F-stop Collaborate And Listen

301: Exploring Antarctica



For many landscape and nature photographers, Antarctica is a dream location to visit and photograph. What's not to appreciate about it? It has incredible wildlife that has no fear of humans, making them quite easy to photograph. It has towering landscapes that are untouched by man. It has massive icebergs that float in the sea ice in dramatic and contrasting color and light. I was incredibly lucky to join the Muench Workshops team as an instructor to Antarctica back at the start of December and even luckier to be able to sit down and record a podcast while on board the Sea Spirit with the Poseidon Expedition Team, a delightful group of experts in their own areas of expertise, including biology, logistics, and photography. I was joined by John "Flipper" Suta, our Zodiac driver and logistics expert, Piet van  den Bemd, the Expedition photographer, and Tomas Marina, a biologist and researcher on climate change. It was an amazing experience to witness and photograph towering mountains, exuberant Penguins, Humpbac