Are You Being Present?

Episode 68 - Seeing People for Who They Are, How They Are, and Where They are in the Present Moment



The Presence Projects presents episode 68 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join host Paul Kerzner for a podcast that addresses an interpersonal issue that causes a lot of suffering, drama, chaos and conflict throughout our lives. The title and topic of this episode is “Seeing People for Who They Are, How They Are, and Where They are in the Present Moment”.  Since being Present is rather challenging at times, we often see people, places and things through the lens of the ego and project our own perceptions based on past experiences and future expectations.  Paul wanted to take this opportunity to share some insight and raise awareness to this behavior as it tends to lead to self-inflicted suffering, tension and trauma that can have unintended and undesirable consequences. As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.  Please check out the rest of the "Are You Being Pre