Studio Sherpas Podcast

313. My Biggest Takeaways From 2022 - and What I'm Looking Forward to in 2023



The show today is a very special show where I take some time to reflect on all that has gone on in my business journey in 2022. We talk about it all: the wins, the losses, things that I have learned, and things that I’m excited about for this upcoming year! I love to sit down like this to evaluate all that is going on and find clarity on how to move forward. My hope for you is that you would take what is happening in my journey and learn from both my mistakes and my successes. I want to challenge, encourage, and inspire you to build the thriving business of your dreams. You have what it takes to build the business that will support the life that you want to live and bring true fulfillment to you!  Key Takeaways Build the business of your dreams, not one that you become a slave of. Learn from hard times and take advantage of them as opportunities to propel you to greater heights than ever before. Create a strategy for growth and a specific plan to execute that strategy well. Fewer, yet more impactful, goals a