Psychology Of Eating

Emotional Eating & The Criminal Mind – In Session with Marc David



When it comes to emotional eating, so many of us focus on the habit itself -- the mindless munching on potato chips or the quick relief from a piece of chocolate -- without considering the emotions that drive the behavior in the first place. In this episode, we explore the true root cause of emotional eating (our emotions) -- and the role of the criminal mind in driving us to engage in this unwanted eating challenge.  The criminal mind is that part of us that does something in secret out of fear of disapproval or wanting to get away with something we know we shouldn’t be doing. It’s a natural part of the human psyche that’s typically born at a very young age. As children, when we’re told we can’t have something we really want, we find ourselves in conflict. We want to be a “good” girl or boy, so we don’t lose our parents’ love for doing something “bad.” But we also still crave the thing -- often food -- that we’re told we can’t have. This can lead kids to break their parents’ rules and do it anyway -- which i