Psychology Of Eating

Ending the Cycle of Self-Punishment with Food – In Session with Marc David



If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know it’s not so easy. In fact, it can be incredibly challenging (just look at all the billions of dollars we collectively spend on weight loss every year).  So that begs the question: why is losing weight so hard? While challenges with weight loss are multifactorial, today we look at one of the hidden psychological obstacles that often gets in the way. And that’s feeling like the things we must do to lose weight are a form of self-punishment.  It can seem like we’re being forced to do things that we don’t enjoy, and eat foods we don’t love, and the real kicker? We must do them F.O.R.E.V.E.R.  Healthy decisions like: Eating vegetables at every meal Minimizing processed foods and sugary snacks Fitting in time at the gym most days Prioritizing meditation or yoga over Netflix or surfing the web… … can have us feeling like there’s no longer any pleasure or enjoyment in life. Friends, as long as weight loss feels like self-punishment, we’re always going to be in a battle