Dr. Sanda Moldovan, award-winning Los Angeles, dentist, periodontist, and nutritionist and joins us today to talk all about TMJ and oral health.  She's the go-to oral health expert for the Emmy award-winning syndicated daytime television series The Doctors, and a regular on NBC and CBS. In addition, she's the editor for the Inside Dentistry magazine and a regular contributor to the Huffington Post. So let's talk teeth! In this episode, Dr. Friedman and Dr. Moldovan touch on night guards and grinding in your sleep, vitamins, and supplements for clenching, and how COVID-19 can affect your TMJ.

  • Sound the Alarm: Jay Leno Discusses "Bad" Cholesterol and Its Link to Heart Attack and Stroke


    Every 40 seconds someone in the U.S. has a heart attack or stroke.Lowering your LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) is considered the most modifiable risk factor. However, many people do not understand the connection between having high levels of “bad” cholesterol and their risk of cardiovascular disease. With cholesterol, there’s no warning sign. You don’t feel it, but it could lead to a heart attack and hit you out of nowhere.Jay Leno has teamed up with Amgen on Cholesterol 911, a national campaign that is aiming to raise awareness of and sound the alarm on high LDL-C, also known as “bad” cholesterol, and its link to heart attack and stroke.Jay is speaking publicly about his high LDL and urging patients with high bad cholesterol who are at increased risk for a heart attack or stroke to see the emergency in high bad cholesterol and to visit to learn more about their risks and how to talk to their doctor about new treatment options.Listen as Jay joins Dr. Friedman in this encore episode

  • There's Something Fishy Going On


    For decades, health experts and doctors have warned us about the dangers of getting mercury contamination from eating fish. In fact, the FDA warns pregnant women to limit fish consumption, because the mercury could be dangerous to the unborn child.The FDA doesn't warn the public of the possible dangers of any other food -- just fish.Then, there are all the media reports on polluted waters and how fish are no longer safe to consume. And of course, there are those worried about getting parasites from eating fish.Fish has been labeled as the "black sheep" of all foods. Dr. Friedman is here to tell you... there's something fishy going on with all these negative reports.In this encore episode from August 2019, he debunks these fish myths and shares why wild-caught fish is the healthiest food you should be eating.

  • The Dirty Truth About Wine


    The health benefits of wine seem to be endless.Research shows wine helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer, and may even extend your lifespan. Having a glass or two of wine each day has even been recommended by the American Heart Association.But, unfortunately, there’s a dark side of the industry.Thanks to a lack of regulation on labeling, most wine sold in the U.S contains massive amounts of hidden colorants, pesticide residue, toxins, and excessive sugar. To say these additives are unhealthy is an understatement.A recent analysis found 100% of all wines tested in California contained high levels of glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, the cancer-causing herbicide produced by Monsanto.Todd White, founder of Dry Farm Wines, joins Dr. Friedman to share the dirty truth about wine, from irrigation to fermentation. He’ll also discuss how you can choose healthy, organic wine so you get all the wonderful health benefits without any hidden chemical addit

  • The Secrets to Friendship and Marriage for 50+ Years with Renee Taylor


    Today we have with us special guest Renee Taylor, who stars in the new hit movie, Tango Shalom. If you missed it at the theater, it's now available on all streaming and video-on-demand platforms across the US and Canada. Renee is an Oscar-nominated and Emmy award-winning actress. Her long list of credits and include Mel Brooks, The Producers, and the overbearing, but lovable mother of Fran Dresser's title character in The Nanny.She co-wrote the Broadway comedy Lovers and Other Strangers, which earned her an Oscar nomination for the film adaptation, and she is starring in the new film Tango Shalom, which was co-written by her late husband, Joe baloney, and directed by her son, Gabriel.Today she sits down with Dr. Friedman to talk about that film, maintaining integrity, the secret to a great marriage (of 52 years), and waking up each day with zest and purpose!

  • BioHack Your Brain: How to Boost Cognitive Health, Performance & Power


    The brain is the most essential organ in the body, interconnecting our glands, organs, muscles, and joints. When our brain is functioning optimally, we can think clearer, solve problems and retain memories.Joining Dr. Friedman is leading neuroscientist Dr. Kristen Willeumier, author of the new book BioHack Your Brain: How to Boost Cognitive Health, Performance & Power in this encore episode from February 2021.She shares insightful benefits of starving your brain on the keto diet, eating blueberries for memory, how electronics are affecting the mind, staying hydrated to combat brain fog, and the unfortunate truth about caffeine.

  • The Holistic Rx for Kids: Parenting Healthy Brains and Bodies in a Changing World


    "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree." This early 18th-century proverbial saying means early influences can have a permanent impact. Unfortunately, children are unhealthier today than ever in history. They have more asthma, obesity, type two diabetes, and neurodevelopmental disorders.It's been said that this will be the first generation that parents are expected to outlive their children. Our guest today is Dr. Madiha Saeed, also known as Holistic Mom MD. She is a family physician health influencer international speaker and bestselling author, sitting on several medical advisory boards, and was named one of the hundred, most influential people in health and wellness. In addition, she hosts the holistic kid show a podcast where she interviewed the world's biggest names and functional holistic and integrative medicine. Her new book is called The Holistic Rx for Kids: Parenting Healthy Brains and Bodies in a Changing World, and she's going to share with us some sample blueprints that parents can use to help c

  • Plastic Surgery For Men: Yes, Guys Want It Too!


    Surgical and non-invasive cosmetic procedures are very popular among females who want to tighten up or smooth something out. But what about us guys? We want to get rid of love handles and improve our confidence too! Today's guest is on a mission to help.Dr. Doug Steinbrech breaks through all the taboos of why it's not traditionally okay to talk about men’s physical appearances and how having cosmetic procedures can boost a man's self-confidence and improve his productivity at work.Dr. Steinbrech is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons and is very active on The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. His passion for male plastic surgery led him to establish The New York Institute of Male Plastic Surgery, which provides an educational foundation for current and future physicians to learn about and help further this subspecialty.In this episode from March 2021, Dr. Friedman explores how Dr. Steinbrech got into this niche, the skin and fat differences between men and women, the most c

  • Why Can’t I Keep Up Anymore? Tips to Regain Energy, Focus and Performance for Men Over 40


    According to the Cleveland Clinic, over 50% of men experience erectile dysfunction! Particularly those over the age of 40. Dealing with this condition can of course put a damper on romance, lead to depression and fatigue, and much more.Dr. Deb Matthew MD, The Happy Hormones Doctor, is a best-selling author, international speaker, educator, wife, and mother of four.She is also the founder and Medical Director of Signature Wellness, as well as the President of the North Carolina Integrative Medicine Society.In this episode from January 2021, Dr. Deb will answer all your questions about low T and men's sexual health, including what causes low T? Are there natural remedies instead of that little blue pill? Are my prescriptions causing my ED? Am I losing interest because I'm getting older? and why you can't "oyster" yourself out of a low testosterone problem.

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