Studio Sherpas Podcast

317. Finding Your People and the Power of Community



On today’s show I want to share from my heart something that is deeply important to me - community. This is one of the major factors that drives what we do here at Studio Sherpas. We all need healthy, thriving community in our lives. It’s the reason I’m where I am now. Community is where you can be yourself, celebrate your wins, and most importantly have people who care about you to carry you when times get too difficult to keep going alone. We all reach those times in our lives and businesses where we just don’t know what to do or how to move forward. In those moments we need strong and loving people around us to help carry us to the other side. Find your people, it will change your life for the better and you won’t regret it.  Key Takeaways  Find your people - this is how we are wired to thrive. By yourself you won’t go as far as you can when in a strong community. Don’t allow the scarcity mindset to limit you or affect the way you view others. The work you do is important. You can’t do it sustainably with