English With Kirsty



A podcast for busy people who want to improve their business English. For further information, see www.englishwithkirsty.com/podcast


  • Episode 189: English with Kirsty 189 - Interview with Eva Tunez Salvador

    14/05/2021 Duración: 18min

    This week I have another conversation to share with you. Eva is a Spanish translator who is passionate about international trade and the cultural and linguistic challenges linked to it. Her multilingual translation company, Genuine Translations, helps businesses break all the marketing, legal and technical translation barriers by translating their products’ labels, localising their website, providing certified translations and so much more. Eva is also the Co-Founder of Local to Global, a one-stop gateway for all exporters’ cultural, linguistic and branding requirements.We discuss Eva's work, points to consider when working with contacts in Spanish-speaking countries, and some of the problems that can arise when companies don't take the time to source quality translations.You can find out more on the show notes page.

  • Episode 188: EwK188 - Communication is a shared responsibility

    29/04/2021 Duración: 29min

    This week I have a conversation to share with you. I was talking with Zanne Gaynor and Kathryn Alevizos from Acrobat Global about how communication is a shared responsibility, especially when you're working in international settings where some people are not using their first language.English is often used as a common language for business, but those of us for whom English is a first language have a role to play in making sure we communicate clearly. This isn't about reducing complexity or speaking to people like children, but it is about cutting out unnecessary words that don't add value, avoiding expressions that could be confusing, leaving enough time for people to process, and not making assumptions - among other things.The conversation is packed with tips about how we can be better communicators in international settings, what good experiences we all had as language learners, where people took the time to make conversations easier, and some ways in which you can help others to feel included.We also talk

  • Episode 187: English with Kirsty 187 - How to become a better listener and why this is important

    15/04/2021 Duración: 18min

    This week I'm talking about the importance of becoming a better listener, how this can help you develop better business relationships, communicate more effectively, and help those around you to feel heard and understood.You can visit the show notes page here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode187/

  • Episode 186: EwK 186 - proofreading and editing - interview with Craig Smith from CRS Editorial

    30/03/2021 Duración: 26min

    This week I've been talking to Craig Smith of CRS Editorial. This is how he introduced himself:" Hi. I’m Craig Smith from CRS Editorial. I am an editor, proofreader, copywriter and journalist with over 20 years' experience of working across many formats with different-sized organisations and for a wide range of target audiences."Find out about Craig's new business, the difference between an editor and a proofreader, and what you can look out for when you're checking your own writing.You can find the show notes page here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode186

  • Episode 185: EwK185 - Empowering staff to improve and use their language skills

    16/03/2021 Duración: 18min

    Some of my customers have come to me in search of English training, not because their companies are not investing in their training, but because something about the courses that are being offered to them isn't quite working.This episode is for managers who want their staff to be more confident users of another language, although many of the points apply to other types of training and development too. If you're not a manager, you could also apply some of the tips to your own learning.I've gathered together feedback about what hasn't been working for people, and included my own tips and solutions. Some points are about identifying and selecting the right type of training for the task. Others are about supporting staff to implement and practice what they have learned. You can find the show notes here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode185

  • Episode 184: EwK184 - The stories we tell ourselves and others

    04/03/2021 Duración: 24min

    Today I am bringing you an interview with Rachel Surtees, a psychotherapist whom I met at a business networking meeting recently. This is how Rachel introduced herself:" As a psychotherapist I am fascinated by people and their interactions with each other. I am deeply curious about the stories we tell ourselves in order to make sense of our world and especially how these stories then become our subconscious guides to our behaviour in future interactions. When we become aware of our unconscious stories it paves the way for us to be more choiceful in our future interactions which can be a very liberating place to be."Our conversations covers many topics, but we talk about what Rachel does, why she believe stories are important, how they shape our interactions, and how changing the stories we believe about ourselves or other people can lead to better relationships and better communication with others.The show notes page is:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode184

  • Episode 183: EwK 183 - Communicating with difficult colleagues

    11/02/2021 Duración: 26min

    We've probably all experienced them at some time - colleagues who make life that bit more difficult, with whom we find it harder to communicate, or who do things that frustrate us.What are some things that we can do to make communicating with them or addressing these problems a bit easier?These tips won't fix all problems, but ultimately we're only responsible for how we communicate or react, so it's worth thinking about that to ensure that we are being constructive - even when it's really hard!You can find the show notes here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode183

  • Episode 182: English with kirsty 182 - Interview with Janina Neumann - bilingual graphic designer

    19/01/2021 Duración: 31min

    Today I’m bringing you an interview with Janina Neumann, a bilingual business owner and graphic designer whom I met recently through business networking.Janina is a bilingual graphic designer, intercultural management trainer, and business owner of Janina Neumann Design. JND is a bilingual design company, helping clients create a social impact in the UK and abroad. Working with social enterprises, charities and councils, Janina helps clients communicate their message equally effectively across different languages and cultures. Janina speaks English and German fluently and has a keen interest in learning new languages, including French and Farsi.The show notes page is here: https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode182

  • Episode 181: EwK181 - Lauryn Bradley’s tips on communicating well to make a good impression and build strong business relationships with customers

    07/12/2020 Duración: 32min

    Today I’m bringing you an interview with my friend and business mentor, Lauryn Bradley.Lauryn Bradley is one of the UK’s leading business strategists. Think of Lauryn as the epitome of understated brilliance. No fanfare. Just results. She has owned, started, scaled and sold global businesses for herself and her clients for almost 30 years. Lauryn is an introvert entrepreneur, prefers an easy life and is a cheerleader for building social equity. Lauryn is an online business mentor + trained consultant, not a business coach, so unlike most coaches, Lauryn has the practical experience and geek-ery to show you how to grow your business to 7 figures and beyond. Here are some of the points that we explore in our conversation:•Good communication as a way to build relationships•Communicating well to make a good first impression•Responding to and learning from negative feedback•Making sure that auto-responders and those who work for you are following your brand’s communication style•Lauryn’s resources to support women

  • EwK180 - 8 tips for better online meetings

    22/10/2020 Duración: 23min

    Many of us have found ourselves in more online metings during the last weeks and months. Whether you love them or hate them, it looks as though they'll be here to stay for a while!I've put together eight tips about how you can communicate more effectively in online meetings. These include things to avoid, things to change, and things to try.Let me know if you have any tips that you would add, and also whether any of these tips have helped you.You can find the show notes page here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode180

  • Episode 179 - Interview with Jennifer Jones - Writing Coach

    22/09/2020 Duración: 23min

    Jennifer is a writing coach who helps business owners become confident, happy writers by showing them that writing doesn’t have to be as hard as we make it. She does this so more of us can get our stories and voices out and join the conversation, so to speak, so you can grow your business, help your clients, and work towards creating a society that celebrates and values all of us.In this interview, we talk about different approaches to writing, Jennifer shares the best writing advice that she's been given, and she explains what's coming up in her writing retreat in October. This is not a paid advertisement - I want to encourage people to write and get their voices heard, and I think that this event, which is free to attend if you sign up to attend live in October, will be a great way to help anyone who's thinking about writing their first book.Visit the show notes page for the links and further details about Jennifer's work and her writing retreat:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode179

  • EwK178 - Finding good listening resources with Cara Leopold

    15/09/2020 Duración: 26min

    On this week's episode of the English with Kirsty podcast, I have another interview for you with Cara from Leo Listening.In the interview we talk about * >Bridging the gap between what you want to listen to, and actually enjoying listening to things, such as your favourite movies or TV series in English* >Differences between the types of listening materials that are available to language learners;* Why it's sometimes hard for learners to find good listening resources, and what they can do to fix the problem;* Practical listening techniques that you probably didn't learn at school;* How practising your listening skills can also help you to become a better speaker of another language, particularly if you're listening to conversations;* Listening resources for personal development;* Questions to ask yourself so that you can find the best listening resources for you.Here's the show notes page:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode178

  • English with Kirsty 177 - apps for learning languages - Duolingo review

    10/09/2020 Duración: 17min

    I'm a language learner as well as a teacher.I don't believe language learning apps can replace tuition where you can ask questions/get personalised feedback, or practise with other speakers of the language, but I do think they're a great way to support your learning, strengthen your language skills, and help you to build your vocabulary.In this episode, I talk about my experiences of the Duolingo app - which features I find helpful, and which skills are harder to develop with this kind of app.You can find the show notes page here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode177

  • EwK176 - Interview with Gabriel Clark - part 2

    26/08/2020 Duración: 19min

    This is the second part of my interview with Gabriel Clark, a blogger, podcaster, and language teacher. I have split our conversation into two parts because it became fairly long. In the second part of the interview we talk about:* What learning another language has taught Gabriel about his own language.* How word order is really important in English for communicating meaning * Why pairs of words always come in a certain order (ablaut reduplication) and how this rule can take precedence over adjective rules* Gabriel’s book, “102 little drawings that will help you remember English rules forever probably”, and a description of some of the drawingsYou can find out more on the show notes page:https://englishwithkirsty.com/episode176/

  • EwK175 - Gabriel Clark - practical tips for language learners

    17/08/2020 Duración: 27min

    This is an interview with Gabriel Clark, a blogger, podcaster, and language teachers. Gabriel is also a language learners, so he's able to give some practical tips that have worked for him. I split our conversation into two parts because it became fairly long. In the first part of the interview we talk about:How speaking another language reduces barriers when you're living or working in another country* How speaking your students' language can help you as a teacher* How being a language learner can help you as a teacher, as long as you don't project your own learning style all of the time* How it can be good for your language skills to speak with people who don't speak your first language* 3 tips that helped Gabriel with his language learning.You can find the show notes here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode175

  • EwK174 - Find out more about our English conversation club - conversation with Jane Eggers

    18/06/2020 Duración: 10min

    I mentioned our conversation club before, but in this episode we go into a bit more detail about who would benefit from it, how the club works, and what we do. Further information and the prices can be found on the club page:https://englishwithkirsty.com/conversation Most of our members are from Germany, so the club page page is in German, but if you have any questions, you can use the contact form, or go to the show notes page for this episode, where the contact form is in English:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode174

  • EwK173 - 8 things not to do if you have an exam

    25/05/2020 Duración: 14min

    I don't think many people really enjoy exams. I didn't mind them much at school, but as an adult who hadn't done one for a while, I found myself slipping into some bad habits. Based on my own experience, here are 8 things to avoid if you have an exam - whether it's for an academic qualification, a language test, or something you're doing to improve your skills in your free time.You can find the show notes here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode173

  • EwK172 - get back on the horse - even experienced language learners mess up sometimes

    09/04/2020 Duración: 10min

    Real life can give you inspiration for podcast episodes. This is what happened to me last week and what I learned from it about picking yourself up and trying again when it comes to using another language.You can see the show notes page here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode172

  • EwK171 - 12 things I've learned in 8 years of working from home full-time

    02/04/2020 Duración: 28min

    There is plenty of information out there about working from home, but some of it is a bit generic.I decided to share some things that I've learned and that have worked for me during my 8 years of working from home full-time.I also wrote a blog post about this, so if you'd rather read the information, you can find it here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/2020/03/22/things-that-ive-learned-during-my-8-years-of-working-from-home/You can find out more about my 30 ways to improve your English challenge here - the new challenge starts on 14th April 2020:https://englishwithkirsty.com/about-the-lessons/30-days/I also mentioned the conversation club that I've set up with Jane, whom I interviewed on the podcast last time. This information is in German, so if you don't speak German and want to know more, send me a message and I'll help with that.https://englishwithkirsty.com/conversation-club-with-kirsty-and-jane/

  • EwK170 - Jane Eggers on working in a second language

    06/03/2020 Duración: 15min

    Today I have an interview for you with Jane Eggers, who some of you may remember from episode 16.Jane is originally from the UK, but she now lives and works in Germany, where she has a German to English translation business called Jane Eggers Translations. We talk about Jane’s transition from using everyday German to using the language at work, who helped her, and what role her second language now plays in her business – not just because she translates from German to English, but also because a lot of her communication with customers is in German as well.You can find the show notes and links to find out more about Jane here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode-170/

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